The religion of Islam gives cleanliness and purity very great importance, so Islam provided more than one method of purification from impurity, but there is a big difference between how to perform Istinja for males and how to perform Istinja for females after urinating due to the different organs of urination, but in general both of them must wash away traces of urine. Well, especially since Islam places great emphasis on personal hygiene.
In this article, Sheikh Saleh Academy provides a comprehensive guide to knowing how to perform Istinja for females to ensure that all steps are easy and in accordance with Islamic teachings.
How to Perform Istinja for Females
Istinja in Islam does not only aim to achieve physical cleanliness, but it also has great meanings, especially since it is necessary when urinating so that Muslims can pray correctly، therefore, we explain how to perform Istinja for females as follows:
- After relieving yourself, use your right hand to pour enough water onto the vulva area to ensure that the water reaches the visible area.
- Use your left hand to gently clean the sensitive area and make sure all traces of urine are gone.
- It is preferable to wipe the sensitive area from front to back to get rid of any impurities so that bacteria do not spread.
- Paper tissues can be used to dry the area and get rid of traces of urine.
- It is preferable to repeat the wiping process more than once to ensure that the sensitive area reaches complete cleanliness.
- Wash your hands well if there are any impurities that have transferred to the skin.
The Impact of Istinja on Women’s Performance
After knowing how to perform istinja for females, we must know that istinja has great benefits that are not limited only to achieving physical cleanliness, but it is closely linked to Islam’s keenness to combine personal hygiene with cleanliness of hearts, in addition to Istinja being obligatory after urination so that women can then perform prayers and other acts of worship correctly.
In addition to the benefits of Istinja in achieving the conditions of purity for performing acts of worship such as prayer, it has other physical benefits as it prevents many diseases and preserves women’s health, especially since this area is always vulnerable to infection.
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Tips for Performing Istinja after knowing how to Perform Istinja for Females
A Muslim woman must follow some tips when performing cleanliness in order to achieve complete cleanliness, as well as to obtain some reward by following the orders of the Messenger, PBUH:
- Putting your left foot forward when entering the toilet, and when leaving it, it is Sunnah to leave with your right foot.
- Start by istibra, which is removing the remaining urine and making sure that there is no residue.
- Wash your hands well before starting to cleanse yourself to prevent the transfer of any germs or bacteria.
- Performing Istinja while squatting because the woman must wash what appears from the private parts while squatting.
- Use your left hand to gently rub the area to ensure all urine residue is removed, then dry it using a thin tissue.
Reasons to perform Istinja for Women
After knowing how to perform Istinja for females, you must know the reasons for performing it, which are as follows:
- Obedience to Allah SWT and His Messenger, PBUH, as many verses and hadiths stipulate purity.
- Getting rid of the remains of urine and feces, which are considered impurity and must be cleansed from because Allah SWT loves those who purify themselves.
- Purity is one of the conditions for the validity of prayer, as it is not permissible for a woman to pray except after purifying herself from the minor impurity, which is performing Istinja by herself.
- Maintaining overall body health and preventing many diseases that can affect women if they do not perform Istinja.
- This also benefits marital life as both spouses are pure during marital relations.
مرَّ النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم على قبرين فقال: (إنهما ليُعذَّبانِ وما يُعذَّبانِ في كبيرٍ ثم قال: بلى أما أحدهما فكان يسعى بالنميمة وأما الآخر فكان لا يستنزِه من بوله)
The Prophet (PBUH) came upon two graves and said: “Their occupants are being punished, but not for a great sin (in their own view). However, it is in fact a great sin. One of them went about spreading slander. The other did not clean himself properly after urination.” (Bukhari and Muslim).
What Can’t Be Used To Do Istinja?
After knowing how to perform Istinja for females, there are many things that must be avoided during Istinja, whether for men or women, some of which are disliked and some of which are forbidden:
- It is forbidden to perform Istinja with animal bones because the Messenger, PBUH, forbade it because it is the food of the jinn.
