The Holy Quran is the word of Allah SWT revealed to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It includes comprehensive and integrated guidelines and teachings that encompass all aspects of human life. Therefore, setting a Ramadan Quran reading schedule is a strategic plan aimed at enhancing spirituality and a close connection with the word of Allah SWT during this blessed month, in which good deeds are multiplied and blessings descend.
Ramadan also holds a special and distinct place in the hearts of Muslims all over the world, as it is considered a golden opportunity to draw closer to Allah SWT through sincere worship, prayer with devotion, constant remembrance, and reading the Holy Quran with contemplation and reflection. This well-thought-out plan allows for the organized and systematic distribution of Quranic chapters and verses daily, to facilitate continuous reading and enhance deep understanding and reflection on the meanings of the noble verses and drawing lessons from them.
Benefits of Reading Quran in Ramadan
There are many great benefits to reading the Holy Quran in the blessed month of Ramadan, as it is the best time to draw closer to Allah SWT and increase good deeds that raise ranks and erase sins. The most important of these benefits are the following:
- Fasting intercedes because it prevented the person from food, drink, and forbidden desires during the day in obedience to Allah SWT, while the Quran intercedes because it prevented him from sleeping at night to perform the night prayer, recite the Book of Allah SWT, and contemplate its meanings.The Messenger of Allah PBUH said:
“الصيام والقرآن يشفعان للعبد يوم القيامة”
“Fasting and the Quran will intercede for the servant on the Day of Judgment.”
- Reading the Holy Quran during the holy month of Ramadan enhances psychological peace and tranquility of the heart, and makes a person closer to Allah SWT, as the Prophet Muhammad PBUH says:
“الذي يقرأ القرآن وهو ماهر فيه مع السفرة الكرام البررة، والذي يقرأ القرآن وهو يتلوه وهو يشق عليه، فله أجران”.
“The one who reads the Quran and is proficient in it is with the noble, righteous scribes, and the one who reads the Quran and stutters while doing so, and it is difficult for him, will have a double reward.”
- Learning the Holy Quran and contemplating its meanings in any month of the year, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan, returns with abundant benefit and much good to the Muslim, as those who engage in studying, perfecting, and memorizing the Quran are called the people of Allah SWT and His special ones.
Tips when depending on Ramadan Quran Reading Schedule
At the beginning, it is important to realize that the issue of completing the Quran depends greatly on your personal ability, strong determination, insistence on completion, and the level of your diligence in reading and contemplation. Therefore, you can adhere to the methods and tips that we will review in this article to organize your time for reading the Holy Quran and setting priorities, or you can coordinate the schedule in a way that suits your daily lifestyle and personal circumstances.
However, to ensure obtaining the doubled reward and recompense when reading the Holy Quran, you must contemplate its noble verses with great attention, be humble while reading, and think about their meanings. You must also act on the orders mentioned in the Holy Quran and adhere to its lofty teachings, based on the word of Allah SWT, who said:
“كِتَابٌ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُ الْأَلْبَابِ”.
Kitābun anzalnāhu ilayka mubārakun liyaddabbarū āyātihi waliyatadhakkara ulū al-albāb
“[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.”
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How to Divide the Juzs of the Quran over the Days of Ramadan
You can divide the Juzs of the Holy Quran according to the goal you want to achieve and the amount you can read daily. I will present you with some proposed plans that you can choose from what suits you, the most important of which are:
Completing the Holy Quran Once:
In order to be able to complete the Holy Quran only once in the blessed month of Ramadan, you must make a sincere intention and a firm determination to do so. You can divide the 30 Juzs over the days of the holy month, so that you finish reading only one Juz each day to achieve this goal, by dividing one Juz over the day.
The number of pages in each Juz is nearly only 20 pages, so read 4 pages with each of the five obligatory prayers. In this simple and organized way, you will be able to complete the entire Holy Quran at the end of the holy month.
Completing the Holy Quran Twice
If you wish to complete the Holy Quran twice in the holy month, you can double the number of Juzs and pages you read daily, so that you read nearly 40 pages every day by reading 8 pages with each of the five prayers.
With this amount, you will be able to finish the Holy Quran twice during the blessed month of Ramadan, and this will increase the chances of achieving double the reward and recompense.
Completing the Holy Quran More Than Once
If you want to complete the Holy Quran more than once during the blessed month of Ramadan, then this mainly depends on the level of your diligence and your strong desire to understand the verses of the Holy Quran, contemplate them, and reflect on their meanings. The main purpose of reading the Quran in this holy month is deep understanding and contemplation of the commands of Allah SWT with wisdom and thought.
