Duaa is the most important act of worship through which a Muslim can achieve all that he desires in this world and the Hereafter. Allah SWT loves that His servant supplicates to Him, because all the meanings of need and recognition of the power and greatness of Allah SWT are realized in Duaa, and that He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, whom nothing is hidden from.

It is preferable for the Muslim to choose specific times for Duaa because they are more likely to be answered than others. In this article, we will talk about the Dua for breaking Fast in Ramadan and its importance in order to achieve a lot of reward through this great act of worship.


Dua for breaking Fast in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the greatest month of the year, and Allah SWT grants us in it many divine gifts and blessings. Among these blessings is that the one who is fasting has an answered Duaa that is never rejected. This is evident from the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah PBUH:

«ثلاث لا ترد دعوتهم: الإمام العادل والصائم حتى يفطر، ودعوة المظلوم»

“There are three whose Duaa is not rejected: the just ruler, the fasting person until he breaks his fast, and the Duaa of the oppressed.”

There is Dua for breaking Fast in Ramadan that the Prophet PBUH used to say while breaking his fast, such as:

“ذهب الظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الأجر إن شاء الله”

Dhahaba adh-dhama’u wabtallatil-‘uruqu wa thabatal-ajru in sha’a Allah

The thirst has gone, the veins are moistened, and the reward is confirmed, if Allah wills.

The importance of Dua for breaking Fast in Ramadan

The moment of Iftar is the happiest moment that the fasting person experiences after completing the act of worship. The importance of Dua for breaking the Fast in Ramadan lies in the fact that it brings us closer to Allah SWT and teaches us humility and presence of heart, because Duaa is not answered from a heedless, inattentive heart. Through Duaa, everything that a person seeks of the good of this world and the Hereafter is achieved, and he also obtains a great reward that no one knows except Allah SWT, and this is a great favor from Allah SWT.

If the Muslim chooses the comprehensive Duaas that the Prophet PBUH used to say, then he is applying the Sunnah, and he also obtains the pleasure of Allah SWT. It was narrated from the Prophet PBUH that he said:

«ما من مسلم يدعو بدعوة ليس فيها إثم ولا قطيعة رحم إلا آتاه الله بها إحدى ثلاث خصال: إما أن يعجل له دعوته، أو يدخر له من الخير مثلها، أو يصرف عنه من الشر مثلها قال الصحابة: إذا نكثر قال: الله أكثر»

“There is no Muslim who supplicates with a Duaa in which there is no sin or severing of family ties, but Allah will grant him one of three things: either He will hasten his Duaa for him, or He will store up for him a similar good, or He will avert from him a similar evil. The Companions said: “Then we will increase (in Duaa).” He said: “Allah is more abundant.” Allah SWT is vast in bounty, generosity, and giving.

Are all Duaas for breaking the correct?

After we have clarified What to say when you break your fast in islam? there are more than one Dua to break Fast in Ramadan that some people use, and they may not be correct or have not been proven from the Prophet PBUH. Therefore, you must verify the source of the Hadiths before repeating them.

It is recommended to adhere to the Duaas narrated from the Prophet PBUH, and the fasting person can supplicate with anything he desires because it is a time for the Duaa to be answered.


Best times for Duaa in Ramadan

There are certain times in Ramadan when Duaa is recommended, such as before Iftar. Therefore, it is better for the Muslim to devote himself to Duaa in the hour before Maghrib prayer if he is able, and to repeat the Duaas that he desires. Duaa is also answered in the last third of the night, as the Prophet PBUH said:

“ينزل ربنا تبارك وتعالى كل ليلة إلى السماء الدنيا حين يبقى ثلث الليل الآخر يقول: من يدعوني فأستجيب له، من يسألني فأعطيه، من يستغفرني فأغفر له”

“Our Lord, the Blessed and Exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when the last third of the night remains, and says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?'”

The Muslim can also take advantage of the time between the Adhan and Iqamah, the hour before Maghrib on Friday, and while prostrating in prayer, because the servant is closest to his Lord while he is prostrating.

Conditions of answering Duaa at Iftar

There are several conditions and etiquettes that must be observed for the Ramadan Dua for breaking Fast to be answered, such as that your food and drink be from Halal. The Messenger of Allah PBUH said:

«إن الله طيب لا يقبل إلا طيبا ، وإن الله أمر المؤمنين بما أمر به المرسلين ثم ذكر الرجل يطيل السفر أشعث أغبر، يمدّ يديه إلى السماء : يا رب يا رب ومطعمه حرام ومشربه حرام، وملبسه حرام وغُذّي بالحرام فأنّى يُستجاب له ؟»

“Indeed, Allah is pure and does not accept but what is pure. And indeed, Allah commanded the believers with what He commanded the Messengers.” Then he mentioned a man traveling for a long period, disheveled and dusty, who extends his hands towards the sky, (saying): “O Lord, O Lord,” while his food is unlawful, his drink is unlawful, his clothing is unlawful, and he is nourished with what is unlawful, so how can he be answered?

The Dua to break fast Ramadan must be sincere for the sake of Allah, he must have good thoughts about Allah, and he must call upon Him while he is certain that the Duaa will be answered. It is preferable to be in a state of Wudu, face the Qibla, raise his hands in Duaa, begin with praise and gratitude to Allah, send blessings upon the Prophet PBUH, and be sure to have a presence of heart during the Duaa.

What age do you have to start fasting in islam? Fasting in Islam is obligatory upon reaching puberty which may differ from male to female because a woman may reach puberty at the age of 9 years while a male may reach puberty at the age of 15 years. It is recommended to accustom the child to fasting at a young age so that the matter becomes easy for him over time, and he becomes accustomed to this great act of worship from a young age.


What is the Duaa for breaking fast after Ramadan?

The Duaa for breaking the fast in Ramadan is the same as the Duaa for breaking the fast after Ramadan, and you can say:

“اللهم إني أسألك برحمتك التي وسعت كل شيء أن تغفر لي”

“Allahumma inni as’aluka birahmatika allati wasi’at kulla shai’in an taghfira li”

“O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy that encompasses all things to forgive me.”


When should I make Duaa when breaking Fast?

You can make Duaa an hour before Iftar until you say everything you desire, or directly at Iftar, for both times are blessed and Duaa is answered in them, by the will of Allah.

What breaks your fast in the month of Ramadan?

There are many things that lead to the invalidation of fasting, such as menstruation and postpartum bleeding, eating and drinking intentionally, intentional vomiting, sexual intercourse, and apostasy from Islam. All of these things invalidate the fast.

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