Quran Ijazah Course


This course will prepare you for online Ijazah in Quran Recitation with Tajweed or Quran Memorization (Hifz) through one-on-one sessions with Quran Sheikhs who are Ijazah certified. After successfully completing the course’s examinations and assessments, you will receive the accompanying Ijazah certificate. Our qualified instructors will guide you step-by-step throughout the course from the fundamentals of the Quran to the superb level when you are prepared to instruct others in the teachings of Allah (SWT).

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The Prophet Muhammad said:

The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.”

If you want to be an Imam and teach the Quran, or if you want to teach your kids and revise Quran with them, we provide a comprehensive Quran Ijazah course for Quran Recitation with Tajweed and Quran Memorization.

Let’s at first discuss the meaning of Ijazah in a Quran:-

Ijazah means a certificate or testimony that you are reciting the Quran typically as the prophet received it form Angele Jebreel.

In your Ijazah you will find that your name as reciter of the Quran is existed in the chain of the reciters of the Quran which ends with prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Like:

You recited the Quran to shaikh Saleh who recited it to Shaikh Mahmoud who recited it ……….who recited it to the Prophet (PBUH) who received it form Angele Jebreel who received it form Allah (SWT).”

Together to obtain the Ijaza of the Qur’an

Our professional Quran teachers will check your talents and abilities, assess your knowledge of Quran and Tajweed, evaluate your area of interest, and finally give you Ijazah through the “Quran Ijazah” course.

We will examine your knowledge and command of that particular sector by administering repeated examinations and quizzes. To obtain the Ijazah, you would need to pass the examinations and assessments, which would be simple with us.

Ijazah empowers you to recite and memorize the Holy Quran. And it enables you to follow up on Quran teachings given to your children and even teach Quran to family members. So enroll in the “Quran Ijazah” online course and become a recognized teacher and preacher of Allah’s words.

Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy

 The Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy is a comprehensive program that aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become proficient in the recitation, memorization, and teaching of the Quran. The primary objectives of the Quran Ijazah Course are to enable students to:

  • Memorize the entire Quran with the utmost precision and accuracy. As stated in the Quran, “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur’an and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Quran 15:9)
  • Develop a deep understanding and mastery of the rules of Quranic recitation (tajweed), ensuring that their recitation is in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  • Explore the various Qiraat (recitation styles) of the Quran, recognizing the richness and diversity of the Quranic tradition.
  • Memorize selected Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) and other important Islamic texts, further strengthening their knowledge of the Islamic faith.
  • Gain expertise in Quranic teaching methodologies, enabling them to effectively impart their knowledge to others and contribute to the preservation of the Quran.

The Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy is structured as an intensive program, typically lasting between 1 to 2 years. Students engage in daily study, practice, and assessment to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the Quran and the related Islamic sciences.

Shaikh Saleh Academy, located in the heart of the Islamic world, is a renowned institution that has been at the forefront of Quranic education for decades. The academy is known for its commitment to preserving the authentic teachings of the Quran and for producing highly skilled Quranic scholars and instructors. The Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy is a testament to the academy’s dedication to upholding the sanctity of the Quran and fostering a new generation of Quranic experts.

The Benefits of Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Online Quran Ijazah Course

Self-Paced Learning Empowers Students

The Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy offers students the flexibility to learn at their own pace. This self-paced approach allows learners to tailor their studies to their individual schedules and commitments, ensuring that they can seamlessly integrate their Quranic education into their daily lives. By catering to the diverse needs of students, the academy’s program enables them to progress through the comprehensive curriculum without feeling overwhelmed.

Free Trial Lesson Provides a Glimpse into the Quran Ijazah Experience

Shaikh Saleh Academy understands the importance of allowing prospective students to experience the Quran Ijazah Course before committing to the full program. To that end, the academy offers a complimentary single lesson, enabling individuals to gain a firsthand understanding of the high-quality instruction, engaging content, and supportive learning environment that the course provides. This free trial serves as an invaluable opportunity for potential students to assess the alignment between the Quran Ijazah Course and their educational goals.

Comprehensive Curriculum Ensures Mastery of Quranic Studies

The Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in various aspects of Quranic studies. From the memorization of the entire Quran to the mastery of Quranic recitation rules (tajweed) and the exploration of Qiraat (recitation styles), the curriculum is meticulously crafted to equip learners with a deep understanding of the Quran and its traditions.