Therefore, if you have a strong desire to complete the Holy Quran more than once during Ramadan, you can allocate from 12 to 20 pages that you read with each of the five prayers. It is necessary that the main goal is deep understanding and correct contemplation, not just finishing reading quickly without real value returning to your soul and heart.
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Methods to Motivate Children to Read the Quran in Ramadan
The most important innovative and effective tips to encourage children to read the Holy Quran and contemplate its meanings are the following:
- Try using specialized smart applications that provide interactive and fun ways to memorize and perfect the Holy Quran, because they offer some entertaining play activities with encouraging points and levels to motivate children to participate and interact.
- Organize interesting and fun competitions between children to memorize the Holy Quran, with valuable incentive prizes for winners and high achievers.
- Launch a rewards system to encourage children to commit to memorizing and perfecting the Holy Quran. Realistic and specific goals can be set, such as memorizing a certain number of verses or chapters, and appropriate rewards can be given when these goals are achieved.
- Integrate educational games designed specifically to memorize the Holy Quran, such as memory games that require children to connect images with Quranic texts, which facilitates the memorization process in a fun and entertaining way.
- Use interesting stories based on the verses of the Holy Quran to clarify religious concepts and Islamic values in a simplified and easy way. These stories can be read and discussed with children to enhance their understanding and encourage them to memorize and contemplate.
How to Combine Recitation and Contemplation in the Ramadan Schedule?
To combine recitation and contemplation during the blessed month of Ramadan, it is recommended to allocate appropriate time to recite the Holy Quran with reflection and contemplation, as increasing reading does not conflict with contemplation and reflection unless there is excessive haste in reading. The reader should contemplate the meanings of the verses while reading and think about them. The righteous predecessors preferred to recite with measured pace and deliberation.
Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) emphasized the importance of deep contemplation during reading, stopping at the wonders of the Holy Quran and realizing its meanings, whether when mentioning Allah SWT, Hellfire, or Paradise, seeking to understand the message carried by the Holy Quran. This balanced method of reading will enhance the spiritual experience and help to achieve the maximum benefit from recitation during this blessed month.
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Which is Better, Completing the Quran or Contemplating?
Allah SWT says:
“أَفَلا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ الْقُرْآنَ أَمْ عَلَى قُلُوبٍ أَقْفَالُهَا”
Afalā yatadabbarūna al-Qurʾāna am ʿalā qulūbin aqfāluhā
“Then do they not reflect upon the Quran, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?”
From this we can realize that both completing the Quran and contemplating it have their value and importance in Islam. However, deep contemplation is considered better and more beneficial even if the amount of reading is less.
Therefore, we recommend Muslims during and outside the month of Ramadan to recite the Holy Quran a lot, focusing on contemplation and reflection on its meanings, as deep understanding of the verses enhances the spiritual experience and deepens the desired benefit.
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Is it Necessary to Read the Quran with Contemplation in Ramadan?
It is recommended to read the Holy Quran with contemplation and reflection in the blessed month of Ramadan, as the noble Sunnah emphasizes the importance of contemplation, although there is no harm in reading without contemplation.
However, taking care of reflection and contemplation on what is read enhances the spiritual benefit and deepens the faith experience, as Allah SWT says:
“كِتَابٌ أَنْزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ”.
Kitābun anzalnāhu ilayka mubārakun liyaddabbarū āyātihi
“[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses”.
What is the schedule for reading the Quran?
A Muslim can complete reading the Holy Quran in multiple and different ways during the blessed month of Ramadan. Some can complete the Holy Quran in just three and a half days by reading 9 parts daily, and to complete it in just two and a half days, he must read 12 parts daily. The time it takes to read 12 parts daily is approximately 4 hours, and this will help you organize your time effectively and achieve the greatest possible benefit from the blessed month of Ramadan.
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How do you schedule to finish the Quran in Ramadan?
In order to be able to organize your time well to complete the Holy Quran during the blessed month of Ramadan, follow these steps:
- Determine the number of times you intend to complete the Holy Quran during the holy month.
- Divide the parts and pages over the day in an organized and realistic way.
- Take into account your daily schedule of work, study, social events, and holidays to compensate for any shortcomings that may occur in reading.
- Review and evaluate your weekly performance to remedy any shortcomings or delays in reading, if any.
Is it better to read the Quran in the morning or at night?
Reading the Holy Quran is desirable at all times and times. It is wrong to believe that the best time to read the Holy Quran is only in the last part of the night. However, we cannot forget the advantages of reading the Holy Quran after the Fajr prayer, which increases your contemplation and understanding of the verses and your ability to benefit from them due to the clarity of your mind and the calm atmosphere around you.