Prayer is the pillar of the Islamic religion and a very important means of increasing the connection between the servant and Allah. Prayer is the only worship that Allah SWT has imposed in heaven. It was initially fifty prayers, and Allah made it easier for the servants and made them five prayers, but its reward is doubled and equal to fifty prayers. In this article, Sheikh Saleh Academy fully answers this question: How does praying affect the daily lives of Muslims? and its position in Islam
The Spiritual Benefits of Daily Prayers in Islam
When we talk about how prayer affects the daily lives of Muslims from a spiritual perspective, it must be noted that prayer affects the individual’s relationship with his Allah, as prayer restores the psychological state of the Muslim. This is done by his keenness to broadcast his complaints and problems to Allah SWT, and when he finishes his prayer, he feels as if all his problems have been solved.
1- Embracing Modesty in Daily Life
Many people want to know how praying affects the daily lives of Muslims, as it leads to increased humility with others. This is evident in every corner of the five Islamic prayers, as a Muslim can’t raise his head during prayer and his gaze is on the place of sujood. Also, when performing the pillar of Ruku and Sujood, he is in the most humble state, which makes him realize the greatness of Allah SWT.
Thus, he is keen to attain His pleasure through humility with people, and no one who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise. The Prophet PBUH said:
«إِنَّ اللَّه تعالى أَوْحى إِليَّ أَن تَواضعوا، حتَّى لَا يبغي أَحد عَلى أَحد، ولَا يَفْخر أَحدٌ عَلَى أَحدٍ»
Indeed, Allah SWT has revealed to me that you must humble yourselves so that no one oppresses another, and no one boasts over another.”
2- The Role of Prayer in Strengthening Faith
Islamic prayer affects the daily life of a Muslim in terms of faith, as this becomes clear when a Muslim gains strength and certainty in the face of crises. If Allah is with you, no one can harm you, and the meanings of faith in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Last Day, and destiny, both good and bad, become more firmly rooted in your heart.
3- Cultivating Humility and Modesty Through Prayer
Islamic prayer helps increase humility by encouraging good morals. Thus, humility with people and shyness from doing any bad behavior grow in the individual. Allah SWT said in Surah Al-Ankabut:
«وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ تَنْهَىٰ عَنِ الْفَحْشَاءِ وَالْمُنْكَرِ».
“Wa aqimi aṣ-ṣalāta inna aṣ-ṣalāta tanhā ‘an al-faḥshā’i wa al-munkar.”
“Establish the prayer. Indeed, the prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing.”
4- Understanding Our Place in the Universe
Prayer affects the daily life of a Muslim in terms of understanding the universe, as it appears at the beginning of prayer when we say Allahu Akbar, meaning that Allah is greater and more magnificent than everything, and thus we become more aware of our true status.
And if you are wondering Can I Recite Out Loud When I Pray Alone? you can raise your voice a little to hear yourself, and stay away from obsessions in silent prayer, while in loud prayer it’s recommended to speak loudly because this is a Sunnah of the Prophet PBUH.
5- Developing a Humble Heart
Look what do you say in sujood in Arabic, you say Subhan Rabbi Al-A’la, and this makes you feel the majesty and greatness of Allah SWT, and thus you realize your true status and your humility increases. The Prophet PBUH said:
«رُبَّ أشعثَ أغبرَ مدفوعٍ بالأبواب، لو أقسم على الله لأبره»
“Perhaps a disheveled, dusty person, turned away from doors, if he swore by Allah, He would fulfill it.”
That is, any other person may be closer to Allah than you, so you communicate with everyone with good manners.
The Calming Effect of Daily Prayers
Prayer has a great effect in calming the soul and body, so you should learn about prayer, especially how to perform 4 rakat because the Dhuhr, Asr and Isha prayers are four. You should also know its pillars, duties and recommended actions. The effect of prayer appears through the following:
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1- Reducing Stress and Anxiety
Prayer helps reduce stress by isolating the Muslim from the outside world for some time until his heart is reassured by his closeness to Allah SWT.
