learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners and learning Tajweed in general is one of the noblest and most honorable sciences that one should strive to learn and perfect throughout their life.
The importance of Tajweed lies in its use to improve reading, ensuring proper pronunciation of letters. Using Tajweed rules to read the Quran is one of the most virtuous deeds that bring one closer to Allah.
What are the Rules of Tajweed for Beginners?
Here are examples for each fundamental rules of Tajweed for beginners:
1. Makharij al-Huruf (Articulation Points of Letters)
- Example: The letter “ق” (Qaaf) is pronounced from the back of the tongue touching the soft palate.
2. Sifaat al-Huruf (Characteristics of Letters)
- Example: The letter “ص” (Saad) is heavy (tafkheem), whereas “س” (Seen) is light (tarqeeq).
3. Noon Saakinah and Tanween Rules
- Idghaam: Example: “مَنْ يَعْمَلْ” (man ya’mal) – merging Noon into Ya.
- Iqlab: Example: “مِن بَعْدِ” (min ba’d) – Noon changes to Meem.
- Ikhfaa: Example: “مِنْ تَحْتِهَا” (min tahtiha) – Noon sound is hidden.
- Izhaar: Example: “مِنْ أَهْلِ” (min ahli) – Noon sound is clearly pronounced.
4. Meem Saakinah Rules
- Idghaam Shafawi: Example: “كَمْ مِنْ” (kam min) – merging Meem into Meem.
- Ikhfaa Shafawi: Example: “يَعْلَمْ بِهِمْ” (ya’lam bihim) – Meem sound is hidden before Baa.
- Izhaar Shafawi: Example: “عَلَيْهِمْ قَوْمًا” (alayhim qawman) – Meem sound is clearly pronounced.
5. Rules of Laam
- Laam Shamsiyyah: Example: “الشَّمْسُ” (ash-shamsu) – Laam is silent.
- Laam Qamariyyah: Example: “القَمَرُ” (al-qamaru) – Laam is pronounced.
6. Qalqalah (Echoing Sound)
- Example: “يَقْتُلُونَ” (yaqtuloona) – Qaf has a bouncing sound due to sukoon.
7. Mudood (Elongation)
- Madd Asli: Example: “قال” (qaala) – natural elongation (2 counts).
- Madd Far’i: Example: “جَاءَ” (jaa’a) – secondary elongation (up to 6 counts).
8. Ghunna (Nasal Sound)
- Example: “إِنَّ” (inna) – nasal sound in Noon with shaddah.
9. Stopping (Waqf) and Pausing (Sakt)
- Example: Stopping at “الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ” (Alhamdu lillah) at the end of a verse.
10. Tafkheem and Tarqeeq (Heavy and Light Letters)
- Example: The letter “ر” (Raa) is pronounced heavy (tafkheem) in “رَبَّنَا” (rabbanaa) but light (tarqeeq) in “فِرْعَوْنَ” (Fir’awn).
7 Essential Tips to Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed for Beginners
Before starting to learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners, especially for adults, not children (as children often require specific methods), consider the following important tips:
- Choose the Time After Fajr Prayer: One of the best times to consistently learn Tajweed is after Fajr prayer, when the mind is clear and the world is calm, aiding better absorption.
- Use a Tajweed Quran: This is a Quran that contains Tajweed rules highlighted in colors, with each rule marked in a different color, making it easier for students to learn and apply the rules.
- Refer to Tajweed Books: These are available for free online and can also be purchased in print from bookstores, helping to learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners .
- Learn One Rule Daily: To avoid overwhelming yourself, focus on one rule at a time and apply it. This approach is effectively used at Sheikh Saleh Academy.
- Read Aloud: This helps you hear your own voice and pronunciation, making it easier to correct mistakes.
- Record Your Reading: Listen to your recordings to identify and correct mistakes. This can be done more efficiently with the help of experienced teachers, as available at Sheikh Saleh Academy.
- Reward Yourself: Reward yourself after mastering each Tajweed rule correctly. This is important for maintaining motivation in both learning and life.
10 Ways to Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed for Beginners
There are many methods to learn Quran reading with Tajweed for beginners, such as:
- Memorization Centers: These specialized centers teach Quran reading for adults and sometimes for children. Check for centers in your area.
