The Holy Quran is the Book of Allah SWT, revealed to the last of the prophets and messengers, Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It is the radiant light that guides us on the paths of our lives, the ultimate means of attaining the pleasure of Allah SWT and winning His Paradise, and the conclusive evidence of our true happiness in this world and the Hereafter.
The Quran teaches us the ultimate purpose and goal of our existence, reminding us why Allah SWT created us, guiding us to the best morals, teaching us the matters of our true religion, and providing us with our unwavering creed. In this article, we will discuss How to Become a Quran Hafiz, mentioning the best strategies and effective methods that help you memorize with precision.
The Importance of Memorizing the Quran
The position of the Holy Quran in the hearts of believing Muslims is great and sublime, unmatched by any other, as it elevates its possessor to high degrees and exalted ranks in Paradise. The Messenger of Allah PBUH said in the Hadith:
« يقال لصاحب القرآن يوم القيامة اقرأ وارق ورتل كما كنت ترتل في الدنيا، فإن منزلتك عند آخر آية تقرؤها»
“It will be said to the companion of the Quran on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Read, ascend, and recite as you used to recite in the world, for your station will be at the last verse you recite.'”
Every letter you read from the Quran is counted as a good deed, and a good deed is multiplied tenfold. Allah SWT multiplies for whomever He wills of His believing servants.
The Quran intercedes for its companion on the Day of Resurrection, until Allah SWT admits him to Paradise and saves him from the torment of Hellfire and the torment of the grave and its horrors. It also achieves the greatest righteousness to his parents, for the Messenger of Allah PBUH said in the Hadith:
«من قرأ القرآن، وتعلمه، وعمل به، ألبس والداه يوم القيامة تاجا من نور، ضوؤه مثل ضوء الشمس، ويكسى والداه حلتين لا تقوم بهما الدنيا فيقولان بم كسينا؟ فيقال: بأخذ ولدكما القرآن»
“Whoever reads the Quran, learns it, and acts upon it, his parents will be adorned on the Day of Resurrection with a crown of light, its radiance like the radiance of the sun, and his parents will be clothed with garments that the world cannot match. They will say, ‘For what have we been clothed with this?’ It will be said, ‘For your child taking the Quran.'”
Therefore, it is important to know how to become a Quran Hafiz, to attain all these great rewards and countless virtues.
The Importance of Correcting Intention (Niyyah) in Memorizing the Quran
Before we begin answering the important question: How to Become a Quran Hafiz? You must know that sincere intention is a prerequisite for the acceptance of any good deed by which you draw closer to Allah SWT. If the deed is not purely for the sake of Allah SWT, it will never be accepted. The Messenger of Allah PBUH said in the Hadith:
«إنما الأعمال بالنيات وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى، فمن كانت هجرته إلى الله ورسوله فهجرته إلى الله ورسوله ومن كانت هجرته إلى دنيا يصيبها أو امرأة ينكحها فهجرته إلى ما هاجر إليه»
“Actions are but by intentions, and everyone shall have but that which he intended. So, whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His Messenger. And whoever emigrated for worldly gain or a woman to marry, then his emigration was for that for which he emigrated.”
Therefore, you must strive to correct and purify your intention before starting to memorize the Quran and contemplate its meanings; otherwise, all your effort and precious time will be wasted, and you may be cast into the Fire as mentioned in the Hadith:
(أن رجلاً تعلم العلم وعلمه وقرأ القرآن فأتي به فعرفه نعمه فعرفها قال: فما عملت فيها ؟ قال: تعلمت العلم وعلمته وقرأت فيك القرآن قال: كذبت ولكنك تعلمت العلم ليقال عالم وقرأت القرآن ليقال هو قارئ فقد قيل، ثم أمر به فسحب على وجهه حتى ألقي في النار).
A man who learned and taught knowledge and read the Quran was brought forth, and Allah made him recognize His blessings, and he recognized them. Allah said, “What did you do with them?” He said, “I learned knowledge and taught it, and I read the Quran for Your sake.” Allah said, “You have lied, but you learned knowledge so that it would be said that you are a scholar, and you read the Quran so that it would be said that you are a reciter, and it was said.” Then He commanded that he be dragged on his face until he was cast into the Fire.
