What is the meaning of Hadeeth?

The word Hadith linguistically means: the new objects as well it refers to the speech in

general regardless its length as it happens word by word.
The word Hadith as an Islamic term means the words, verbal actions, approvals or any
manner or physical description of the prophet (peace be upon him).

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Hadith as a kind of Knowledge is divided into two subcategories:

Hadeeth Riwayah(narration of Hadith):

This branch of knowledge deals with the narration of the Hadith which is reported from

the prophet (peace be upon him). In other words it deals with the words, verbal actions,

approvals or any thing related to the prophet (peace be upon him) before his mission or after it.

Hadeeth Dirayyah ( transmission of Hadith):

This branch of knowledge deals with the way of the transmission of the Hadith and the
condition of the reporters. In other words, how the hadith reach us and who are the reporters
and what are their conditions.

What is the meaning of the Hadeeth Mutawater?

Hadith Mutawater is a kind of Hadith which is reported by a great number of the reporters
in all its levels of the chain of the reporters that it is not conceivable that they have agreed upon
an untruth. It is the strongest kind of Hadith.

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What is Hadeeth Ahaad ?

Linguistically, hadith ahaad refers to a hadeeth narrated by only one narrator.
In hadith terminology, it refers to a hadith not fulfilling all of the conditions required to be
considered as mutawatir. Hadith ahad consists of three sub-categories also relating to the
number of narrators in the chain or chains of report:


This refers to hadith narrated by three or more narrators in one or more levels of the chain of


This refers to any hadith reported by two narrators at any point in its chain of transmission


This refers to any hadith reported by only one narrator at any point in its chain of transmission.

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What is hadeeth Saheeh?

Hadeeth, according to its authenticity or weakness, is divided into three main categories

Hadeeth Saheeh (Authenticated Hadeeth) :

It is a hadith that has a connected chain of transmission, each narrator being upright in character, exacting, and reliable in his narration and
transmission and which is free from irregularities or serious flaws.

Hadeeth Hasan (Sound Hadeeth)

It is a hadith that has a connected chain of transmission, each narrator being upright in character, exacting, and reliable in his narration and transmission
(but not in the same level of the hadeeth Saheeh) and which is free from irregularities or serious

Hadeeth Da’eef (Weak haddth)

It is a hadith which doesn’t fulfill one or more of the condition of the Hadeeth Saheeh.

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What does hadith mean in islam?

The noble Prophetic hadith is what was reported from the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in terms of words, actions, determinations, moral or ethical characteristics, or conduct, whether before the mission ( the beginning of revelation and prophecy) or after it.

Hadith meaning in Islam The Hadith is considered the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, as it explains and clarifies the provisions of the Holy Quran, and details the general principles contained in the Quranic texts.

Importance of hadith and sunnah

  • Explanation and interpretation of the Holy Quran: Since the Holy Quran came with some general and general rulings, and the Sunnah of the Prophet came to interpret, clarify, and explain its details.
  • Completing Islamic legislation: There are legal provisions in the Prophet’s Sunnah that are not mentioned in the Holy Quran, such as the provisions of fasting, the provisions of Hajj, the provisions of transactions, and others.
  • Explaining Islamic morals: The noble morals that a Muslim must have are mentioned in the Sunnah of the Prophet, such as honesty, trustworthiness, justice, benevolence, and others.
  • Providing a good example: The life of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was an example for Muslims in all his words and deeds.

Types of hadith

  • Holy Hadith: It is what is narrated from God Almighty on the tongue of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, such as the Almighty’s saying: “I am with you. You do not hear except those who hear you, you do not speak except those who speak to you, and you do not see except those whom I see.”
  • Prophetic Hadith: It is what is narrated from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, whether a word, action, report, or characteristic.
  • Mursal: It is what is narrated on the authority of a companion, without mentioning the followers who narrated it from him.
  • Al-Muqtal: It is what was narrated on the authority of a follower, without mentioning those who narrated it from him from another follower.


Hadith science in Islam

It is a science concerned with studying, analyzing and evaluating hadith narrators, in order to determine the authenticity of the hadith from its weakness. Many Muslim scholars have emerged in this science, such as Imam al-Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam al-Tirmidhi, Imam al-Nasa’i, and Imam Ibn Majah.

The status of hadith in Islam

The Hadith occupies a great place in Islam, as it is the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, and it serves as a beacon that illuminates Muslims’ path in life.

What is the importance of the hadith?

Hadith, or the Sunnah of the Prophet, is what was reported from the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in terms of words, actions, determinations, moral or ethical characteristics, or conduct, whether before or after the mission. It is considered the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran The Quran teacher explains it to us in Shaikh Saleh Academy:

Explanation and clarification of the Quran:

The Quran is the primary source of Islamic legislation, but it contains general provisions and universal principles, and therefore the Sunnah of the Prophet came to explain and clarify these provisions and principles, and show how to apply them in various areas of life.

Completing Islamic legislation:

The Quran did not provide all the details of the legal rulings, but rather the Sunnah of the Prophet came to complete what was missing in the legislation, and clarify the rulings on various issues and issues.

Explaining Islamic ethics:

The Sunnah of the Prophet came to clarify Islamic morals, elevate values and virtues, and warn against vices and defects.

The practical biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace:

The Sunnah of the Prophet is a practical biography of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, showing us how he lived his life, how he dealt with various situations, and how he applied the teachings of Islam in his personal and social life.

Why is hadith important in Islam?

Understanding the Quran: Hadith plays an important role in understanding the Quran, as it clarifies its meanings and clarifies its rulings.

Extracting jurisprudential rulings: Many jurisprudential rulings are extracted from the hadith that regulate various aspects of a Muslim’s life.

Following the example of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him: The hadith is an essential source for following the example of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, in his words, actions, and morals.

Understanding the biography of the Prophet: The hadith helps to better understand the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and to know the details of his life and morals.

What is the hadith of prophet Muhammad?

The noble Prophetic Hadith, or the Sunnah of the Prophet according to the Sunnis and the community, is what was reported from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, in terms of words, actions, determinations, moral or ethical characteristics, or biography, whether before the mission ( the beginning of revelation and prophecy) or after it.

The Hadith is considered the second source of Islamic legislation after the Holy Quran, as it complements, clarifies and elaborates on the Holy Quran.

Hadeeth science:

It is a science that is concerned with knowledge of the hadith narrators and their transmission, the methods of narrating the hadith, and knowing whether it is authentic or weak. Many scholars have emerged in the field of hadith, including:

  • Imam Al-Bukhari: The author of the book “Sahih Al-Bukhari”, which is considered the most authentic book after the Holy Quran.
  • Imam Muslim: The author of the book “Sahih Muslim,” which is considered the second authentic book after Sahih al-Bukhari.
  • Imam Abu Dawud: Author of the book “Sunan Abi Dawud”.
  • Imam Al-Tirmidhi: The author of the book “Sunan Al-Tirmidhi”.
  • Imam Al-Nasa’i: Author of the book “Sunan Al-Nasa’i”.
  • Imam Ibn Majah: Author of the book “Sunan Ibn Majah”.

Shaikh Saleh Academy courses:

  1. Quran Reading Basics Course.
  2. Quran Recitation with Tajweed Course
  3. Quran Memorization Courses
  4. Quran Ijazah Courses
  5. Islamic Studies Course
  6. Arabic Language Course

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