Furthermore, the course incorporates the memorization of selected Hadith and Islamic texts, as well as training in effective Quranic teaching methodologies, empowering students to become knowledgeable and skilled Quranic scholars.

By offering a self-paced learning experience, a free trial lesson, and a comprehensive curriculum, Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Ijazah Course provides a robust and accessible platform for individuals to embark on their journey of Quranic studies. This holistic approach ensures that students can learn and grow at their own pace, while gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient in the recitation, memorization, and teaching of the Quran.

Ijazah in Quran Recitation at Shaikh Saleh Academy

Obtaining an Ijazah, or certificate of authorization, in Quran recitation is a highly esteemed achievement at Shaikh Saleh Academy. The Quran Ijazah program at the academy is designed to guide students through a rigorous and comprehensive study of the rules and techniques of Quranic recitation, known as Tajweed.

Mastering the Art of Tajweed at Quran Ijazah Course at Shaikh Saleh Academy

Course focuses on equipping students with a thorough understanding of the proper pronunciation, articulation, and intonation of the Quranic text.

Through meticulous instruction and extensive practice, students develop the ability to recite the Quran in strict adherence to the established Tajweed principles, ensuring that their recitation is both melodious and true to the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Earning the Quran Ijazah

Upon successfully completing the Tajweed Ijazah Course and demonstrating a mastery of Quranic recitation, students are awarded the prestigious Quran Ijazah. This certification is a testament to their dedication, discipline, and expertise in the art of Quranic recitation, and it is highly regarded within the Islamic scholarly community. With the Quran Ijazah, graduates of Shaikh Saleh Academy are empowered to teach the Quran and share their knowledge with others, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of this sacred text.

The Quran Ijazah program at Shaikh Saleh Academy is a transformative experience that allows students to deepen their connection with the Quran and become proficient in its recitation. By mastering the intricacies of Tajweed, students not only enhance their own Quranic understanding but also position themselves as respected and knowledgeable custodians of this divine revelation.

Admission Requirements for Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Ijazah Course

Entry-Level Prerequisites

To be eligible for Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Ijazah Course, applicants must demonstrate a strong foundation in Quran recitation. This includes the ability to recite the Quran with proper *Tajweed* (rules of Quranic recitation) and a minimum level of Quran memorization, as assessed by the academy’s admissions team. For example, applicants may be required to submit a recording of themselves reciting a portion of the Quran, which will be evaluated by the admissions committee.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • The application process for the Quran Ijazah Course involves the submission of a completed application form before the stated *deadlines*.
  • These deadlines are typically in the months of January and July each year, allowing for a flexible enrollment schedule.
  • The admissions team carefully reviews each application, considering the applicant’s background, commitment to Quranic studies, and alignment with the program’s objectives.
  • Applicants may also be asked to provide reference letters or personal statements as part of the application process.

Selection Criteria and Admission Tests

Admission to the Quran Ijazah Course is competitive, as Shaikh Saleh Academy seeks to admit students who demonstrate the highest potential for success. Applicants may be required to undergo *admission tests*, which evaluate their Quranic knowledge, recitation abilities, and aptitude for the comprehensive curriculum. For example, the academy may conduct an entrance examination that assesses the applicant’s understanding of Quranic topics, their proficiency in recitation, and their analytical skills in interpreting the Quran.

Quran Ijazah Course Curriculum and Methodology

Teaching Approach and Learning Environment

Shaikh Saleh Academy’s Quran Ijazah Course is designed to foster a *collaborative and engaging learning environment.

Instructors utilize a blend of traditional and innovative teaching methods, such as interactive lectures, small group discussions, and hands-on practical sessions.

For instance, students may be divided into study groups to work on collaborative projects, where they can apply their Quranic knowledge and share their insights with their peers.

Instructors and Their Qualifications

The Quran Ijazah Course is led by a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors, each with a deep understanding of the Quran and a proven track record in Quranic education.

These esteemed scholars possess advanced degrees in Islamic studies, specialized training in Quranic sciences, and years of experience in teaching and mentoring students.

For example, the academy may employ instructors who have studied under renowned Quranic scholars or have published research in the field of Quranic interpretation and sciences.

Assessments and Evaluation System

Ongoing assessments are a crucial component of the Quran Ijazah Course, allowing students to measure their progress and identify areas for improvement. The evaluation system may include written examinations, oral presentations, project-based assessments, and regular progress checks. For instance, students may be required to complete a comprehensive final exam that covers the entire Quran Ijazah curriculum, as well as periodic evaluations to ensure they are meeting the program’s learning objectives.

