The Holy Quran is the book of Allah SWT revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, and because it is the word of Allah, it must be treated with respect and dignity and observing special etiquette while reading the Quran, so many Muslims ask this question: Can I recite quran without wudu?

Sheikh Saleh Academy is responsible for answering this question: Can I recite Quran without wudu? to make it easier for Muslims, especially in light of the different opinions of jurists on this topic, and in this article we provide a comprehensive guide on this issue through accurate and reliable information.

Can I recite Quran without wudu

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

Jurists differed on the answer to this question: Can I recite Quran without wudu? but most of them, including the four imams: Al-Shafi’i, Abu Hanifa, Malik and Ahmad, believe that it is permissible to read the Holy Quran without Wudu, provided that there is no Janabah or impurity, but it is of course better for a Muslim to be in a state of Wudu when reading the Holy Quran.

These rulings differ greatly in the case of a legitimate excuse, such as menstruation for a woman, as it is permissible for her to read the Quran by heart without touching the Mushaf, but some scholars prefer not to read the Holy Quran during menstruation and replace it with other acts of worship such as remembrance of Allah and giving charity to the poor, but it is always better for a woman to be in a state of ritual purity when reading the Holy Quran, in order to be in a better psychological and spiritual state, and to be closer to Allah Almighty.

Sleeping Off While Reading The Quran Makes Wudu Invalid?

After answering the question: Can I recite Quran without wudu? We will discuss the effect of sleep during Wudu, so scholars divide sleep into three types: sleeping while lying down, sleeping while sitting, or in a state other than these two states, such as sleeping while standing, prostrating, or kneeling.

If you sleep while lying down, this invalidates Wudu according to all Madhabs, even if the sleep is short, and for sleeping while sitting, this does not invalidate Wudu if it is short, however, if the sleep is for a long time, this invalidates Wudu, and this opinion is contradicted by Imam Al-Shafi’i, who believes that sleeping while sitting does not invalidate Wudu, whether it is short or long.

In other cases other than lying down and sitting, such as standing, prostrating, or kneeling, sleeping during them invalidates Wudu according to Imam Al-Shafi’i, but for Imam Abu Hanifa, these positions do not invalidate Wudu, whether it is during prayer or otherwise.

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Can I read Quran app without wudu?

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

You can read the Holy Quran from mobile phone applications and electronic devices without Wudu because they are not considered a Mushaf, so Wudu is not required while touching these devices, but it is also better to perform Wudu while reading the Holy Quran in general, because Wudu gives a feeling of purity and prepares the heart and mind to receive the words of Allah SWT with greater contemplation and reverence.

Can you listen to Quran without wudu and Can I recite Quran without wudu?

Of course, it is permissible to listen to the Holy Quran without Wudu because you do not pronounce it or touch the Mushaf, but it is better to perform Wudu while listening so that you are in a state of purity and get closer to Allah SWT and show respect and appreciation for this great word from Allah, as listening to the Quran in a state of purity increases the spiritual impact and enhances the state of focus and reverence.

Is It Necessary To Do Wudu Before Reading The Quran?

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

You do not have to perform Wudu before reading the Holy Quran unless you want to touch it, but it is recommended that if you want to read the Holy Quran even if you do not touch the Mushaf, you perform Wudu out of respect and reverence for this holy book which is the word of Allah SWT, but if you want to touch or carry the Mushaf, you must perform Wudu first.

Can you pick up the Quran without wudu?

Our answer to the question: Can I recite Quran without wudu? Yes, it is permissible if you do not want to touch the Quran, however, if you want to touch and carry the Quran, most scholars have agreed that it is not permissible, except for a few who have permitted carrying the Quran without Wudu, this is a weak opinion, because Allah SWT says:

إِنَّهُ لَقُرْآنٌ كَرِيمٌ (77) فِي كِتَابٍ مَّكْنُونٍ (78) لَّا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ (79) تَنزِيلٌ مِّن رَّبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ (80)

Indeed, it is a noble Quran (77) In a well-guarded Book (78) None touch it except the purified (79) A revelation from the Lord of the worlds (80)

Do you need to recite the Quran from memory?

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

Reciting the Noble Quran from memory does not require Wudu, because what is forbidden is touching the Quran without Wudu, therefore, you can rely on memory to read the Holy Quran only without any problem or difficulty, and this makes it easy for many Quran memorizers who want to review what they have memorized without the need to perform Wudu every time.

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What Happens When You Fart While Reading the Quran?

Suppose you fart while reading the Holy Quran. In that case, it depends on the way you read, so if you are reading from the Quran, you must stand up and perform Wudu quickly before touching the Quran again, because Islam requires purity and Wudu if you want to touch the Quran, and farting violates this condition.

Therefore, you must perform Wudu again before you resume touching the Quran and reading from it, however, if you are reading from memory or from an electronic device, you do not have to perform Wudu again, but it is preferable to do so out of respect for the Quran and you can read more about Can I recite Quran without wudu above.

Is it permissible to read the Holy Quran while in a state of Janabah?

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

It is never permissible to read the Holy Quran when a Muslim is in a state of Janabah, according to the consensus of all scholars, whether he intends to touch the Quran or just read, he must first wash himself before reading the Quran or touching the Quran.

In general, every Muslim must purify himself from Janabah when he wants to perform many acts of worship such as prayer, fasting, and reading the Quran, because Janab5 is considered a state of impurity that requires complete washing to purify himself and return to a state of spiritual and physical purity.

Is it okay to read the Quran on a phone and Can I recite Quran without wudu?

It is permissible to read the Holy Quran from a phone or from any electronic device, especially in light of the possibility of taking the phone anywhere and at any time, and this helps you to continue reading the Holy Quran without relying on the presence of the Quran only.

In addition, recent times have witnessed a remarkable development in technology, and there are interpretations and explanations of verses in an electronic form that is easy to access, which helps in understanding, so reading the Quran from electronic devices may be more suitable for people who move a lot or find it difficult to carry a large Quran.

It is not necessary to perform Wudu while reading from these phones, but it is preferable to respect the words of Allah SWT, and also, a Muslim gets a great reward when reading the Holy Quran whether from the phone or from the Mushaf, and the reason for that is the sincerity of his intention and his sincerity in reading and contemplating the words of Allah SWT.

Do You Need Wudu to Read the Quran Translation?

Can I recite Quran without wudu?
Can I recite Quran without wudu?

It is preferable to read the Holy Quran in Arabic while in a state of Wudu, but translations of the Holy Quran into other languages such as English or Persian or any other language do not require Wudu whether you hold these copies in your hand or not, but according to some scholars, Wudu before touching any book that contains the words of Allah SWT or its meanings and interpretation is a clear expression of your respect and reverence for this book and faith in Allah SWT.

Translation is a means of understanding the meanings of the Holy Quran for those who do not speak Arabic, so dealing with it is slightly different from the original Mushaf written in Arabic, and If you are asking this question, Can I recite Quran without wudu? The answer will be yes, it is permissible, but Wudu is better.

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