Surah At-Tin is one of the most important surahs of the Qur’an. It is a Meccan surah with eight verses. It was revealed before Surah Quraish and after Surah Al-Buruj and has 34 words. In this article, we will present the benefits of Surah Tin, explaining the role of the Qur’an in the lives of Muslims.
The Meaning of Surah At-Tin
The benefits of Surah Tin are numerous because it includes many great meanings and purposes that explain the most important Benefits of Surah Tin, which are as follows:
1- «والتين والزيتون»
Wa al-teeni wa al-zaytoon (1)
By the fig and the olive (1)
The surah is glorified from the Levant because it is home to a large number of prophets. It is also the basis for cultivating figs and olives, as olives refer to a mountain in Jerusalem and figs refer to a mountain in Damascus.
Figs and olives are distinguished by their many health benefits, as olives are used as toothpicks for prophets. Figs are also a fruit that contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for health.
2- «وطور سنين»
wa toori seeneen (2)
And [by] Mount Sinai (2)
The mountain refers to a mountain in Sinai where Allah spoke to our master Moses and the Torah was revealed to him.
3- «وهذا البلد الأمين»
wa hatha al-baladi al-ameen
And [by] this secure city [Makkah] (3)
Allah swore by Mecca where the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was born, and in these verses He swore by the three heavenly books: the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.
4- «لقد خلقنا الإنسان في أحسن تقويم»
laqad khalaqna al-insana fee ahsani taqweem (4)
We have certainly created man in the best of stature (4)
Allah SWT swore by the creation of man and that he is the greatest of creations, as He distinguished him from others with the blessing of reason and that his body is straight, so He created him in the best and most beautiful image and gave him the ability to choose and distinguish between right and wrong.
5- «ثم رددناه أسفل سافلين»
thumma radadnahu asfala safileen (5)
Then We return him to the lowest of the low (5)
Allah SWT made it clear that although He created all humans the best, they are not equal. If a person submits to Allah SWT and worships Him well, this glorifies himself, while if a person disbelieves and commits many sins, he thereby despises himself and becomes in the ugliest form.
6- «إلا الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات فلهم أجر غير ممنون»
illa alladheena amanoo wa ‘amiloo al-salihati falahum ajrun ghayru mamnoon (6)
Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for they will have a reward uninterrupted (6)
Here Allah makes an exception for the believer and confirms that his reward will remain constant and that the good deeds he did during his youth will continue to be rewarded even after his inability to do them, and Allah will reward him with Paradise, while the unbeliever will remain in Hell.
7,8- «فما يكذبك بعد بالدين* أليس الله بأحكم الحاكمين»
fama yukadhdhibuka ba’du biddin (7) alaysa Allahu bi-ahkami al-hakimeen (8)
So what yet causes you to deny the Recompense? (7) Is not Allah the most just of judges? (8)
The verse clarifies that Allah is the wisest of judges, meaning that His judgment is not tainted by any deficiency or defect, as He judges with absolute knowledge and is the most knowledgeable about the interests of His servants and chooses what is in their best interest, so He alone must be obeyed and no one else.
Surah at tin benefits
The benefits of Surah at tin are countless, as it is from the miraculous words of Allah that there is no doubt about, and the most important benefits of Surah at tin appear in the following:
1- Connecting with the Divine
Surah at tin helps us increase the connection between us and Allah SWT, because He is the wisest of judges, meaning that He knows what is good for your religion and your world. Because He is the One who created you and brought you into existence from nothing.
2- Enhancing Spiritual Awareness
The surah works to increase spiritual awareness because it clarifies to man the reality of the transient world and that the obedient and the disobedient, the Muslim and the infidel are not equal before Allah, so his faith in Allah increases and he is keen to obey Him in everything. This is one of the most important Benefits of Surah Tin.
3- Surah At-Tin and Health Benefits
Figs and olives contain many essential nutrients that help improve the movement of the stomach and intestines in addition to various vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and potassium. They also play an important role in promoting heart health and blood vessels, in addition to the ability of olives to control blood sugar levels, and this is one of the great Benefits of Surah Tin.
4- Mental Health Improvements
Surah At-Tin works to improve mental health because it encourages us to eat healthy food, as the health of the mind always lies in the health of the body. Healthy food helps increase concentration and eliminate lethargy and laziness, due to the presence of vitamin E, which improves brain health in figs and olives.
5- Physical Health Impact
The Quran is a treatment for all diseases, and Surah At-Tin is one of the most important of these surahs, as recent studies have discovered that olives are rich in antioxidants that protect against cancer. They also reduce harmful cholesterol and work to lower high blood pressure, thus improving the health of the individual in general.
6- Surah At-Tin for Personal Growth
Surah At-Tin calls on Muslims to strive for good deeds and not waste time on trivial matters because human life is short and what will remain for them in the end is their good deeds. They should also strive to develop the earth, as they are Allah’s vicegerent on earth, and that is why He distinguished them from all other creatures.