Practical Plan to Memorize the Quran
You can memorize the Quran by developing a practical, organized, and precise plan to memorize the Quran, with patience, perseverance, and without haste to reach the goal. This is done by specifying a certain amount of Quranic verses that you want to memorize daily, choosing a suitable, quiet, and stable time, and determining the method by which you will follow the memorization.
Tips for Maintaining What Has Been Memorized
After explaining in detail how to become a Hafiz of the Quran, we now present the most important tips and essential guidelines that help you maintain what has been memorized from the Quran and strengthen it effectively:
- It is important to review what has been memorized from the Quran in a period not exceeding fourteen days under any circumstances. To perfect the review process well, it is preferable to do so within one week, as this helps the brain transfer the memorization to long-term memory, making it more stable.
- You should repeat the Quranic Ayat that you have memorized, even after you have memorized and mastered them completely. You can recite them in your different prayers so that you do not forget them over time. It is also necessary to listen to the Quran at all possible times.
- Learn the Tafseer of the Quranic Ayat and understand their meanings correctly, and try to apply what you have learned of rulings and manners in your daily life. You can also tell others what you have learned so that they may benefit from this knowledge and share it with others.
Modern Technologies in Quran Memorization
It is necessary to use modern technologies to save yourself a lot of time and effort. There are many smart applications available on mobile phones and tablets, which allow you to listen to the Sheikh or reciter whose voice you love and prefer. Some also correct your recitation of the Quran using advanced artificial intelligence, and you can get periodic tests and evaluations to strengthen memorization and verify your level and progress.
Strategies to Facilitate Memorization and Recall
There are various effective strategies and methods that greatly facilitate the process of memorization and recall. Among the most important of these strategies is to recite the Quran frequently, making for yourself a fixed and regular daily Wird of the Quran. This makes it easier to memorize the verses because you have read them several times before. It is preferable to choose one specific Mushaf for memorization, as this will make you remember the beginnings and ends of the pages well and in an organized manner in your mind.
Recite the Wird that you will memorize next week every day this week. It is also preferable to listen to it a large number of times, even while you are performing another of your daily tasks. Determine the amount of Quranic Ayat that you want to memorize, and repeat each Ayah individually a number of times until you master it completely. After you have memorized it well, start memorizing the next verse in the same way, and make sure to connect the verses to each other, so that it is easy for you to remember and recall them at any time.
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Ways to Motivate Children to Memorize the Quran from an Early Age
How to become a Hafiz of the Quran from an early age? This can be easily achieved by following the tips and guidelines we offer you:
- You can hold motivational competitions inside the house if you have more than one child, creating an atmosphere of fun, enjoyment, and excitement. Reward the child who is most committed to memorization by making a daily follow-up and evaluation schedule.
- You can often mention some inspiring and exciting stories about the noble Companions Sahabah), may Allah be pleased with them, and how they were great and very distinguished, and that all of that was through their memorization of the Quran and their contemplation of its meanings.
- You can include Quran memorization in the daily routine activities of children by constantly encouraging memorization and praising the child continuously so that he realizes the greatness and importance of what he is doing.
- You can also memorize with your children, so that the child has a strong motivation to continue and persevere. Mention the virtue of memorizing the Quran and its great reward, and you can buy the child a valuable gift or a toy he loves and prefers after each time he completes a part (Juz’) of the Quran.
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How to Deal with Similar Verses to Avoid Confusion
You can frequently review what has been memorized from the Quran regularly, and persevere in memorization and contemplation, to overcome the problem of confusion and similarity between verses. You can also use some books, smart applications, or specialized websites that display similar verses in the Quran, and you can view the similarities of each Surah or Juz’ as you review and check.
The Best Times and Places to Memorize the Quran Effectively
The best time to memorize the Quran is when you are in the most focused and clear-minded periods, so it is easy for you to memorize and understand. The time should be fixed and regular to stay consistent in memorization and not get distracted by other things. It is also best to memorize at the beginning of the day when resistance and laziness are less. Be sure to choose a comfortable, quiet, and suitable place for memorization.
Start Your Journey Today!
Sheikh Saleh Academy is considered one of the leading academies in the field of teaching the Holy Quran, Tajweed, and Islamic sciences through a group of sheikhs who graduated from Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and who rely on advanced methods that suit each learner according to his level. These are our courses:
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Ready to deepen your understanding of the Qur’an and Arabic? Join our one-on-one online classes with expert teachers today!