The surahs of the Holy Quran are distinguished by the fact that they are from Allah SWT. The Quran is considered a method for attaining Allah’s pleasure, and it includes a large number of surahs. One of the most important of these surahs is Surah Al-Qadr which talks about the greatest night in the month of Ramadan, and in the year in general. It is a Meccan surah revealed after Surah ‘Abasa, and it consists of five verses that carry many lessons and reflections. In this article, Shaikh Saleh Academy will discuss the benefits of surah al qadr, its virtue, and its importance in Islam.
What does “Al-Qadr” mean?
It is a night of the month of Ramadan that is distinguished from other nights by a large number of advantages, including that it is a night that is better than a thousand months. It is said that it is even better than that by much, but the number one thousand is the largest number known to the Arabs at that time. In it, Allah revealed the greatest heavenly book to the best of Allah’s creation, Muhammad, PBUH. It is also said that the Quran was revealed on this night as a whole.
It is one of the nights of the great month of Ramadan and is specifically in the last ten nights of it, as the Prophet said:
«إنِّي أُرِيتُ لَيْلَةَ القَدْرِ ثُمَّ أُنْسِيتُهَا فَالْتَمِسُوهَا في العَشْرِ الأوَاخِرِ في الوَتْرِ»
“I was shown Laylat al-Qadr, then I was made to forget it, so seek it in the last ten nights of Ramadan, in the odd nights.”
This night is also characterized by serenity, tranquility, and intense peace until the break of dawn, as Allah SWT said:
«سَلاَمٌ هِيَ حَتَّى طُلُوعِ الْفَجْرِ»
“Salāmun hiya ḥattā ṭulūʿi al-fajr.”
“Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.”
Virtues of Surah Al-Qadr
There are many virtues that distinguish Surah Al-Qadr from other surahs, but the lailatul qadar surah and its virtue are mainly evident in the following:
1- Virtue of the Laylat al-Qadr
The Laylat al-Qadr is distinguished from other nights in that every good deed that a person does is multiplied greatly, because the nation of the Prophet, PBUH, has a short average life span compared to the rest of the previous nations. Therefore, Allah has distinguished us from other nations with days and nights in which the reward and recompense are multiplied. Even one night may be equal to years of a person’s life, such as the Laylat al-Qadr.
In it, Allah answers supplications and writes the decrees of the entire year. Therefore, Muslims are keen to supplicate on that night. This is one of the greatest benefits of surah al qadr. Also, a large number of angels descend on it to witness the righteous deeds of the servants.
Aqidah for Kids can be built through the actions we do on a daily basis. When you are on the Laylat al-Qadr, emphasize to them that supplication is only to Allah, and explain this to them practically. We should also teach them the names and attributes of Allah so that they grow up righteous.
2- Reward for reciting Surah Al-Qadr
A Muslim receives a great deal of reward and recompense when reciting Surah Al-Qadr, because it is one of the surahs of the Quran. Whoever frequently reads the Quran and contemplates it is among the people of Allah and His chosen ones. Also, every letter of the Quran brings a good deed which is multiplied tenfold, and Allah multiplies for whom He wills. This is one of the most important benefits of surah al qadr.
3- Reminder of good deeds
Surah Al-Qadr urges us to do good deeds and to diversify among them, whether it is prayer, reading the Quran, supplications, or saying a prayer such as:
“O Allah, You are Forgiving, You love to forgive, so forgive me.”
The Prophet, PBUH, used to frequently say this supplication, because if Allah forgives you, He will fulfill all that you wish for. You can also increase in giving charity, being kind to parents, and having many good intentions in any action you do, so that you will be written with Allah as one of the winners on that night, and you will receive a large number of good deeds.
Most of the surahs of the Quran urge us to do more good deeds by explaining the great reward and abundant recompense that the believer will receive. This is also one of the most important benefits of surah tin.
4- Virtue of glorifying Allah and seeking forgiveness
Glorifying Allah and seeking His forgiveness are of great importance in the life of a Muslim at ordinary times, so what about on the Laylat al-Qadr? This is because whoever seeks forgiveness properly, Allah will provide for him from where he does not expect, and will make for him a way out of every worry and a way out of every distress. Sins may be a barrier between a servant and the response to his supplications. With frequent seeking of forgiveness, Allah will repent to us and fulfill our needs. Therefore, every Muslim must increase in glorifying Allah and seeking forgiveness on that night in order to receive a great reward, Allah willing. This clarifies the great benefits of surah al qadr.
