Quran memorization Shaikh Saleh Islamic Academy

Quran Memorization Course


Are you yearning for spiritual growth and Quranic mastery? The Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Memorization Course offers a transformative journey, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to become a Hafiz. We cater to all levels, providing personalized guidance and a supportive community to ensure your success.

This course goes beyond memorization. It delves into the meaning of the verses you are studying, fostering a deeper understanding of the Quran’s message. This enriches the memorization process, making it easier and more fulfilling. Conducted through one-to-one individual online sessions, our experienced instructors tailor the learning experience to your unique needs.

Our goal is not just to make you a Quran Hafiz/Hafiza, but also to equip you with the knowledge of Tafseer (Quranic interpretation). Our skilled and certified tutors conduct engaging and interactive sessions, ensuring you enjoy memorizing and comprehending the Quran. Whether it’s for you or your children, our knowledgeable tutors will personalize the learning path. They will start with short surahs, advance to longer ones, and then move on to memorizing full chapters (Juz), and ultimately the entire Quran.

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A person who memorizes the Quran and acts upon it gets many benefits as it is mentioned in the saying of the Prophet (PBUH)”Whoever reads the Quran, memorizes it, and acts upon it, on the Day of Judgment he will be clad (by angels) with a crown of light, its light is like the sunlight and his parents will be clad with two garments better than the whole world and whatever it contains.” So, they would amazingly ask: “What action did we do to deserve this?” They will be told: “Because your son memorized the Quran“.

For that reason, our course is designed to help you memorize& understand the Quran to be able to apply the guidance of the Quran in your life.


virtue memorizing Holy Quran

Memorization of the Quran is the best remembrance of Allah as the prophet said “The one who reads a single letter from the Book of Allah will be rewarded with one good deed. (Know that) A good deed is multiplied ten times over. I do not say Alif Laam Meem is one letter. Verily, Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter, Meem is one letter.

Allah revealed the Quran in Arabic to Muslims. So who master teaching the Quran better than native Arab tutors? That is why our Quran tutors guarantee perfect Quran memorization, perfect Quran pronouncing, and excellent Quran understanding.

What Will You Learn in Our Quran Memorization Course?

Quran Memorization Course
Quran Memorization Course

At Shaikh Saleh Academy, our Quran Memorization Course offers a comprehensive and transformative learning experience. With our esteemed team of instructors, state-of-the-art resources, and immersive environment, we provide the ideal setting for you to excel in your Quranic journey. 

Structured Memorization with Expert Guidance: 

  • Our course follows a systematic approach that allows you to memorize the Quran in a structured manner. 
  • Starting from shorter chapters (Surahs), you will gradually progress to longer ones, ensuring a steady and sustainable memorization process. 
  • Throughout this journey, our instructors, highly qualified in Quranic sciences, will be your guiding light. Their deep understanding of Tajweed (Quranic recitation rules) will ensure you recite the Quran with precision and beauty, while their expertise in memorization techniques will equip you with the tools for efficient learning.

Unlocking the Depths of the Quran: 

  • Memorizing the Quran goes beyond mere repetition. 
  • Our instructors emphasize the importance of understanding the meanings and context of the verses you memorize. 
  • Through focused study and discussions, you will delve into the profound messages of the Quran, enriching your connection with the divine text and allowing you to apply its wisdom in your daily life.

Quran Memorization Course: Master Memorization Techniques

Shaikh Saleh Academy goes beyond traditional memorization methods. 

Our instructors employ proven techniques to enhance your memorization skills. Through visualization exercises, repetition strategies, and mnemonic devices, you will develop a strong memory foundation, making the memorization process more efficient and effective.

Quran Memorization Course: Personalized Support for Every Student

  • At Shaikh Saleh Academy, we recognize that every student is unique and may face individual challenges in their Quranic journey. 
  • Our instructors are committed to providing personalized attention and guidance. 
  • They will address your specific needs, learning pace, and any obstacles you encounter, ensuring your success in memorizing the Quran.

Quran Memorization Course: Fostering Spiritual Growth and Reflection

  • Quran memorization is not solely about memorizing words; it is a means of spiritual growth and reflection. 
  • Our instructors foster an environment that encourages deep contemplation of the Quran’s verses. 
  • This, coupled with the beauty of recitation and the act of memorization itself, nurtures a profound connection with the Quran and your spiritual journey.

Quran Memorization Course: Building a Supportive Community

  • The academy provides opportunities for community engagement, allowing you to connect with fellow students on the same path. 
  • Group study sessions, discussions, and collaborative activities create a supportive environment, fostering motivation, inspiration, and a sense of camaraderie. 
  • You’ll find encouragement and support from both instructors and peers, propelling you forward in your memorization journey.

