Take class in the quran Online with Tajweed with Shaikh Saleh Academy because it offers specialized programs in memorizing the Holy Quran, teaching it, and controlling its recitation, and is interested in teaching the class in the quran rule and provides periodic review of the Holy Quran, enabling one to obtain an approved Quranic license, and provides lessons in intonation and correcting recitation.
Take class in the quran Online with Tajweed
Shaikh Saleh Academy online Quran lessons with Tajweed offer many benefits to students of all ages and levels, some of the most important include:
Time: Online Class in the Quran allow you to take lessons at any time that suits you, making them ideal for people who have a busy schedule or live in areas where it is difficult to find a local Quran teacher.
Personalized learning:
One-on-one learning: One-on-one online lessons allow you to have the full attention of the teacher, allowing you to progress at your own pace and receive personalized feedback.
Why Take Class in the Quran Online with Tajweed?
What is the quran in simple terms? The Holy Quran is the word of God Almighty, revealed to His Noble Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, to be a guidance for all humanity. In simple terms, in the following lines we talk about the Quran and why Class in the Quran online:
- A the Quran in a nutshell: revealed from God Almighty, carrying the message of truth and guidance.
- A guiding light: It illuminates the paths of believers and guides them to the right path.
- Healing hearts: It heals spiritual diseases and soothes anxiety and anxiety.
- A book that revives: it revives dead hearts and enlightens minds.
Read more: Online tajweed classes for sisters
Quran class for adults at Shaikh Saleh Academy
Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed at Shaikh Saleh Academy It has many features that make it an ideal choice for learning the Holy Quran remotely, and these features include the following:
Learning flexibility:
Class in the Quran allows flexibility in class times, as students can choose the times that suit them to study, making it suitable for those who want to learn while having other commitments such as work or study.
Quality of education:
Shaikh Saleh Academy relies on qualified and highly experienced teachers in teaching the Holy Quran to adults.
Interaction and participation:
The course provides the opportunity to interact and participate with the teacher and other students, creating an interactive and stimulating learning environment and learning the meaning of the Quran in English.
Read about: The Best Tajweed Course
Shaikh Saleh Academy features
Shaikh Saleh Academy has many advantages because it introduces students to why Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed in the following manner and with the following features:
- Diverse curricula: Shaikh Saleh Academy Class in the Quran offers different curricula suitable for different age groups and achievement levels, starting from teaching Tajweed of the Holy Quran to teaching and memorizing it with interpretation and jurisprudence.
- Qualified teachers: Shaikh Saleh Academy employs qualified and experienced teachers in teaching the Holy Quran, and they have licenses approved by official bodies.
- Suitable educational environment: Shaikh Saleh Academy provides an appropriate educational environment for learning the Holy Quran, by providing comfortable classrooms equipped with modern educational means.
- Individual and Group Lessons: Shaikh Saleh Academy offers individual and group lessons, allowing students to choose the method that suits them best.
A matter worth exploring for you: Online Quran academy fees
Surah in class
A. Introduction to Surahs (Chapters)
The introduction to the surahs, whether they are fragmented letters or Quranic sentences, constitute an important introduction to understanding the greatness of the Holy Qur’an and its profound meanings. These introductions vary depending on the surahs, giving them a special elegance and unique distinction.
B. Selecting and studying key Surahs
- Start with Surah Al-Fatihah: It is the shortest surah in the Holy Quran, and it is easy to memorize and understand.
- Then move on to Surah Al-Baqarah: it is the longest surah in the Holy Quran, but it contains many important rulings and sermons.
- Try to memorize Surah Yasin: it is a short and important surah, and it is recited on many occasions.
C. Tafsir: Interpretation and explanation of selected Surahs
Interpretation of the Holy Quran is a science concerned with explaining the meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran, explaining what God Almighty means by them, and understanding their secrets and implications.
It is considered one of the most important Islamic sciences, as it is the key to understanding the Holy Quran, reaching its deep meanings, and benefiting from its sublime teachings. Interpretation of the Holy Quran is divided into two main types:
- Interpretation based on the hadith: This is the interpretation that is based on the sayings of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, his honorable companions, and those who followed them in good faith.
- Interpretation by opinion: This is the interpretation that is based on the interpreter’s diligence, his understanding of the Arabic language, and his knowledge of the sciences of the Holy Quran.
D. Understanding the themes and context of Surahs
- Choose the surahs that you like to hear: they will be more motivating for you to memorize them.
- Divide the surah into small parts: this will be easier for you than memorizing it all at once.
E. Lessons and practical applications from selected Surahs
- Memorizing the Holy Quran: If your goal is to memorize the Holy Quran, it is best to start by memorizing short, easy surahs, such as: Surat Al-Falaq, Surat Al-Nas, and Surat Al-Kawthar, then graduate to memorizing longer surahs, such as: Surat Al-Baqarah, Surat Al Imran, and Surat An-Nisa. .
