Muslims are all interested in reading the Holy Quran because it is the holy book for them in Islam, and one of the basics of reading the Holy Quran is the science of Tajweed, which is concerned with teaching Muslims the correct reading of the verses of the Holy Quran without any mistakes, and this science is difficult for many, especially non-Arabic speakers, so they always wonder about the provisions and rules of this science, and they also want to know how to do ikhfa in tajweed.

Sheikh Saleh Academy provides in this article all the details related to the science of Tajweed so that you know how to do ikhfa in tajweed, as this academy is distinguished by the fact that it provides lessons to teach Tajweed through teachers who have Ijazahs and great experience in teaching the sciences of the Holy Quran, especially the science of Tajweed, and these teachers are graduates of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

What Do We Mean By Tajweed Rules?

Before you know how to do ikhfa in tajweed, you must first know that the science of tajweed is a set of rules that make you learn how to pronounce the letters and verses of the Holy Quran correctly as the Prophet Muhammad PBUH used to pronounce them, and this science is taught from person to person across generations, provided that each person has a Ijazah in this science.

The science of tajweed spread widely after Islam spread to all countries of the world, and many languages interfered, and thus errors in reading increased due to the entry of non-Muslims into Islam, and this is the reason that made scholars begin to document the rules and provisions of tajweed, and this was in the third century AH, and every Muslim must read the Holy Quran in accordance with the rules and provisions of tajweed as long as he knows them well, because Allah SWT said that in the holy Quran.

What is Ikhfa in Tajweed

how to do ikhfa in tajweed
how to do ikhfa in tajweed

Ikhfa can be defined as pronouncing the silent noon or tanween in a state intermediate between Izhar and Idgham, so that it is not completely Izhar nor completely Idgham into the letter that follows it, but rather it is hidden while part of its ghunnah remains, and it should be known that Ikhfa is often accompanied by a ghunnah of two movements, and the intensity of Ikhfa varies from one letter to another, as there are letters in which Ikhfa is closer to Idgham, especially if the letter is close to the exit of the noon, but if it is far from the exit of the noon, then Ikhfa is closer to Idgham.

How to do Ikhfa in Tajweed

Many people want to know how to do Ikhfa in Tajweed, so it should be known that Ikhfa is a rule of Tajweed, and its meaning is Ikhfa the sound of the letter, and this rule is specific to the silent noon and tanween as well as the letter meem, as Ikhfa must be pronounced during pronunciation when certain letters come after them.

For the silent noon and tanween, if it is followed by one of the 15 letters, which are (ت, ث, ج, د, ذ, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ذ, ف, ق, ك), then these letters must be pronounced directly and Ikhfa of the silent noon or tanween. As for the silent meem, you must hide it if it is followed by the letter “ب”. As for Ikhfa of the silent noon and tanween, it is called the Ikhfa Haqiqi, and as for Ikhfa of the silent meem, it is called the Ikhfa Shafawy.

Read more: Ikhfa shafawi examples in quran

Benefits of Reading Quran with Tajweed

how to do ikhfa in tajweed
how to do ikhfa in tajweed

After knowing how to do ikhfa in tajweed, you must know that reading the Holy Quran according to the rules and provisions of the science of Tajweed has very great benefits, which are as follows:

  • The most important benefit of reading the Holy Quran with Tajweed is that the Muslim gets the great reward and reward, because Allah SWT and the Messenger PBUH ordered to read the Holy Quran with these provisions.
  • Also, reading with Tajweed always helps to increase the reader’s mastery of the exits of the letters and the correct way to pronounce the Quran as the Prophet PBUH used to read it, and makes his performance in reading better and better.
  • The provisions of Tajweed also prevent the Muslim from making mistakes while reciting the Holy Quran, especially since there are some mistakes that can completely change the meaning, and Muslims must avoid that by learning to read the Holy Quran.
  • Reading with Tajweed gives the letters their due and makes the sound good while reading, and this is what made reading the Holy Quran with Tajweed desirable for those who are able to do it.
  • The Holy Quran must be read in the manner in which it was revealed to the Messenger PBUH and read to him by Gabriel. Whoever intentionally violates these rules, then he violates the Sunnah of the Messenger PBUH and does not please Allah SWT.

Read more: How to teach Quran to 3 year old

What is Ghunnah in Tajweed?

how to do ikhfa in tajweed
how to do ikhfa in tajweed

Ghunnah is a sound that comes out of the nasal cavity and accompanies the letters Meem and Noon, and it is one of the important rules of Tajweed. Ghunnah appears greatly when Noon is stressed as well as Meem, and it also appears in some other rules such as Ikhfa, Idgham, and Iqlab, and its duration is two movements, that is, the duration of opening and closing the finger.

Whenever you pronounce these two letters, the sound enters the nasal passage, and this is what is called Ghunnah, and this Ghunnah may be complete or incomplete, and this varies from letter to letter, but in general, this is considered one of the basic and necessary rules while reading the Holy Quran with Tajweed so that you read the Quran as the Messenger PBUH used to read it.

Read more: izhar halqi examples

What is the Tajweed Rule for Ikhfa?

how to do ikhfa in tajweed
how to do ikhfa in tajweed

As we mentioned earlier, Ikhfa in Tajweed is with the silent Noon and Tanween as well as with the silent Meem, and this happens if a group of letters comes after it and we mentioned them in detail, but it should be known that Ikhfa is often accompanied by a ghunnah of two movements so that the letters are pronounced correctly, and Ikhfa is considered one of the most important rules of Tajweed that contribute to improving recitation.

Read more: Ikhfa shafawi

How Do You Say Ikhfaa?

Performing Ikhfa in Tajweed is very easy, as you must take into account a set of conditions to ensure correct pronunciation, as the letter is Ikhfa by a very small amount, neither a full manifestation nor a full Idgham, while making sure that the nasal sound is an essential part of Ikhfa, and the pronunciation of the second letter is moved directly.

Ikhfa must be well trained to perform it correctly, and this can only be done by reading the Holy Quran with one of the professional teachers at Sheikh Saleh Academy, who have Ijazahs in the science of Tajweed, and who will greatly help you to master all the rules of the science of Tajweed including Ikhfa in a very short time.

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How to Read Ikhfa Haqiqi?

how to do ikhfa in tajweed
how to do ikhfa in tajweed

The Ikhfa Haqiqi is only related to the Ikhfa of the silent Noon and Tanween and not the silent Meem, and therefore they are hidden if they are followed by one of the 15 letters that we mentioned earlier, and it is completely different from the Ikhfa Shafawy, because the Ikhfa Shafawy is only related to the silent Meem if it is followed by the letter ب.