Free Trial
Welcome to Sheikh Saleh Academy’s Free Trial page! Here, you can explore our comprehensive online courses on the Quran, Tajweed, and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). This is your chance to experience our high-quality education firsthand. Before committing to a full enrollment, take advantage of this opportunity. Our expert instructors will guide you through the intricacies of Quranic recitation, the rules of Tajweed, and the inspiring life of the Prophet. Join us on this transformative journey of knowledge and spirituality. Sign up for the free trial today!
Join now!
To get the free trial, simply sign up on our website and create an account. Once registered, you’ll have full access to the trial materials for a limited time. If you find our courses engaging and beneficial, we encourage you to continue your learning journey by enrolling in our full courses. By taking this step, you can further deepen your knowledge and skills in the Quran, Tajweed, and the profound biography of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Don’t hesitate to seize this opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development.

During the Free plan, you’ll get a glimpse of our exceptional learning environment. Additionally, you’ll have access to sample course materials, instructional videos, and interactive exercises. This will provide you with a first-hand experience of our teaching methods, lesson structure, and the expertise of our instructors. By participating in the Free plan, you’ll gain valuable insights into our educational approach.
Excitingly, to get started, join us at Sheikh Saleh Academy and embark on a transformative path of Quranic knowledge, Tajweed mastery, and a profound understanding of the Prophet’s life. Take advantage of this free trial and immerse yourself in the excellence of our online education. Sign up today and unlock the treasures of the Quran and the wisdom of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). This is a remarkable opportunity to broaden your horizons, deepen your spirituality, and gain invaluable insights. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow intellectually and spiritually. Enroll now and begin your journey towards enlightenment.