The month of Ramadan is the best and greatest month in which you can improve your relationship with Allah SWT and strengthen your connection with Him. Since fasting is one of the most beloved acts of worship to Allah SWT, it is the only act of worship that continues for several consecutive hours and helps the Muslim to refine himself and purify his soul. Some people may feel great pressure and anxiety when the month of Ramadan approaches, because of their desire to exploit this season of worship with the maximum possible energy and invest it in the best way.
Although this is good and desirable, and it is important that you are keen to increase acts of obedience and drawing closer to Allah, you must deal with the month of Ramadan with a more positive attitude, so that you may receive the faithful inspirations, blessings, and graces that Allah sends down upon His fasting servants. In this article, we will talk about the best way of preparation for Ramadan, mentioning the best effective ways to organize time and invest it in worship and work.
How Can a Muslim Strengthen His Relationship with Allah Before Ramadan?
Many scholars and virtuous people call the month of Rajab the month of sowing and planting, the month of Shaban the month of watering and irrigation, and the month of Ramadan the month of harvesting and reaping the fruits. Dhu al-Nun al-Misri said: “Rajab is for abandoning afflictions, Sha’ban is for using acts of obedience, and Ramadan is for awaiting blessings. Whoever does not abandon afflictions, does not use acts of obedience, and does not await blessings, he is among the people of nonsense.”
You can prepare for the month of Ramadan in this way by starting to work and prepare from the month of Rajab and committing to worship with excellence and perfection, so that it will be easier for you in the month of Ramadan and you will be more prepared and active. You can strike with an arrow in every door of the many doors of goodness, such as charity, supplication, repentance, seeking forgiveness, reading the Quran, maintaining kinship ties, and being kind to people.
You must have a constant portion of the Holy Quran that you do not give up as whatever your circumstances or concerns. Your time needs the blessing of the Quran and its lights and guidance. You can learn humility in prayer and listen to some religious lessons and preaching lectures to purify your soul and purify your heart and spirit.
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Best Ways to Organize Time for Worship and Work During Ramadan?
There are many ways and various means that can be used to organize time and invest it in worship and work during the month of Ramadan, especially if you are busy with many tasks and responsibilities. Among these effective ways are the following:
Dividing the day based on the five prayers
They are the most important, most glorious, and best acts of worship with Allah SWT. Whenever you perform them on time with humility and sincerity, you will feel the blessing, light, and happiness of the day. Preserve performing the prayers on time and strive for that.
Good Planning
Putting a simple and clear plan that includes the most important tasks that you must accomplish on that day. This plan must have a high degree of flexibility and be amenable to adjustment and change according to circumstances and conditions. You must keep in mind the priorities on which your day is based, and present the most important over the important.
Avoiding sins
Being keen to avoid sins, transgressions, and evil deeds as this is one of the most important things that the Muslim must adhere to throughout the virtuous month, because transgressions waste time and effort and corrupt the heart and spirit.
Transforming work into worship
Transforming work into a sincere act of worship for Allah SWT with good intention and sincerity. If you make the intention sincere to Allah in your work, it turns into a great act of worship for which you are rewarded.
Using modern applications
Trying to use some modern applications available on smartphones to make a well-organized timetable and to remind you of the most important tasks and acts of worship that you must do during the day.
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Nutritional Tips for Maintaining Health While Fasting
Preparing for the blessed month of Ramadan is one of the essential matters that the Muslim must take care of and pay great attention to. The most important nutritional tips that help you maintain your health while fasting are as follows:
- Increasing intake of fresh and colorful fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, so that they give you a feeling of satiety and fullness throughout the day, and provide you with the necessary nutrients that your body needs.
- It is preferable to avoid processed sugars, fatty sweets, fatty substances, fried foods, and fast food, and it is recommended to do some light exercises to avoid lethargy, laziness, and laziness.
- Eating an adequate amount of fluids, healthy drinks, and pure water, so that you may compensate for what you lose during fasting and maintain the hydration, vitality, and activity of your body.
- Avoid eating too much food during Iftar so that you do not harm your body and cause indigestion. It is preferable for the Iftar meal to contain protein and vegetables.