- Frequent Listening: Listen to a proficient reciter with clear pronunciation, like Sheikh Mahmoud Khalil Al-Hussary, to help instill correct Quran reading.
- Mobile Applications: Many apps are available to learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners . Search for them on Google Play Store to help with Tajweed rules and memorization.
- Free Online Learning: This is a widespread method due to the availability of the internet, making it easy to learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners through specialized online classes.
- YouTube Lessons: Free online lessons to learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners are available on YouTube, providing clear instruction and demonstration of Tajweed rules.
- Enrolling in Specialized Academies: Sheikh Saleh Academy offers comprehensive learning programs with skilled teachers and structured courses.
- Recorded Lessons: For those without internet access, recorded lessons on cassettes can be a helpful alternative.
- Learning by Imitation: This method is suitable for the elderly who might find it difficult to grasp Tajweed rules. Learning directly from a proficient teacher without delving into the rules can be effective.
- Regular Listening: While not a substitute for learning, regular listening to proficient reciters like Sheikh Al-Hussary can help reinforce Tajweed rules.
- Finding a Proficient Friend: If other methods are unavailable, seek help from a friend or relative proficient in Tajweed to assist you.
learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners
Learning Quran reading with Tajweed for beginners is not an impossible task but requires patience and regular practice. At Sheikh Saleh Academy, we strive to simplify the material and explain it in multiple ways to ensure each student can grasp the lesson and apply it practically.
We offer online courses with female tutors who specialize in teaching Tajweed rules for beginners. Whether you’re looking to learn Quran recitation or improve your pronunciation of letters, our Tajweed courses provide a structured approach. Students can recite the Quran with Tajweed correctly by following our detailed curriculum.
Our courses cover basic Tajweed rules and include tips to learn and memorize Quran verses effectively. Each lesson is designed to help learners understand the table of contents and recite the Quran with proper Tajweed. We also offer a free trial for those interested in learning Tajweed online with a qualified Tajweed teacher.
Join us in learning Tajweed rules and mastering the art of reading the Quran with correct pronunciation. Start your journey to learn Quran reading with Tajweed today!
The History and Significance of Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed for Beginners
Tajweed originated during the Prophet’s time, with the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) teaching the companions the correct recitation received from Gabriel (peace be upon him). After the Prophet’s death, to prevent the loss of the Quran, Muslims documented it, leading to the establishment of various schools of Tajweed rules that we know today.
Over time, different recitation styles emerged due to dialectal differences, further expanding the Tajweed rules, and modern learning tools like audio-visual aids became available.
How to Start Reading the Quran for Beginners

Begin with learning the most important Tajweed rules, such as:
- Rules of Noon Sakinah and Tanween: This is usually the first lesson, covering four main aspects: Iqlab, Idgham, Izhar, and Ikhfa.
- Learning Madd (Prolongation): These are critical Tajweed rules involving the extension of the sound of certain letters for a specific number of counts based on set rules.
- Rules of Mushaddad Noon and Meem: These involve extending the sound of Noon or Meem with the “shadda” for two counts.
Rules of Tajweed for Beginners Course Requirements
If you’re looking to start a rules of Tajweed for beginners course, especially one offered by a highly regarded institution like Shaikh Saleh Academy, here are some typical requirements and recommendations to help you prepare:
1. Basic Knowledge of Arabic Alphabet
- Familiarity with Letters: Ensure you can recognize and pronounce all the letters of the Arabic alphabet.
- Writing Skills: While not always necessary, being able to write the Arabic script can be beneficial.
2. Access to Learning Materials
- Textbooks: Obtain the recommended textbooks and workbooks for the rules of Tajweed for beginners course.
- Digital Resources: Ensure you have access to any online resources or tools provided by the academy, such as e-books, practice apps, and video tutorials.
3. Technological Requirements
- Internet Access: Reliable internet connection for online classes, accessing rules of Tajweed for beginners course materials, and submitting assignments.
- Devices: A computer, tablet, or smartphone to participate in online sessions, watch instructional videos, and complete interactive exercises.
- Audio Equipment: Headphones and a microphone for clear communication during live sessions or for recording your recitation for feedback.
4. Regular Practice Time
- Daily Commitment: Allocate a specific time each day for practicing your recitation and applying Tajweed rules.
