Easy surah to memorize is searched for by many Muslims, as these surahs help him memorize many surahs after memorizing them, so the Online Quran Tutor at Shaikh Saleh Academy will provide us with advice about the surahs that can be easily memorized.
Easy Surah To Memorize
There are many surahs that are easy to memorize, which we will answer in detail in the following lines:
Short surahs:
- Surah Al-Fatihah: It is one of the most important surahs in the Holy Quran, and is easy to memorize due to its shortness and eloquence.
- Surah Al-Falaq: It is a short surah that talks about protecting a person from evil, and it is easy to memorize due to its frequent circulation.
- Surah An-Nas: It is a short surah that talks about protecting a person from obsessions, and it is easy to memorize due to its frequent circulation.
- Surah Al-Ikhlas: It is a short surah that talks about the attributes of Allah Almighty, and is easy to memorize due to its frequent circulation.
- Surah Al-Kawthar: It is a short surah that talks about the blessings of Allah Almighty upon His Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and it is easy to memorize due to its shortness.
Slightly longer surah:
- Surah Al-Nasr: It is a short surah that talks about the conquest of Mecca, and it is easy to memorize due to its eloquence.
- Surah Al-Ma’un: It is a short surah that talks about hypocrites, and it is easy to memorize due to its shortness.
- Surah Al-Dhuha: It is a short surah that talks about the virtue of the Duha prayer, and it is easy to memorize due to its shortness.
- Surah Al-Sharh: It is a short surah that talks about opening the chest of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and it is easy to memorize due to its shortness.
- Surat Al-Fil: It is a short surah that talks about the story of the owners of the elephant, and it is easy to memorize due to its shortness.
Read more: Advantages of 1-on-1 Online Quran Classes
Surah Memorization Made Easy: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Start with the easy parts: As I mentioned to you previously, start by memorizing short and easy-to-memorize surahs, then gradually move to longer surahs.
- Listen to the recitation of the surah in the voice of Sheikh Majeed at Shaikh Saleh Academy: This will help you understand the meaning of the surah and recite it correctly.
- Repeat the surah several times: The more times you repeat the surah, the easier it will be for you to memorize it.
- Try to understand the meaning of the surah: this will help you associate the verses with each other and remember them easily.
- Use memorization techniques: such as using flashcards or electronic applications to memorize the Quran.
- Keep Review: Reviewing what you have saved from time to time is important to maintain it.
- Make memorization an act of worship to Allah Almighty: Ask Allah Almighty to help you memorize and understand it.
Read more: Best Quran Tafseer Classes Online
How to Memorize Surahs Quickly and Effectively?
For everyone who is looking for easy Surah to memorize, you must know the steps to memorize the Quran step by step as follows:
- Determine the intention: Determine the sincere intention to memorize the Holy Quran in order to gain the satisfaction of Allah Almighty, and to seek reward and reward from Allah Almighty, while ensuring the sincerity of the intention to Allah Almighty without hypocrisy or reputation.
- Choose the appropriate time: Choose the appropriate time to start easy surah to memorize, such as dawn times or after the evening prayer, when the mind is clear and relaxed, and there are few distractions.
- Choose the appropriate place: Choose a quiet and comfortable place, away from noise and distractions, to ensure full focus on memorization.
- Tajweed reading Quran: Ensure mastery of reading the Holy Quran with the correct Tajweed, by learning from the Online Quran Tutor at Shaikh Saleh Academy.
- Understanding the meanings of the verses: Understanding the meanings of the easy surah to memorize that you want to memorize, through interpretation and reflection on their meanings, which helps link the verses to each other and facilitates their memorization.

Shaikh Saleh Academy courses:
- Quran Reading Basics Course
- Quran Recitation with Tajweed Course
- Quran Memorization Courses
- Quran Ijazah Courses
- Islamic Studies Course
- Arabic Language Course
5 Tips for Memorizing Surahs in a Short Amount of Time
For everyone who is looking for an easy surah to memorize, you must know tips to memorize surahs in a short time, as follows:
- Pure intention: Your intention when memorizing the Holy Quran must be pure for the sake of Allah Almighty, because that helps you persevere and overcome difficulties.
- Trust in Allah: Trust that Allah will help you preserve it, and pray to Him to make things easy for you.
- Patience: Do not rush the results, because easy surah to memorize requires a little effort, dividing the surah into small parts, and memorizing each part separately.
- Setting the goal: Set a clear goal for Memorizing Quran, such as: memorizing a specific surah in a specific period of time.
- Seek help from a tutor: Use the Online Quran Tutor at Shaikh Saleh Academy to help you with memorization and intonation.
Read more: Online holy Quran teaching academy
The Best Methods for Memorizing Surahs Easily
- Starting with short surahs: It is recommended that the memorizer start with an easy surah to memorize, such as: Surat Al-Falaq, Surat Al-Nas, Surat Al-Kawthar, and Surat Al-Ikhlas, then move on to the longer surahs.