2- Finding Inner Peace
The believer finds inner peace in prayer by knowing the reality of the world and that he doesn’t need to struggle or compete with others because there’s no difference between people except in piety and good deeds.
3- Achieving Mental Clarity
Prayer affects the daily life of a Muslim in terms of mental clarity, as prayer works to raise the individual’s focus and clarity of mind and makes him appreciate things correctly. This is done by changing his perspective as he begins to see the world as it really is. We should also improve listening to the Qur’an during congregational prayer in audible prayer.
If you are wondering can I listen to prayer while praying? It’s important to listen to the imam well so that it is easy for you to follow him and so that your prayer is accepted.
4- The Role of Prayer in Purifying the Soul
Prayer is a reason for mercy to descend upon the servants and works to atone for sins and purify the soul.
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: «الصَّلواتُ الخَمْسُ، والجُمُعةُ إلى الجُمُعةِ، ورَمَضانُ إِلَى رَمَضانَ مُكَفِّراتٌ لما بَيْنهنَّ إذا اجْتُنِبتِ الكبائرُ».
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The five daily prayers, one Friday prayer to the next, and one Ramadan to the next are expiations for the sins committed in between, as long as major sins are avoided.”
Some people wonder: can you pray in English islam? It’s important for a Muslim to pray in Arabic, and if he is new to Islam, he can pray in his native language until he learns Arabic, but he must recite Al-Fatihah in Arabic because Allah SWT says:
“إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا”
“Innā ja‘alnāhu Qur’ānan ‘Arabiyyā.”
” Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an.”
Read more: Where can a Muslim pray?
The status of prayer in Islam
Prayer is of great importance in Islam because it is the first thing a person will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection and it’s the most important pillar after the two shihadas. It includes the pillar of Sujood in which the servant is very close to Allah SWT, and then he can pray for everything he wants to achieve.
Therefore, it’s necessary to know everything about prayer such as how many rakats in each prayer and other important matters so that we pray correctly.
Leaving prayer is the cause of all distress
When any Muslim leaves prayer, he feels distressed and very sad because his connection with Allah is cut off, and he sins and loses a lot of reward and reward, and his life becomes miserable. The Prophet PBUH said:
«العهد الذي بيننا وبينهم الصلاة، فمن تركها فقد كفر»
“Al-‘ahdu alladhī baynanā wa baynahum aṣ-ṣalāh, fa-man tarakahā faqad kafar.”
“The covenant between us and them is the prayer; whoever abandons it has disbelieved.”
Sometimes you get too lazy to pray, so what is the treatment?
The treatment lies in frequently supplicating to Allah SWT to guide you and preferably listening to some islamic lessons that explain the importance of prayer and the sin of abandoning it. You can also download an application to remind you of prayer times and increase remembrance so that Allah keeps you away from helplessness and laziness.
How to advise someone who is negligent in prayer
We must explain to him how prayer affects the daily life of a Muslim and that he is losing his life and is in great danger by abandoning prayer. We must also explain to him the mercy of Allah SWT to his servants and that he must repent and ask Allah for forgiveness for this great sin, and begin to make up for what he missed and pray with humility.
It is important to make sure to teach children how to pray so that we can avoid this problem from its roots. You can use fun methods in education such as offering rewards and having a dialogue with them and making them Discover Fun Facts About the Quran for Kids so that they learn well.
How does prayer affect family dynamics?
The five prayers of Islam work to strengthen family relationships and increase friendliness and love between individuals, and this is evident during the gathering in congregational prayer. Prayer spreads blessings and goodness in the home and strengthens the relationship of Muslims with each other everywhere, and thus evident through pray for muslims during ramadan.
prayer (Jumu’ah) for Muslims?
There is great importance to Friday prayer as congregational prayer in the mosque on Friday improves social relations by getting to know each other and uniting everyone in one heart. The Friday sermon also helps teach Muslims about their religion. If you are wondering where do islam pray? men pray in mosques, while muslim prayer for women is better at home.
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