Opportunities for Practical Application and Teaching Experience

In addition to the theoretical aspects of the Quran Ijazah Course, Shaikh Saleh Academy provides practical application opportunities for students.

This may include supervised teaching experiences, where students have the chance to lead Quranic study sessions or recitation workshops in the local community. Students may also participate in outreach initiatives, such as organizing Quranic events or providing Quranic education to underserved populations, further developing their skills as Quranic scholars and educators.

V. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Quran Ijazah Course

A. What is the purpose of the Quran Ijazah certification?

The purpose of the Quran Ijazah certification is to recognize individuals who have achieved a high level of proficiency and mastery in reciting and memorizing the Quran. It signifies their authority to transmit the Quranic text accurately and to teach others.

B. What are the benefits of obtaining the Quran Ijazah?

Obtaining the Quran Ijazah offers several benefits. Firstly, it validates your expertise in Quranic recitation and memorization, enhancing your credibility as a Quran teacher or scholar. Secondly, it allows you to pass on the knowledge of the Quran to others, preserving its accurate transmission. Additionally, it opens up opportunities for teaching and leadership roles in Islamic educational institutions.

C. What is the difference between the Quran Ijazah and other Quranic certifications?

The Quran Ijazah is a specialized certification that focuses on the mastery of Quranic recitation and memorization. Unlike other Quranic certifications, it typically involves a rigorous evaluation by qualified scholars who themselves possess Ijazahs. It is considered a higher level of certification, demonstrating a deep understanding and command of the Quran.

D. How long does the Quran Ijazah Course take to complete?

The duration of the Quran Ijazah Course can vary depending on several factors, including the individual’s prior knowledge and experience with the Quran. Generally, it can take several years of dedicated study and practice to attain the necessary proficiency and meet the requirements set by the issuing authority.

E. What is the cost of the Quran Ijazah Course, and are there any scholarships available?

The cost of the Quran Ijazah Course can vary depending on the institution or program offering it. It is best to contact the specific institution or organization providing the course to inquire about the tuition fees and any available scholarships or financial assistance.

F. Can the Quran Ijazah be obtained online or through distance learning?

Yes, it is possible to obtain the Quran Ijazah through online platforms or distance learning programs. However, it is important to ensure that the program is reputable and recognized by qualified scholars or institutions. Practical evaluations and assessments may need to be conducted in person or through video conferencing to verify the proficiency of the student.

G. What career opportunities are available for Quran Ijazah holders?

Quran Ijazah holders can pursue various career opportunities related to Islamic education and religious services. They can become Quran teachers, scholars, imams, or administrators in mosques, Islamic schools, and educational institutions. Some may also choose to engage in research and academic pursuits related to the Quran and Islamic studies.

H. How is the Quran Ijazah recognized internationally?

The recognition of the Quran Ijazah internationally may vary depending on the country and institution. However, the Quran Ijazah is generally respected and valued within the global Muslim community. It is recognized as a prestigious certification that demonstrates a deep understanding and mastery of the Quranic sciences.

I. What is the process for issuing the Quran Ijazah certificate?

The process for issuing the Quran Ijazah certificate typically involves a comprehensive evaluation conducted by qualified scholars or authorities who possess Ijazahs themselves. This evaluation assesses the student’s recitation, memorization, and understanding of the Quran. Once the student successfully meets the requirements and standards set by the issuing authority, they are awarded the Quran Ijazah certificate.

J. Can non-Muslim students apply for the Quran Ijazah Course?

The Quran Ijazah Course is primarily intended for Muslim students who seek to deepen their understanding and mastery of the Quran. However, some institutions or programs may be open to accepting non-Muslim students who have a genuine interest in studying the Quran and its sciences. It is advisable to check with the specific institution offering the course for their policies regarding non-Muslim applicants.



Ijazah Course is an advanced program for Quran teachers. It requires proficiency in Tajweed and proper Quran recitation. The course focuses on reviewing Tajweed rules, ensuring correct application, and evaluating memorization skills.

In this course you will study:-

  • Tajweed in full
  • Recitation of the Quran
  • Memorization of the Quran
  • Etiquette of  the recitation of the Quan
  • Etiquette of Ijazah holder

Objective of this Course 

Being Ijazah Holder

Duration of Quran Ijazah Course

Books used in this Course

 Glorious Quran


Tajweed Books