- Quiet Space: A distraction-free environment where you can focus on your recitation.
5. Notebook for Notes
- Taking Notes: Keep a dedicated notebook for jotting down important rules, tips, and personal reflections from your lessons.
6. Motivation and Patience
- Dedication: A strong commitment to learning and improving your recitation.
- Patience: Understanding that mastering Tajweed is a gradual process requiring consistent effort.
7. Participation in Interactive Sessions
- Engagement: Actively participate in live classes or group discussions.
- Questions and Feedback: Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek feedback from your instructors and peers.
8. Recording and Reviewing Recitations
- Self-Assessment: Regularly record your recitations to monitor your progress.
- Feedback: Submit recordings to your teacher for constructive feedback.
9. Dua and Spiritual Readiness
- Spiritual Preparation: Make dua (prayer) for ease and success in your learning journey.
- Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive and patient attitude towards learning the rules of Tajweed for beginners.
10. Enrollment in a Reputable Course
- Course Selection: Enroll in a well-structured course, such as those offered by Shaikh Saleh Academy, which provides comprehensive lessons, qualified instructors, and ample resources to support your learning.
What are the Common Mistakes Beginners Make in Tajweed?
- Incorrect Pronunciation: Misarticulating Arabic letters.
- Ignoring Makharij: Not properly learning the articulation points.
- Skipping Rules: Overlooking basic rules like Ghunna and Qalqalah.
- Inconsistent Practice: Not practicing regularly.
- Neglecting Pauses: Improper stopping and pausing (Waqf and Sakt).
- Improper Elongation: Incorrect application of Mudood rules.
- Rushing Recitation: Reading too quickly without applying Tajweed rules properly.
How to Learn Quran with Tajweed at Home?
learn quran with tajweed online free is one of the most popular methods, available through specialized academies like Sheikh Saleh Academy, which provide skilled teachers and structured lessons.
Online learning simulates attending a physical class with tests and evaluations, ensuring thorough comprehension and application of Tajweed rules.
Shaikh Saleh Academy courses:
- Quran Reading Basics Course
- Quran Recitation with Tajweed Course
- Quran Memorization Courses
- Quran Ijazah Courses
- Islamic Studies Course
- Arabic Language Course
How can Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed for Beginners?
Beginners can start learning Tajweed with a basic understanding of Tajweed rules, focusing on practical application without delving too deeply into theoretical explanations.
What are the Best Tips for Learning Quran Reading with Tajweed as a Beginner?
Some of these tips have been mentioned in a previous section; please refer back to that.
Is it Possible for Beginners to Master Quran Reading with Tajweed?
Absolutely, anyone can master reading the Quran very well if they consistently attend sessions, listen carefully, and most importantly, practice regularly.
How to learn Quran recitation with Tajweed?
In my opinion, the best way is to attend sessions and read under the supervision of a specialized Sheikh. Even if done through free online learning, this method is highly effective. Sheikh Saleh Academy provides this with great ease.
How should a beginner start reading the Quran?
A beginner starts by learning the correct pronunciation to avoid changing the meaning of the words, followed by learning the rules of Tajweed.
How long will it take to learn the Quran with Tajweed?
This depends on the student’s comprehension, application of each Tajweed rule, consistency in learning, and patience with mistakes and difficulties.
Why is it Important to Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed as a Beginner?
learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners is one of the best ways to draw closer to Allah.
Allah says, “(This is) a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded” (Saad: 29).
(كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُولُو الْأَلْبَابِ) سورة ص: 33
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The proficient one in the Quran is with the honorable and obedient scribes, and the one who recites the Quran and finds it difficult will have two rewards.”
“الْماهِرُ بالقُرْآنِ مع السَّفَرَةِ الكِرامِ البَرَرَةِ، والذي يَقْرَأُ القُرْآنَ ويَتَتَعْتَعُ فِيهِ، وهو عليه شاقٌّ، له أجْرانِ”
In conclusion learn quran reading with tajweed for beginners is a challenging and demanding task but it is well worth the effort. It is an enjoyable science, and you are rewarded continuously for your efforts.
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Take class in the quran Online with Tajweed
Ijazah in Quran Recitation and Tajweed Course