Join Us and Become a Hafiz at Shaikh Saleh Academy

At Shaikh Saleh Academy, our team of highly qualified instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Quran Memorization Course. With their guidance and mentorship, you can be confident that you are receiving the best education and support on your journey to becoming a Hafiz.

Don’t wait! Enroll today and embark on a transformative journey of memorizing the Quran, unlocking its treasures, and enriching your life with its profound teachings. Shaikh Saleh Academy awaits you!

Main Levels of Our Memorization Program

Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Memorization Program: A Structured Path to Proficiency

At Shaikh Saleh Academy, our Quran Memorization Course is structured into several main levels, each designed to facilitate a progressive and comprehensive learning experience. These levels ensure that students build a strong foundation and gradually progress towards becoming proficient in Quranic memorization. 

Here are the main levels of our Quran Memorization Course:

  1. Beginner Level: 

This level is tailored for students who are new to Quranic memorization. It focuses on introducing the fundamentals of Quranic recitation, including proper pronunciation (Tajweed) and basic memorization techniques. Students learn to recite and memorize shorter chapters of the Quran, allowing them to develop fluency and familiarity with the verses.

  1. Intermediate Level: 

In the Intermediate Level, students further enhance their recitation skills and memorization abilities. They delve deeper into the science of Tajweed, refining their pronunciation, voice modulation, and recitation rules. The memorization focus shifts towards longer chapters and selected passages from different parts of the Quran within our Quran Memorization Course.

  1. Advanced Level: 

The Advanced Level is designed for students who have developed a strong foundation in Quranic memorization through our Quran Memorization Course. It emphasizes the memorization of larger chapters and encourages students to engage with the Quran at a deeper level. In addition to memorization, students delve into the meanings, context, and themes of the verses, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the Quranic text.

our plan

  1. Hifz Completion Level: 

This level is dedicated to students who have successfully memorized the entire Quran or a significant portion of it through our Quran Memorization Course. It focuses on consolidation, revision, and perfection of the memorization, ensuring that the memorized portions are retained accurately. Students also engage in comprehensive review sessions to strengthen their recitation and understanding of the Quran.


Level 1: Juz’ Amma Memorization:

If students are beginners and wish to start with the shorter surahs, they might choose this first simple level.

This Juz is further broken into two portions for the convenience of the student.

Surah An-Naas through Surah Al-Balad

Surah Al-Balad via Surah Amma

Note: The Juz can be subdivided further at your convenience. 

Level 2: Memorization of Juz’ Tabarak:

We provide the second level, Juz Tabarak (29th Chapter), to individuals who have passed level one successfully and want to continue their Quran memorising sessions.

This Juz can also be further divided into small milestones for the learners’ ease as we know small goals are easily achievable.

Level 3: Selected Surahs/ Ajzaa’ from Quran:

If you have completed or have not completed the earlier stages and have your own strategy to memorise any of the surahs from the Quran, this level is for you.

You can discuss your strategy with your teacher, who will evaluate your recitation, Tajweed, and verse comprehension and then lead you accordingly.

Level 4: The whole Quran (Hifz ijazah is optional):

This is our advanced level for people who have finished all three levels or are just interested in enrolling in the fourth level for total Quran memorising.

Our Ijazah-certified teachers will lead this advanced level, certifying you as an Ijazah holder and allowing you to teach Quran memorising online.

Quran Memorization Course Objective

  • Learn and comprehend the meaning and interpretation of the memorised verses.
  • Know why and when each surah was revealed.
  • be able to recall any surah from the Quran with ease
  • making the Hifz journey simple and exciting for the students
  • learn the Quran efficiently by heart
  • foster a passion of reciting the Quran elegantly
  • study The virtues of reciting and memorizing the Holy Quran

Outcomes of Our Quran Memorization Course:

  1. Quranic Mastery: Our Quran Memorization Course enables students to memorize significant portions of the Quran, fostering a deep connection with the sacred text.

  2. Tajweed Proficiency: Through our Quran Memorization Course, students develop expertise in the science of Tajweed, mastering the proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quran.

  3. Understanding and Reflection: Our Quran Memorization Course emphasizes the comprehension of the meanings and context of the memorized verses, promoting reflection and a deeper understanding of the Quran’s teachings.

  4. Enhanced Memorization Skills: The Quran Memorization Course equips students with effective memorization techniques and strategies, enhancing their memory capacity and retention abilities.

Quran Memorization Techniques Used in this Program:

  1. Repetition: Regular practice and repetition of verses are core aspects of our Quran Memorization Course, aiding in memorization and reinforcement.

  2. Visualization: The Quran Memorization Course encourages visualization techniques. Students visualize the words and verses of the Quran to help in retain and recall the memorized content.

  3. Chunking: Our Quran Memorization Course utilizes chunking, breaking down the Quranic text into smaller sections to facilitate memorization and gradual progress.