- Eat a balanced and complete meal during Suhoor to provide you with the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
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How Can Psychological Challenges Be Dealt With in Ramadan?
A person may go through a set of psychological challenges and pressures that may affect his worship in one way or another, such as the Muslim falling into a sin or transgression. Instead of regretting what he has done and promising not to return to this sin again, he continues to flagellate himself and blame himself. This is wrong because a bad mentality wastes many opportunities and blessings for you.
If you happen to go through some lethargy and weakness after several days of striving in worship, you can supplicate to Allah a lot and seek help from Him, for He is the One who owns your heart and He is the One who is able to help and support you. It is preferable to exercise regularly because it helps to improve mood and get rid of negative energy.
Some pressures and worries may arise as a result of the difficult circumstances and accumulated problems of life. You can overcome these challenges by remembering the many blessings of Allah and how He saved you every time from every harm that almost afflicted you. Always say to yourself: “The Lord of good brings nothing but good,” and perhaps a trial and hardship is followed by a grant and a gift.
Activities for the Family to Do Together in Ramadan
There are many wonderful activities and events that the family can do together to prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan and to enjoy the atmosphere of this virtuous month, such as making some beautiful Ramadan decorations to bring joy and happiness to the souls of children, so that they may feel the glorification of the rites of Allah and appreciate them as they deserve.
The family can cooperate with each other in preparing the Iftar meal and arranging the dining table. You can also organize interesting Ramadan competitions to discuss some religious lessons and interpretation. You can make a collective Iftar for the needy and the poor and distribute meals and clothes to them. In addition to praying as a family collectively and allocating a certain time to read the Quranic Wird and study its meanings.
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How Can Charity Be Planned During Ramadan?
Charity can be planned during the month of Ramadan by determining the basic supplies that poor people need during the holy month, and making a specific and organized plan to purchase only the basics and necessities, so that you do not be swept away by the luxury and unnecessary things.
It is preferable to choose some trusted places and entities to distribute charity after determining its amount and type. You can also deliver it yourself to the poor and needy near your place of residence.
How Can a Schedule Be Made to Read the Quran During Ramadan?
In the beginning, you must determine how many times you want to complete the Quran in the month of Ramadan. This shows the importance of preparing for Ramadan before its arrival. After that, divide the number of pages of the Quran by the number of days of the month, or choose a specific time to read the Quran daily. You can use some reliable interpretation books to understand what you read from the verses of the Quran well and reflect on their meanings.
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How Can Negative Habits Be Quit in Preparation for Ramadan?
You can quit bad habits by supplicating a lot to Allah SWT, insisting on abandoning sin and transgression, replacing it with another positive and beneficial habit and being patient with that. Eradicating a bad habit may be very difficult at first, but you can make it difficult for yourself and make it undesirable. It is preferable to put a penalty on every time you repeat it. Know the purpose of your life and discover yourself. All of this will help you to get rid of bad habits and despicable qualities.
How Can Ramadan Be Exploited for Positive Personal Change?
Preparing for Ramadan and the acts of worship and good deeds that you do during this month can be a golden opportunity for change for the better, by building good habits that last after Ramadan and continue with you throughout the year, and getting rid of bad habits that you thought you could never get rid of.
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Tips for Maintaining Tarawih Prayer
Among the most important tips that help you to maintain Tarawih prayer during the blessed month of Ramadan are the following:
- preparing for Ramadan by performing the night prayer, even if with one Rakah, before the beginning of the month.
- It is preferable to pray in congregation, whether in the mosque or with your family, so that you do not become lazy and your motivation does not wane.
- Learning and listening to some religious lessons and preaching lectures that motivate you not to leave Tarawih and night prayers, and show you the virtue of this great prayer.
Fasting the month of Ramadan carries many valuable meanings and great lessons, such as fearing Allah SWT and being humble before Him. You must be keen to prepare for the month of Ramadan well, so that you do not lose a great deal of reward and recompense. The preparation should be by making a comprehensive and integrated plan that includes raising your level in all branches of worship, such as prayer, the Quran, supplication, remembrance, charity, maintaining kinship ties, and being kind to people.