- Division and division: The memorizer must divide the surah into small parts, memorize each part separately, and then collect the parts after that.
- Repetition and review: The memorizer must repeat easy surah to memorize continuously, and review it regularly so as not to forget it.
- Motivation: The memorizer must motivate himself to memorize, and reward himself for every achievement he achieves.
Read more: Online Quran Tutor
Why Choose shaikh saleh academy For memorization course?
After talking about easy surah to memorize, Shaikh Saleh Academy has many features that make it an ideal choice for memorizing the Holy Quran, and the most important of these features are the following:
- Suitable environment: Shaikh Saleh Academy provides a suitable environment for memorizing the Holy Quran, as this environment is calm and full of spirituality, which helps the student to focus and remember.
- Specialized Sheikhs: The Sheikhs of Shaikh Saleh Academy have extensive experience in teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran, and they are also highly qualified to teach various sciences of the Holy Quran.
- Specific methodology: Shaikh Saleh Academy follows a specific methodology in teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran, which helps the student to progress quickly and orderly.
- Continuous follow-up: Students at Shaikh Saleh Academy are constantly monitored by the sheikhs, in order to ensure that they Memorize Quran and begin teaching students easy surah to memorize.
- Learn the sciences of the Holy Quran: In addition to memorizing the Holy Quran, students at Shaikh Saleh Academy learn many sciences of the Holy Quran, such as interpretation, jurisprudence, and Tajweed.
- Ensuring correct recitation: Students at Shaikh Saleh Academy are constantly checking the correct recitation of the recitation by the sheikhs, ensuring that they have memorized the Holy Quran correctly.
- Mastering the provisions of Tajweed: Students at Shaikh Saleh Academy learn the provisions of Tajweed correctly, which helps them recite the Holy Quran with Tajweed and mastery and start easy surah to memorize.
Which is the shortest surah in the Quran?
The shortest surah in the Holy Quran is Surah Al-Kawthar, so Surah Al-Kawthar is considered an easy surah to memorize.
Surat Al-Kawthar consists of only three verses, ten words, and forty-two letters, so Surat Al-Kawthar is considered easy Quran surahs to memorize.
Surat Al-Kawthar is located in the thirtieth part of the Holy Quran, after Surat Al-Ma’un, and before Surat Al-Kafirun.
How to remember the order of surah?
There are some ways in which you can remember the order of the surahs yourself:
Practice: The more you read the Quran and memorize easy surah to memorize, the easier it will be to remember the order of the surahs.
Memorization: Try to memorize some short surahs, then move on to longer surahs.
Repetition: Repeat the names of the surahs out loud or in your mind.
Which surah is the most powerful in the Quran?
The strongest surah in the Quran according to the noble hadiths is Surah Al-Fatihah, and Surat Al-Fatihah is considered easy surah to memorize, and the following is evidence of that:
صحَ الخبرُ عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، أنّه قال لأبي سعيد بن المعلى: (ألَا أُعلِّمُكَ سورةً أعظمَ سورةٍ في القُرآنِ قبْلَ أنْ أَخرُجَ منَ المسجِدِ، فمشَيْتُ مع رسولِ اللهِ -صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ- حتى كاد أنْ يبلُغَ بابَ المسجِدِ، فذكَّرْتُهُ، قال رسولُ اللهِ -صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّمَ-: فاتحةُ الكتابِ، هي السَّبْعُ المَثاني والقُرآنُ العظيمُ الذي أُوتيتُهُ)
How to memorize surah mulk fast?
- Understanding: Start by understanding the meanings of the verses of the Surah, explaining and interpreting them. This makes the memorization process easier and more enjoyable.
- Repetition: Read the surah out loud over and over again, until its words become firmly established in your memory, such as easy surah to memorize.
- Division: Divide the surah into short parts, then memorize each part separately.
- Listening: Use the Online Quran Tutor at Shaikh Saleh Academy, as this will help you pronounce the words correctly and correct any mistakes that may be made.
Is surah baqarah easy to memorize?
- The ease of memorizing Surah Al-Baqarah depends on the individual’s ability and skills in memorizing because they are not included in the easy surah to memorize, in addition to the time and effort he puts into it. In the following lines we provide tips for memorizing Surah Al-Baqarah:
- Start by memorizing the introduction to the surah (verses 1-28), as it contains important verses such as the Throne Verse and the Table Verse.
- Memorize one verse every day, and review the previous verses.
- Use the receiving method, where you memorize verses in front of the Online Quran Tutor at Shaikh Saleh Academy.
- Listen to the surah while performing daily chores, such as walking or cleaning the house.
- Write the verses by hand, as this helps to consolidate memorization.