  4. Recitation and Listening: The Quran Memorization Course incorporates regular recitation and listening to the verses being recited by qualified instructors to enhance memorization.

How to Effectively Memorize the Quran Online with Our Course?

  1. Structured Curriculum: Our online Quran Memorization Course follows a structured curriculum, guiding students through the memorization process systematically.
  2. Interactive Classes: Live interactive classes with experienced instructors are a cornerstone of our Quran Memorization Course. They provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring effective memorization.
  3. Digital Resources: The Quran Memorization Course provides access to digital resources, including audio recordings and digital copies of the Quran, facilitating practice and review.
  4. Virtual Community: Our Quran Memorization Course fosters a supportive learning environment. Students engage with fellow students and participate in online discussions and study groups.

Why Choose Shaikh Saleh Academy for Your Quran Memorization Course?

  1. Experienced Instructors:

 Our academy boasts a team of highly qualified instructors with expertise in Quranic sciences and memorization techniques, ensuring a successful journey in your Quran Memorization Course.

  • Comprehensive Approach: 

We emphasize not only memorization but also understanding, recitation, and reflection on the Quranic verses within our comprehensive Quran Memorization Course.

  • Individualized Support:

 Our instructors provide personalized attention, addressing the unique needs and progress of each student throughout their Quran Memorization Course.

  • Engaging Learning Environment: 

We foster a supportive community where students can interact, collaborate, and find motivation in their Quranic journey through our engaging Quran Memorization Course.

  • Online Convenience: 

Our online platform allows for flexible learning, making our Quran Memorization Course accessible to individuals from different locations and time zones.


Online Quran Memorization Classes for Sisters

Shaikh Saleh Academy offers dedicated online Quran memorization classes specifically designed for sisters. These classes provide a supportive and empowering environment for women to learn and memorize the Quran at their own pace.

What Happens if You Memorize the Whole Quran?

Memorizing the entire Quran, or becoming a Hafiz, is a remarkable achievement that brings immense spiritual rewards and benefits. Hafizs are highly respected members of the Muslim community and are often sought after for their recitation and teaching abilities.

Benefits of Memorizing the Quran:

  • Deeper Connection with Allah: Memorizing the Quran fosters a profound connection with Allah’s words and enhances one’s understanding of the Quran’s teachings.

  • Spiritual Elevation: The act of memorization and reciting the Quran is a form of worship and can lead to spiritual growth and elevation.

  • Increased Knowledge and Understanding: Memorizing the Quran expands one’s knowledge of Islamic principles and values and provides a deeper understanding of the faith.

  • Community Recognition and Respect: Hafizs are highly respected members of the Muslim community and are often sought after for their recitation and teaching abilities.


1. How long does it typically take to memorize the entire Quran?

The time it takes to memorize the entire Quran varies depending on several factors, including:

  • Prior knowledge of Arabic: Students with a strong foundation in Arabic may progress faster.
  • Time commitment: The more time you dedicate daily or weekly to memorizing, the quicker you’ll progress.
  • Individual learning style: Some students grasp memorization techniques more readily than others.

On average, it can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years of consistent effort to memorize the entire Quran. Shaikh Saleh Academy offers a structured curriculum to optimize your learning and help you achieve your goals within a reasonable timeframe.

2. Is prior knowledge of Arabic necessary to enroll in the course?

While some basic knowledge of Arabic would be beneficial, it’s optional for beginners. Shaikh Saleh Academy offers preparatory courses to introduce students to Arabic pronunciation and reading fundamentals, equipping them with the necessary skills to embark on their Quran memorization journey.

3. What age groups are eligible to join the course?

Our online Quran memorization classes cater to a wide range of age groups. We welcome students from children as young as 7 years old (with parental guidance) to adults of all ages.

4. How does the academy support students facing difficulties in memorization?

Shaikh Saleh Academy understands that memorization can be challenging at times. Our instructors are highly experienced in identifying and addressing individual learning difficulties. They provide personalized guidance, alternative memorization techniques, and ongoing support to help you overcome any obstacles and succeed in your memorization journey.

5. Are there any evaluation processes or certifications upon completion?

Throughout your Quran memorization course, you’ll participate in regular assessments to gauge your progress and identify areas for improvement. Upon successful completion of the Hifz program (memorizing the entire Quran), you will receive a certification from Shaikh Saleh Academy recognizing your achievement.

In conclusion, the article highlights the significance of the Quran Memorization Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy. The course focuses on teaching students the proper recitation and memorization of the Quran. It offers comprehensive guidance and support throughout the memorization process, including instruction on the rules and principles of correct recitation. 


Duration of this Course 

Books used in this Course

The Glorious Quran


Tafseer of The Quran


Tajweed Books
