Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions shaikh saleh academy 


*We offer a Free trial lesson {1 session=30 mins} to new student only.  

*SHAIKH SALEH ACADEMY also OFFERS  ($10 USD) to any student inviting someone to join Shaikh Saleh  Academy.

Please, Whatsapp 00201115734146 after recommending a student to join Shaikh Saleh Academy. Please mention the recommended student’s name & the beneficiary student’s name to get the gift.

the beneficiary student will get $10 USD.


Time is the Most Important Thing We Own. So, students and teachers must be online on time. No delays are accepted from both student and teacher sides. (except for emergencies). 


Students should ensure that their outfit is modest and suitable for the Holy Quran classes.



  • If you notify your teacher or coordinator at least 3 hours before the class about your absence, you’ll be given make up class in another day/ time by the adjustment of the teacher
  • teachers can provide maximum 4 make up classes in a month
  • If you don’t inform and remain absent from your lesson without any notice, your class will be marked as absent and there will be no make-up for it (except in case of emergency).
  • If a student plans to take a holiday, they must inform the teacher and the support team, 2 days earlier, via support@shaikhsalehacademy.com 
  • Your class timing can be changed on your request anytime 24/7 at your convenience
  • Shaikh Saleh Academy holds the right to cancel the classes if any student remains absent from classes for more than 10 days without any prior notice. Request for refund will also not be entertained in such cases.
  • If the student comes 5 minutes late or 10 minutes late or more later then the teacher is not responsible to give you the remaining time of your class time because online classes work clockwise and we can not ask the students who are next to wait for their classes because the previous student was late.


  • In rare circumstances, a teacher might miss a class (e.g., due to an electric outage, a medical emergency), in such cases, if a teacher is late for the class, the student should text the teacher and inform her/him that they are online. The teacher will make up for any missed time or class.
  • If the teacher is often late or misses classes, kindly email support@shaikhsalehacademy.com or text the Live Chat icon as soon as possible.


  • The number of classes/hours has been agreed when any student joins the academy. If you wish to increase/reduce the number of classes, please email support@shaikhsalehacademy.com
  • Please note that you need to pay for extra classes which will be more than the number of classes required into your suitable study plan.

Example: If it has been agreed that you will do 4 classes per month on Saturdays, sometimes it happens that there are 5 Saturdays in one month. In that case, the 5th need to be paid for. Your payment is done according to an hourly rate, therefore the extra classes have not been paid for. 

Q: Can I upgrade / downgrade my study plan at a later date?

A: For Manual Monthly Subscription: Yes, you can increase or decrease your study plan classes but you must inform support@shaikhsalehacademy.com by email two days earlier.

Also, the student can add extra hours to the current study plan at any time ( it’s optional ). But you have to pay for the extra classes

 ( For instance, if you subscribed to the 10 hours package, and you still have 3 more days till the end of month, you can take extra classes and pay for them ).


The quality of learning is monitored closely through various procedures such as measuring attendance discipline, regular teacher training, student & teacher feedback and quarterly progress reports. 


Parents will receive a quarterly report at the end of each 3-month period. This will provide the opportunity for parents to review the progress of their children.

Quarterly progress reports (Jan,Apr,Jul,Oct)


Teachers write down all Classes times + Classes Summary Report once they finish each class. Students & parents will receive a quarterly progress reports each three months. This will provide the opportunity for parents to review the progress of their children.


Our Quality department will email you after a few lessons to ask for your feedback. Please let them know if you have any concerns, enquiries or complaints. Your feedback helps us to improve our service. We highly appreciate it.


Shaikh Saleh Academy keeps the privacy of both student and teacher. All personal information is considered as secret information that no one has the right to know, copy nor use it in any way.


  • the subscription must be done after a successful trial lesson and before the next lesson starts.
  • Shaikh Saleh Academy reserves the right to stop the classes if the payment is over-due for more than 7 days without any notice or excuse.

For Automatic Monthly Subscription:  Your Monthly Subscription is automatically renewed (on the day of Registration) each month until you or the academy cancel it.

*If you have any remaining classes from the previous month:
Please don’t cancel the automatic subscription for that reason as it will cause a problem with the dates. And instead of that;
1- please ask the academy for a refund for these remaining classes
2- or ask the teacher in order to make up these remaining classes for you on other suitable times.

For Manual Monthly Subscription:

New monthly payments and invoices must be made on time on the day of registration every month. Otherwise, the classes will be suspended until the payment is received.

You will receive an invoice (report) via email or PayPal every four weeks that covers the following four weeks. We ask you to promptly submit payments as our commitments to our teachers depends on timely payments.

*If you have any remaining classes from the previous month:
Please don’t delay paying the new invoice as it will cause a problem with the dates and sheets. And instead of that;
1- please ask the academy for a refund for these remaining classes
2- or ask the teacher in order to make up these remaining classes for you on other suitable times.


If you aren’t satisfied! or if you wish to stop your classes at any time during the month, we will refund you 100% of the classes that have not been given. But you must email support@shaikhsalehacademy.com Two days earlier than the date of stopping.

If the number of study hours has not been completed in a certain month you must arrange these missed classes ASAP with your teacher to make them up on other suitable days for both of you.

There is no refund for missed classes, however, the student can take make-up classes for missed classes, if he has sent a prior notice to the teacher.


The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said, ‘Allah has given you something better than them, the day of (Eid) Adhaa and the day of (Eid) Fitr. 

 Accordingly, we have two main public holidays which are Eid Adha holiday that lasts for 5 days and Eid Fitr holiday that lasts for 3 days. (Please note that your classes during these break will be as a gift for your teacher and will not be made up).

13 – Studying in the Academy only

Not allowed to study with your teacher out of the Academy. (Only in the Academy)

14 – Leaving the Academy

If the student decides to leave the Academy for any reason, we kindly request that they email support@shaikhsalehacademy.com Two days earlier than the date of leaving and mention the reason behind that.


Terms & Conditions

shaikh saleh academy