Fasting is considered one of the great acts of worship that grants an individual a unique spiritual experience. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims immerse themselves in a deeply religious atmosphere, making it easier for them to perform various acts of worship and encouraging them to draw closer to Allah SWT. It also helps in curbing desires and whims.
Moreover, fasting intercedes for its observer on the Day of Judgment and is considered one of the greatest acts of devotion to Allah SWT. No act of worship matches fasting in its merit and great reward. In this article, we will answer in detail the question: what age do you have to start fasting in islam? highlighting the most important tips and guidelines that help encourage children to fast and instill this great act of worship in their hearts.
What Age Do You Have to Start Fasting in Islam?
Determining the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam is closely related to a Muslim’s reaching puberty. Once a person reaches maturity, they become obligated to perform many religious duties and will be held accountable for negligence or dereliction. It should be noted that there are specific signs and indications that indicate puberty, and these signs may differ between males and females.
In the case of males, these signs include the appearance of hair in the pubic area and under the armpits, or nocturnal emission whether awake or asleep. For females, the signs include menstruation and the appearance of hair in the pubic area. If these signs are delayed in a child, they become obligated to fast when they reach the age of fifteen.
Many virtuous scholars recommend accustoming the child to fasting from the age of seven if they are able to bear the hardship of fasting, to make the matter easier for them in the future and to train them to perform this great duty, while taking care not to overburden or endanger them.
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Does the Age of Obligation to Fast Differ Between Males and Females?
After detailing the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam, it is worth addressing the issue of the difference in the age of obligation between males and females, as this age may differ depending on the person’s gender. This is due to the difference in the age of puberty between the sexes. It is known that girls may reach puberty at an early age, with menstruation starting as early as nine years old, while most males reach puberty around the age of fourteen.
This means that fasting may become obligatory for some women at an early age. This difference takes into account the physiological differences between the sexes and emphasizes the justice and flexibility of Islamic law in dealing with various circumstances.
How Can Children Be Encouraged to Fast in a Healthy Way?
After clarifying the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam, some children may face difficulty at first, especially those who reach puberty at an early age. Therefore, we offer you a set of wonderful tips and guidelines that will help you encourage children to fast in a healthy and sound manner. These tips are evident in the following:
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Clarifying the Virtue of Fasting
It is necessary to explain to children the virtue of fasting and the great reward that a Muslim receives when performing this duty, so that they are motivated to obtain the reward and recompense from Allah SWT.
They can also be prepared mentally and psychologically by decorating the house and creating a joyful and cheerful atmosphere, making fasting a lovable and enjoyable experience for them.
Gradual Fasting
Initially, fasting can be applied gradually until the child gets used to fasting the whole day, by making them fast in the morning, then until Asr, then the entire period. They can sleep for several hours at first to reduce the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
Rewards and Encouragement
A reward can be given to the child or a gift brought that the child desires to encourage them to fast, while praising and commending them in front of family and relatives. This will enhance their self-confidence and motivate them to continue performing this great act of worship.
Integrated Suhoor Meal
The Suhoor should be rich in essential nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, and proteins, with drinking enough fluids, so that the child feels full and satisfied for most of the day and is able to continue fasting actively and vigorously.
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What are the Legitimate Excuses That Permit Breaking the Fast?
There are several legitimate excuses that permit breaking the fast, even if the person has reached the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam, such as the state of a woman during menstruation or during the postpartum period after childbirth, or even during pregnancy and breastfeeding if there is a risk to the health of the mother and the fetus, but this is determined by the specialist doctor.
These excuses come as a relief from Allah SWT to His servants and as an embodiment of His wisdom SWT and His mercy to them. The Islamic religion is a religion of ease and not difficulty, and Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity. It is also permissible to break the fast in certain cases shared by both males and females.
When traveling long distances so that the journey is arduous and exhausting for the faster, forcing them to shorten the prayer, or provided that it exceeds 85 kilometers according to the majority of scholars, and that they do not intend to reside in the place of their travel, or if the patient suffers from a disease that affects their health or their condition may deteriorate as a result of it. In these cases, it is permissible for the patient to break the fast, but it may even be obligatory if fasting harms their health.
The person who breaks the fast with an excuse can compensate for the missed days of fasting when they recover their health or the excuse is removed, based on the saying of Allah SWT in His Holy Book:
(شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنْزِلَ فِيهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ فَمَنْ شَهِدَ مِنْكُمُ الشَّهْرَ فَلْيَصُمْهُ وَمَنْ كَانَ مَرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ)
Shahru ramaḍānalladhī unzila fīhil-qur’ānu hudal linnāsi wa bayyinātim minal-hudā wal-furqān, faman shahida minkumush-shahra falyasumhu wa man kāna marīḍan aw ‘alā safarin fa’iddatum min ayyāmin ukhar.
“The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days.”
The patient is obligated to break the fast in these cases and is rewarded with good intentions, because Allah SWT loves that His concessions be taken as He loves that His obligations be fulfilled. The elderly person who has weakened or the old woman can break the fast if they cannot bear the hardship of fasting. Also, severe hunger and extreme thirst, especially while fighting the enemy, permit a person to break the fast, as well as coercion and compulsion to break the fast is considered a legitimate excuse.
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The Impact of Parents in Instilling the Value of Fasting in Children
Parents have a pivotal role in teaching the child the matters of religion and instilling them in themselves from an early age by applying them effectively and practically, especially fasting, which is a fundamental pillar of the five pillars of Islam. It is important for parents to hold periodic awareness sessions to clarify the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam.
They also must explain the importance of fasting and its great position in improving morals, purifying the soul, and entering Paradise. Parents should also be a good example for their children in adhering to fasting and performing other acts of worship, and explain to them the true concept of fasting. It is not just abstaining from food and drink, but it is fasting from everything that Allah SWT has forbidden in words and deeds.
The Role of Fasting in Promoting Self-Discipline
Fasting effectively contributes to achieving self-discipline among young people because it strengthens their strong will. Whoever can fast from food and drink that is permissible on ordinary days can easily refrain from everything that angers Allah SWT, provided that they seek help from Him, rely on Him, and increase their efforts and supplications.
Also, determining the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam clarifies that the child has great abilities that they may not realize themselves. Fasting gives young people the ability to control their desires and helps them acquire the qualities of patience, steadfastness, and determination.
Fasting is one of the greatest and most glorious acts of worship for Muslims, and therefore a large number of people wonder about the legal age for mandatory fasting in Islam so that they do not miss the reward and recompense. This age may differ depending on the person’s gender, male or female, because it depends on the age of puberty. However, some scholars prefer that parents pay attention to teaching their children fasting from an early age and making it beloved to them so that it becomes easier for them when the appropriate time comes.
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