When learning tafsir al adiyat ibn kathir, you will find that Allah knows what is inside you, that the believer will resurrect you on the Day of Resurrection and will hold you accountable for all your deeds, so he must improve his work and thank Allah for His blessings and not be ungrateful for them.
7- Building Patience and Resilience
Surat At-Tin urges us to have good morals, including patience and flexibility, and calls us to pay attention to good deeds. A person will not be able to obey or avoid sin except through patience and remembering the reward and recompense.
8- Enhancing Positive Thinking
Surat At-Tin works to enhance positive thinking because it explains that a person has nothing to do but strive and that good deeds greatly raise the value of a person and enter him into Paradise, whose width is like the width of the heavens and the earth.
One of the benefits of Surah Al Nasr is enhancing positive thinking through Allah’s victory for the believers after they were oppressed and the entry of large numbers into Islam every day.
Surah At-Tin benefits for marriage
Surat At-Tin refers to the greatness of Allah, SWT, as He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, and if He wants something, He only says to it, “Be,” and it will be immediately. He also chooses for you what suits you in your life, so we must call upon Him alone if we want to marry a suitable person.
As Surah At-Tin has benefits, one of the benefits of Surah Al Qadr is that it tells us about a great night in which prayers are answered, as angels descend and destinies change. A Muslim can pray for whatever he desires, including marrying a good person and enjoying a happy married life.
What is the linguistic meaning of “”Tin””?
This title glorifies the fruits of figs and olives and that they have many benefits, as it shows the greatness of the country in which these fruits are grown. It is said that figs refer to the name of the mosque that our master Noah built on Al-Judi.
How Long to Read the Quran? This may differ from one person to another, but a Muslim should have a fixed portion of the Quran every day, and it is preferable to complete it in seven days. If he cannot, then every month, and the minimum number of days to complete it is three days.
How does Surah Al-Tin address the concept of divine justice?
Surah At-Tin makes a Muslim contemplate the creativity of Allah in His creation. When he sees fruits of different types, including figs, he realizes the greatness of Allah. When a Muslim contemplates his inner self, he realizes the beauty of Allah’s creation, as the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:
“من قرأ سورة (التين) أعطاه الله خصلتين: العافية واليقين ما دام في دار الدنيا، وإذا مات أعطاه الله من الأجر بعدد من قرأ هذه السورة “.
“Whoever recites Surah (Al-Teen), Allah will grant them two qualities: health and certainty as long as they remain in this world, and when they pass away, Allah will grant them rewards equal to the number of those who recited this Surah.”
The spiritual journey of the believer is strengthened in many surahs of the Qur’an, and this is one of the most important Maryam Surah benefits as well, as the surah teaches us to turn to Allah and to pray a lot, no matter how difficult the matter is, because Allah is capable of everything. It also contains many evidences that show the oneness of Allah and that there is nothing like Him, and that He is far removed from having a wife or a child.
What role does the Qur’an play in the daily life of Muslims?
The Quran includes many great surahs, each of which discusses different issues so that the Muslim can live in a balanced way so that he can worship Allah SWT according to His commands, because the Quran contains a complete approach that explains to the Muslim the ideal way of life and its purpose, as it explains to him the resurrection and the afterlife and other existential questions, and explains to him morals, dealings and beliefs, as Allah SWT said:
«إِنَّ هَٰذَا ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ يَهۡدِي لِلَّتِي هِيَ أَقۡوَمُ».
“Inna hatha al-Qur’ana yahdi lillati hiya aqwam.”
“Indeed, this Qur’an guides to that which is most upright.”
It is preferable for the Muslim to contemplate the Qur’an by interpreting some short surahs because this will encourage him to continue. Its benefits can be identified by also searching for the benefits of surah quraish and surah al kausar benefits and other surahs of the Mufassal that are full of lessons and morals and writing down these benefits and applying them practically in our daily lives.
How does the Qur’an guide moral behavior?
The Qur’an explains all the lofty moral values and calls us to adhere to good morals, as it is the main source of education for Muslims. If you do not know Arabic, you can choose Best quran tafseer in english to learn morals and values because morals are very important in our religion as the Prophet PBUH said
(إن من أحبكم إلي وأقربكم مني مجلسًا يوم القيامة أحاسنكم أخلاقًا، وإن أبغضكم إلي وأبعدكم مني يوم القيامة الثرثارون والمتشدقون والمتفيهقون)
“Indeed, the most beloved of you to me and the closest to me on the Day of Resurrection are those with the best manners. And the most disliked of you to me and the farthest from me on the Day of Resurrection are the talkative, the boastful, and the arrogant.”
It also guides us to moral behavior through the stories in the Qur’an and the commands and prohibitions.
A Muslim must be keen to learn the Qur’an and teach it to young children in a simple way. Discover Fun Facts About the Quran for Kids to attract their attention greatly and make them more willing to learn.
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