One of the surah maryam benefits is the affirmation of the Oneness of Allah and that man will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment to be held accountable for his deeds. Nothing in this world will benefit him except for righteous deeds. Among the most important righteous deeds is for the believer to find a great deal of seeking forgiveness and glorifying Allah in his record of deeds.
Correcting the misconceptions about the benefits of surah al qadr
Some people believe that there is a special virtue for this surah as opposed to other surahs of the Quran, but the hadiths that have been narrated in this regard are weak and not authentic. That is, there is no authentic hadith regarding the virtue of Surah Al-Qadr. This appears in the saying:
(اقرأ سورة القدر عند دخولك البيت، وعند خروجك منه)
“Read Surah Al-Qadr when you enter the house and when you leave it.”
And also in the saying:
(من حفِظ سورة القدر، فكأنما حفظ جميع العلوم).
“Whoever memorizes Surah Al-Qadr, it is as if he has memorized all knowledge.”
Likewise, it has been narrated that whoever reads Surah Al-Qadr will be given a reward like one who fasted Ramadan and observed the Laylat al-Qadr. Some people also believe that the surah has a role in safety from the greatest horror or in exploiting the sins of the dead because of some hadiths, such as “No servant visits the grave of a poor believer and recites Surah Al-Qadr seven times except that Allah forgives him and the occupant of the grave,” or “Whoever visits the grave of his believing brother and recites Surah Al-Qadr seven times will be safe from the greatest horror.” All of these hadiths are fabricated and it is not permissible to spread them. You must also verify the authenticity of the hadith before acting upon it.
Every Muslim should be interested in learning the interpretation of the Holy Quran, and if he does not speak Arabic, he can use the Best quran tafseer in english so that he is not swayed by misconceptions. He can also start by contemplating the short surahs found in Juz’ Amma (the 30th part of the Quran), such as surah al kawthar benefits, and it is preferable to apply what he learns first.
Why is Laylat al-Qadr considered important in Islam?
The Laylat al-Qadr is considered one of the most important and greatest nights in the Islamic religion. It has been proven from the Prophet, PBUH, that he said:
«من قام ليلة القدر إيمانًا واحتسابًا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه»
“Whoever observes the Laylat al-Qadr with faith and seeking reward from Allah, his previous sins will be forgiven.”
This is the ultimate goal that the believer seeks to achieve. If Allah forgives your sins, He will admit you to Paradise, and you will win the eternal bliss in it and the vision of the Face of Allah SWT. The benefits of surah al qadr and the virtue of that night are many and have been mentioned previously.
There are preferences in religion in days and nights, as well as in the surahs of the Quran. Surah Al-Fatiha is the greatest surah in the Holy Quran, so every Muslim must learn about the benefits of surah al fatiha in order to increase his humility in his prayer.
What is the impact of Laylat al-Qadr on personal prayers (dua)?
The Laylat al-Qadr is considered one of the most hoped-for nights for the response to supplications. Some of the righteous, such as Sufyan al-Thawri, believed that supplication on that night was more beloved to him than prayer. Therefore, we must increase in supplication and persistence on that night so that Allah will answer our prayers. This shows the benefits of surah al qadr and its great status.
In order to increase the reading of the Quran on that blessed night, you must have a close relationship with the Quran. This can be done by taking care to contemplate it and searching for 9 Beautiful Quran Quotes About Life To Know, for example, as a way to increase the relationship between you and the Quran. This method will help you continue for a long time in contemplation.
How does the Quran guide moral and ethical behavior?
The Quran guides moral behavior by presenting a human model whose character was the Quran, and it is the Prophet, PBUH. Allah said about him:
«وإنك لعلى خلق عظيم»
“And indeed, you are of a great moral character.”
The Quran is also full of verses that clarify the importance of possessing noble morals and forbid us from sins and acts of disobedience.
One of the most important surahs that urge good morals is surah al humazah through the prohibition of slandering, mocking, and backbiting people. tafsir al adiyat ibn kathir also shows the nature of man, that he naturally forgets blessings, is ungrateful, and is attached to this world. If there is no religion to prevent man from immorality, he would be excessive in wronging himself and others. Thus, the Quran works to guide moral behavior.
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