- The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, forbade facing the Qiblah while urinating or defecating.
- Likewise, cleaning oneself with the left hand and not the right hand should be performed, because the Messenger, PBUH, forbade cleaning oneself with the right hand.
- It is disliked to use human food, animal food, charcoal or cotton to perform Istinja.
How to Perform Istinja for Males

Men must also perform istinja by cleaning the genitals from traces of urine after urinating to ensure purity, so he first begins by ensuring that there are no traces of urine, then the area is washed with water using the left hand to ensure that all residues are removed, and after finishing, he dries the area well.
It is preferable to repeat performing Istinja more than once for men to ensure that complete purity is achieved by using more water to ensure that cleanliness and purification are maintained.
By paying attention to these small details, Muslim men can ensure that Istinja is performed perfectly in accordance with the rules of Islamic law.
Where Can Women Find Inspiration to Perform Istinja?
Islam is the main source of inspiration for women to perform Istinja, as Allah SWT in the Holy Qur’an encouraged purity, and the Messenger, PBUH, also recommended purification at all times, especially since Istinja is very necessary for the prayer to be valid.
Muslim women can also check out online resources such as Sheikh Saleh Academy that explains how to perform Istinja for females through detailed instructions to understand the health benefits of Istinja and do it with ease.
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Who Can Perform Istinja for Women?
Adult women must perform Istinja themselves to achieve personal hygiene and maintain privacy, however, when any excuse or illness occurs, she may need someone from the family to help her, likewise, if she is a young girl, her mother can perform Istinja for her to ensure complete cleaning, and it is preferable for the mother to teach her how to perform istinja for females so that she can then perform it herself.
Who Can Benefit from knowing how to Perform Istinja for Females?
All Muslim women, regardless of their age, will undoubtedly benefit from performing Istinja because it achieves a great deal of personal hygiene to ensure readiness to perform the obligatory prayers correctly, and this also enhances the establishment of a marital relationship while ensuring personal hygiene, therefore, we advise all women to learn how to perform Istinja for females.
How to perform istinja?
The correct way to perform istinja is to remove what has come out and then wash it with water. The purpose of istinja is to remove the impurity and clean the area. If this is the most likely result, it is preferable to use water. There are two ways to perform istinja:
1- Cleansing Stone
This means performing istinja with a stone and removing what has come out with the stone until the impurity is completely removed. This is used in the absence of water, and this is based on the hadith narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her):
“إذا ذهب أحدكم إلى الغائط فليذهب معه بثلاثة أحجار، فإنها تجزئ عنه”
(If one of you goes to relieve himself, let him take with him three stones, for they will suffice him.)
2- Water
Water is used for istinja to remove impurity. It was mentioned that the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform istinja with water alone.
The best way to perform istinja is to remove the impurity with tissues and then wash the area with water.
How Do You Deal With Waswas – Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?
There are many guidelines and tips that should be followed to deal with Waswas (obsessions) regarding purity:
- Learn the rulings of purity and impurity from reliable Sharia sources to avoid exaggeration.
- Adopt the rule “certainty is not removed by doubt” and do not pay attention to doubts.
- Reduce the time of wudu or washing (ghusl) and consider the basics sufficient.
- Be consistent with the adhkar and supplications, such as: “O Allah, remove the obsessions from me.”
- If the obsessions increase, consult a psychologist for help.
Does a Woman Have to Wash Her Labia Minora in Istinja?
A woman does not have to wash her labia minora during istinja, and what is obligatory for her is to wash what appears when sitting down when relieving herself, and this is within the framework of knowing how to perform istinja for females.
When a woman performs istinja from urine, she must only wash the apparent part of the vulva when relieving herself, and this is the answer to the question of how to perform istinja for females.
Many women are wondering about how to perform istinja for females and istinja is only for purifying the external area
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