Islamic scholars and sheikhs hold a position of high esteem among Muslims due to their crucial role in guiding people towards righteousness and paving the way for students of knowledge to follow in their footsteps, thus strengthening their connection with Allah. This role is also vital in helping various segments of society understand the rulings of Islam, distinguishing between the lawful and the unlawful, the obligatory and the forbidden.

Certain criteria and qualifications must be met for an individual to be recognized as a religious scholar or sheikh. This article will tell you How to Become a Sheikh and discuss the sheikh’s role in guiding society.


What is a Sheikh in Arabic?

Before answering the question of how to become a sheikh, it’s essential to understand the meaning of the word “sheikh” in Arabic. It refers to an elderly man with gray hair, regardless of his level of knowledge. The term is also used to denote the leader of a tribe and can sometimes refer to a person of authority within the Muslim community.

The Common Understanding of the Word Sheikh

Before explaining how to become a sheikh, it’s important to note that this term is commonly used among Muslims to refer to a jurist or scholar of Islamic law who possesses a deep understanding of religious sciences. People consult them for guidance and solutions to various problems. In Islamic Fiqh, the term “sheikh” also denotes the teacher or narrator from whom a student learns and transmits knowledge.

How to Become a Sheikh

If you want to know how to become a sheikh, certain essential characteristics are required:

  • Memorization of the Holy Quran and mastery of its recitation rules, along with understanding its Tafseer and applying its teachings in daily life.
  • Knowledge of the Prophetic Sunnah and memorization of a sufficient number of authentic Hadiths, understanding their meanings and lessons.
  • A good reputation and exemplary character, particularly embodying qualities like honesty, trustworthiness, and sincerity. One should strive for self-purification and engage in frequent supplications to Allah for guidance and ease in seeking knowledge.
  • Dedication to seeking knowledge in various Islamic disciplines, such as Aqeedah, Fiqh, Tafseer , and Hadith. One should also study Islamic history, the lives of the companions (Sahaba) and their successors (Tabi’un), and other prominent Muslim figures.
  • Utilizing online courses taught by trustworthy individuals or reputable religious institutions to ensure learning accurate Islamic knowledge.
  • Seeking advice from knowledgeable scholars and experienced sheikhs to benefit from their guidance and save time and effort.
  • Reading religious books across different branches of Islamic knowledge to enrich one’s understanding and grasp complex terminology.
  • Studying the four main Sunni schools of thought (Madhahib), understanding their origins and points of difference, and choosing the Madhab that resonates most.
  • Enrolling in an accredited Academy that offers Islamic studies to obtain a recognized degree and benefit from a structured curriculum and dedicated study time.


What is higher than a sheikh?

After understanding how to become a sheikh, one should recognize that Islamic sciences are diverse and vary in importance. A scholar of the Quran and its interpretation holds the highest rank in the eyes of Allah, surpassing any sheikh or jurist. This is because they dedicate themselves to the noblest of sciences: the miraculous word of Allah. As Mujahid said:

“The most beloved of creation to Allah are those who are most knowledgeable of what He has revealed.”

Similarly, when Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) praised Jabir ibn Abdullah’s knowledge, a man questioned him, “You praise Jabir’s knowledge while you are who you are?” Ali replied, “He understood the interpretation of the verse:

«إن الذي فرض عليك القرآن لرادك إلى معاد»

‘Indeed, He who has ordained the Quran upon you will surely return you [to the place of return].’

This highlights the value and status of a Quranic scholar. Following them in rank are the Hadith scholars (Muhadditheen) who combine both narration (Riwayah) and understanding (Dirayah) of Hadith. They possess a comprehensive understanding of Islamic matters, such as Aqeedah and Fiqh, and are considered inheritors of the Prophets.

However, if a Muhaddith focuses solely on collecting narrations without understanding their deeper meaning, they are considered less knowledgeable than the jurists (Fuqaha) who understand the principles of Fiqh, methods of deduction (Ijtihad), and the objectives of Sharia (Maqasid al-Sharia). The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

(رب حامل فقه غير فقيه ورب حامل فقه إلى من هو أفقه منه).

“Sometimes a person carries knowledge (of Fiqh) but is not a Faqih, and sometimes a person carries knowledge to someone who is more knowledgeable than him.”

Each of these sciences carries significant reward from Allah, and one can choose the path that best suits them. online Islamic courses can help individuals find the right path. The previous sections have outlined how to become a sheikh to facilitate this journey.

Is there a difference between imam and sheikh?

Yes, there is a difference. An Imam is typically a scholar of the Quran who leads congregational prayers, preferably with a pleasant voice for recitation. The title can also be used for the leader of a Muslim state known for his knowledge. The term “sheikh” can be applied to anyone dedicated to seeking Islamic knowledge or to an elderly person. Therefore, the status of an Imam is generally considered higher.

Is Sheikh a term applied to anyone over the age of forty?

The term “sheikh” is often used for those over forty or sixty as a sign of respect. However, it can also be used for a young child diligently pursuing Islamic knowledge or a young man leading a tribe or community known for his wisdom.

What are the Requirements for Holding the Title of Sheikh in the Muslim Community?

The key requirements for becoming a sheikh include possessing a sufficient level of established Islamic knowledge, expertise in a specific branch of Islam, adherence to the rulings of the Quran and Sunnah, engaging in Da’wah (inviting others to Islam), and avoiding sectarian biases. This sheikh can be an elder or a young person in Islam.

This, however, isn’t a strict prerequisite. One can acquire a substantial amount of religious knowledge through online academies. It’s advisable to inquire about the online quran academy fees to find a suitable option. Sheikh Saleh Academy stands out as one of the best in this field.


The Sheikh’s Role in Guiding Society and Promoting Islamic Values

The sheikh plays a crucial role in spreading Islam, educating Muslims about their religion, calling people to Allah, promoting virtuous character, fostering Islamic brotherhood and unity, rejecting hatred and violence, and guiding people towards righteousness.

Those interested in learning the principles of issuing religious verdicts (Fatwas) can benefit from Mufti course online or Alim course online offered by Shaikh Saleh Academy.

How Have Sheikhs Contributed to the Spread of Islamic Knowledge Throughout History?

Throughout history, sheikhs have played a vital role in spreading Islamic knowledge and uniting the Ummah (Muslim community) under one banner to face adversaries. Their efforts, through sermons and scholarly gatherings, have significantly contributed to protecting the Muslim community and repelling the schemes of its enemies.

This is why many aspire to become sheikhs, recognizing the esteem associated with this title. Aspiring scholars are encouraged to explore online tafseer classes, as understanding the Quran is the most crucial starting point for comprehending the religion.