- Understanding the meanings of the Holy Quran: If your goal is to understand the meanings of the Holy Quran, it is best to start studying the surahs that talk about faith, morals, and stories, such as: Surat Al-Baqarah, Surat Al Imran, Surah Al-Naml, and Surat Al-Qasas.
Read more: Ijazah in Quran Recitation and Tajweed Course
Quranic Sciences
A. Introduction to Quranic Sciences
- Definition of the Holy Quran: It contains: its definition, its virtue, its miracle, and the necessity of believing in it.
- Revelation and the Quran: It includes: the definition of revelation, its types, and the characteristics of the Holy Quran.
- The revelation of the Holy Quran: It contains: the meaning of the revelation, its manner, the stages of its revelation, the first thing that was revealed from it, and the last thing that was revealed.
B. ‘Ulum al-Quran: Sciences related to the Quran
Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed, as the introduction to the sciences of the Quran is your gateway to understanding these various sciences. It provides you with a comprehensive overview of:
- Definition of the sciences of the Quran: What are the sciences of the Quran? What is its importance?
- Topics of Quranic Sciences: What topics do Quranic Sciences cover?
- The origins of the Quranic sciences: How did the Quranic sciences arise and develop throughout history?
C. Tafsir: Exegesis and interpretation of the Quran
Interpretation of the Holy Quran is a science concerned with explaining the meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran, explaining what God Almighty means by them, and understanding their secrets and implications. It is considered one of the most important sciences of Islam, because of its fundamental role in understanding the Holy Book and applying it.
D. ‘Ilm al-Tajweed: Science of proper Quranic recitation
It is a science concerned with controlling the reading of the Holy Quran and its recitation with Tajweed, in terms of the origins of the letters and their characteristics, the rules of recitation, the letters of long and short, stopping and beginning, and other matters that help in reading the Holy Quran correctly and in accordance with the recitation of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.
E. ‘Ilm al-Qira’at: Sciences of Quranic readings
Scholars were interested in recording the different readings and transmitting them across generations, which contributed to preserving the integrity of the Quranic text from distortion and alteration.
Facilitating understanding of the Holy Quran: Knowing the differences in readings helps to understand the meanings of the Holy Qur’an and clarify some grammatical and grammatical aspects.
F. ‘Ilm al-Balaghah: Rhetoric and eloquence in the Quran
The Holy Quran is considered a miraculous book in all its aspects, including its superior eloquence, which is beyond human eloquence. Rhetoric in the Holy Quran is manifested in many aspects.
The words of the Holy Quran are distinguished by their eloquence and eloquence. They were selected with great care from the Arabic language, and are distinguished by their integrity of melody and ambiguous meaning.

Quran in the quran )Understanding Key Concepts in the Quran)
A. Monotheism (Tawheed) in the Quran
Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed to learn about monotheism, a fundamental pillar of the Islamic faith. Indeed, it is its essence and axis, from which all other beliefs and rulings branch. It is intended to single out God Almighty as divinity and lordship, and to deny a partner to Him in all of His attributes and actions.
B. Prophethood and Messengership in the Quran
- Prophecy: God Almighty sends messengers to humanity who convey his message to them and invite them to worship God alone.
- The Message: It is the law that God Almighty revealed to a specific prophet to call people to it.
C. Divine Revelation and Miracles in the Quran
The Holy Quran is considered the miracle of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the final of the prophets and messengers, and it is the word of God Almighty revealed to His Prophet in a miraculous way that challenges all of humanity. Divine revelation and miracles are among the most important characteristics of the Holy Quran.
D. Moral and Ethical Teachings in the Quran
For every student Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed The Holy Quran is a rich source of moral teachings that organize the life of the individual and society, and establish virtuous values that promote tolerance, justice, and mercy among people. These teachings cover various aspects of life, from worship and personal transactions to social and economic relations.
E. Social Justice and Human Rights in the Quran
The Holy Quran is a rich source of principles and values that establish the foundations of social justice and human rights, and constitute an integrated framework for organizing the life of the individual and society.
F. The Concept of Paradise and Hell in the Quran
- Paradise: the abode of eternity and eternal happiness for believers and the pious, and a reward for good deeds and faith in God Almighty.
- Hell: the abode of eternal torment for unbelievers and transgressors, and a punishment for disobedience, injustice, and disbelief in God Almighty.
Read more: Online Tajweed tutors
Practical Application of Quranic Teachings
A. Implementing Quranic principles in daily life
Applying Quranic principles in daily life is full of great benefits that enrich a Muslim’s life, strengthen his faith, and strengthen his connection with his Lord. By following the teachings of the Holy Quran, a Muslim can transform his life into an inspiring journey of faith that helps him achieve happiness and tranquility in this world and win the afterlife.
B. Developing a personal relationship with the Quran
The Holy Quran is a great gift from God Almighty to humanity. It is a light that guides and heals what is in the breasts, and a constitution for life that illuminates the paths of believers and guides them to the path of happiness and success.
C. Utilizing the Quran as a source of guidance and inspiration
Applying Quranic principles in daily life represents a journey rich in meaning and blessing, enriching our existence and giving us happiness and tranquility. We can draw practical steps to apply these principles in various aspects of our lives.
D. Reflecting on the Quran for personal and spiritual growth
The Holy Quran is a rich source of personal and spiritual growth for Muslims. It is full of verses that enlighten minds, guide hearts, and help to elevate and purify the soul.
E. The Quran and societal issues: Addressing contemporary challenges
The Holy Quran is a shining guidance and a saving compass for Muslims in all their eras, including our present era, which is filled with many challenges and social issues. His teachings are still timeless and his principles are lofty, capable of providing solutions to these challenges and guiding us towards a virtuous Islamic society.
What is a surat in the Quran?
The Holy Quran consists of 114 surahs, arranged according to length from longest to shortest. Each surah begins with a name, usually at the beginning of the surah.
Who are the 4 Mazhab in Islam?
The four schools of thought in Islam are the most famous schools of Sunni jurisprudence, and they are:
- The Hanafi school of thought: It was founded in the city of Kufa, Iraq, and is attributed to Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numan. This doctrine relies heavily on opinion and analogy.
- The Maliki school of thought: founded in Medina, and attributed to Imam Malik bin Anas. This doctrine is distinguished by its reliance on Al-Muwatta, which is one of the most important books of the Prophet’s hadith.
- The Shafi’i school of thought: It was founded in Mecca, and is attributed to Imam Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafi’i. This doctrine combines opinion, analogy, and the use of other sources such as the Holy Quran, the Sunnah of the Prophet, and consensus.
- The Hanbali school of thought: founded in Baghdad, and attributed to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. This school of thought is characterized by its reliance on prophetic narrations, and has a strong focus on partial jurisprudence.
What are the teaching in the Quran?
The teachings of the Holy Quran are comprehensive and precise, and vary to include all aspects of human life, and can be summarized in the following main points:
1. Doctrine:
- Belief in God Almighty, Creator, Merciful and Powerful, who has no partner.
- Belief in angels, books, messengers, and the Last Day.
- Belief in destiny, its good and evil.
2. Worship:
- Performing the five daily prayers.
- Paying zakat.
- Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
- Hajj is for those who are able.
3. Ethics:
- Having virtuous morals, such as: honesty, trustworthiness, justice, benevolence, compassion, and humility.
- Avoid vices, such as: lying, injustice, cheating, arrogance, and hatred.
What are the Benefits of Attending Quranic Classes?
Attending lessons of the Holy Quran has many benefits, both worldly and hereafter, among which we mention the benefits of Class in the Quran Online for those who want Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed, Learn the Holy Quran: It is the foundation of the Islamic religion, and understanding it is a basic condition for its application.
How Can Quranic Classes Enhance Your Understanding of the Scripture?
After Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed at Shaikh Saleh Academy and sign up for Class in the Quran you will learn the following:
- Explanation of difficult concepts: Quranic chapters explain difficult concepts in the Holy Quran, such as Heaven, Hell, angels, and prophets. This helps me understand these concepts better and interpret them more accurately.
- Linking verses to each other: The Quranic chapters link verses to each other, which helps me understand how they fit together and how they contribute to the overall message of the Holy Quran.
What Topics are Explored in Quranic Classes?
After Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed at Shaikh Saleh Academy and sign up for Class in the Quran you will learn the following:
- Belief in God Almighty and His attributes: The unity of God Almighty, His majestic and perfect attributes, and proof of His power, knowledge, and will are addressed.
- Belief in Angels, Books, and Messengers: The role of angels, prophets, and heavenly books in guiding humanity is explained.
Why Should You Consider Joining a Quranic Class?
After Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed at Shaikh Saleh Academy and sign up for Class in the Quran you will learn the following:
- Improving the Arabic language: Memorizing the Holy Quran helps improve the Arabic language. A Muslim learns the rules and rulings of the Arabic language through memorizing the Holy Quran.
- Strengthening memory: Memorizing the Holy Quran helps strengthen memory, as a Muslim exerts his memory to memorize and consolidate verses of the Holy Quran.
How Do Quranic Classes Foster Spiritual Growth and Connection?
After Take class in the Quran Online with Tajweed at Shaikh Saleh Academy and sign up for Class in the Quran you will learn the following, Strengthening faith Understanding the Holy Quran helps strengthen faith in God Almighty, and strengthens the spiritual bond between participants and their Creator.
Shaikh Saleh Academy courses:
- Quran Reading Basics Course
- Quran Recitation with Tajweed Course
- Quran Memorization Courses
- Quran Ijazah Courses
- Islamic Studies Course
- Arabic Language Course