Ramadan is the most important and best month of the entire year. In it, you can discover your true self and know your lofty goals for this transient life. You see the world from another, more positive and optimistic perspective. Here is the great opportunity before you to be freed from the Fire and win Paradise and pleasure. Therefore, O Muslim, be keen to seize this opportune moment and precious treasure, and strive to do good deeds and stay away from sins, desires, and transgressions, so that you may attain all this great reward and abundant grace.
Therefore, in this article, we will talk in detail about What is haram during Ramadan, and the importance of this holy month and its virtue and status in the true Islamic religion.
The Virtue of the Month of Ramadan and Its Status in Islam
Before knowing the effect of committing sins in Ramadan on the soul and spirit, it is important and necessary to first learn about the virtues of this holy month and its great advantages, so that our will and determination against desires and transgressions may be strengthened, and we strive to do good deeds and avoid evil deeds. Fasting in Ramadan is an essential pillar of the five pillars of Islam on which the religion is based. Whoever deliberately leaves fasting and denies it disbelieves and leaves the religion. Whoever leaves it lazy or negligent is guilty of a very great sin and a great transgression.
This virtuous month has a great status and a high position with all Muslims in various parts of the world. They increase their supplication before the arrival of the month of Ramadan that Allah may allow them to reach this virtuous month, and that He may grant them good deeds in it and strive in acts of obedience. It is the month of forgiveness, mercy, charity, generosity, and spending in the path of Allah. The fasting person has a supplication that is answered at the time of breaking his fast.
What Is Haram During Ramadan?
Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and holds great significance in refining the soul, purifying the heart, and strengthening faith. A Muslim must avoid all prohibitions during Ramadan, whether in actions or words, to ensure that their fast is accepted, their sins are forgiven, and their status is elevated.
Among the forbidden words during fasting are cursing and insulting, backbiting which involves speaking about someone in a way they would dislike even if it is true gossiping, which means spreading words between people with the intent of causing corruption or discord, and slander, which involves falsely attributing flaws or shortcomings to someone. These verbal prohibitions are especially important to avoid during the holy month of Ramadan.
In addition to forbidden speech, other actions invalidate fasting, such as intentionally eating or drinking, engaging in sexual intercourse during the day, and deliberately vomiting. Smoking is also prohibited as it reaches the stomach. Masturbation breaks the fast and requires making up for the missed day. Deception and lying, while not breaking the fast, reduce its spiritual reward.
The Importance of Striving in Acts of Obedience During Ramadan
Since there are many great rewards and divine grants in Ramadan, and by making the best use of this season of obedience, the Muslim should know the effect of committing sins in Ramadan on his heart and soul, and should know what he loses from himself from great benefits and many blessings.
He must do his best to avoid sins, transgressions, and evil deeds, by monitoring his tongue and guarding it from idle and obscene speech, lowering his gaze from what is forbidden and temptations, not listening to all that Allah has forbidden.
He must perform the prayers on time with humility and sincerity, and stand before Allah in Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers, preparing his heart in worship and supplicating to Allah, feeling his weakness and need from those around him and his strength to the strength of Allah, and increasing remembrance of Allah SWT at all times. Fasting does not mean abstaining from food and drink only, but it means abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden from words, actions, and behavior.
The Effect of Committing Sins in Ramadan
The effect of committing sins in the month of Ramadan may differ according to the type of transgression and the state of your heart after it. The true believer does not belittle his sin, no matter how small or little it is, because he does not look at the smallness of the transgression, but looks at the greatness of the One whom he has disobeyed, who is Allah SWT.
You must know with certainty that sins and transgressions have negative and dire effects on the soul, heart, and spirit. You may lose many lofty meanings and valuable lessons. They may prevent you from accepting worship and being humble in it. They may deprive you of the pleasure of obedience and intimacy with Allah SWT. Therefore, you must stay away from the places of suspicion and strive to do good deeds as much as you can.
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How to Repent and Seek Forgiveness in Ramadan
There are many and varied ways that can be used to expiate sins, wrongdoings, and transgressions. Among the best of these ways is the chief of seeking forgiveness, which is:
“اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت خلقتني وأنا عبدك وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت أبوء لك بنعمتك علي، وأبوء بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت”
“O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant, and I am abiding by Your covenant and promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge to You Your favor upon me, and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except You.”
The Prophet PBUH said:
“ومن قالها من النهار موقنًا بها فمات من يومه قبل أن يمسي فهو من أهل الجنة، ومن قالها من الليل وهو موقن بها فمات قبل أن يصبح فهو من أهل الجنة.”
“Whoever says it during the day believing in it, and dies on that day before evening, he is among the people of Paradise, and whoever says it at night believing in it, and dies before morning, he is among the people of Paradise.”
This way is considered the best way to seek forgiveness at all, as you enter Allah with your weakness, need, helplessness, and humility. You can say: “Glory be to Allah and praise be to Him a hundred times morning and evening” so that Allah may forgive your sins, even if they are like the foam of the sea.
Know that the mere feeling of guilt and remorse for what the Muslim has done of transgressions and wrongdoings, and promising Allah not to return to their like, is in itself repentance and seeking forgiveness. The five prayers, from Friday to Friday, and from Ramadan to Ramadan are expiations for what is between them if major sins are avoided.
The Role of Fasting in Expiating Sins and Transgressions
Since the effect of committing sins in Ramadan is that it may deprive you of many gates of goodness and grace, fasting plays an important and effective role in expiating sins, transgressions, and misdeeds. The Prophet PBUH said:
“من صام رمضان إيمانًا واحتسابًا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه”
“Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and seeking its reward will have his past sins forgiven.”
Therefore, you must be very keen to fast the entire month and to adhere to all its rulings, etiquette, and Sunnahs, and not to miss praying at night in this virtuous month. If a woman breaks her fast due to menstruation or postpartum bleeding, she can compensate for these days after Ramadan.
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Sins That Require Expiation in Ramadan
Although the effect of committing sins in Ramadan is very negative, there are some sins that require expiation so that Allah may forgive your sin and repent to you, such as intercourse during the day of Ramadan or breaking the fast deliberately without a legitimate excuse. The expiation for this sin is to free a Muslim slave. If he does not find one, then fasting two consecutive months. If he cannot, then feeding sixty poor people.
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Importance of Good friends to Avoid Transgressions
Good friend is considered one of the most important aids to avoid transgressions and evil deeds, because they encourage you to increase acts of obedience and drawing closer to Allah, and you see them enjoining good and forbidding evil. You begin to hate transgression and aversion to it.
You feel that they are close to Allah and that they are stronger than you in facing hardships and difficulties. Working collectively with them may bring out of you many great achievements. You can look for a good role model that helps you on your way to Allah, by reading stories of the prophets and biographies of the righteous and the good.
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What Happens to the Devil in Ramadan?
The devils are chained and shackled in this holy month. The Muslim has a stronger will and a stronger determination in facing sins, transgressions, and desires away from the whispers that run through him like blood. Although there are some whispers that can reach him, but to a slightly lesser extent than ordinary days. There remains the human self that is prone to evil. Therefore, increase your supplication that Allah may help you to worship. The Prophet PBUH used to say after every prayer:
“اللهم أعني على ذكرك وشكرك وحسن عبادتك”
O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You, and worship You well.
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Are Transgressions in Ramadan More Severe?
Yes, since the rewards are multiplied in the month of Ramadan, the sin of transgression is more severe and greater in these virtuous days, because the soul tends to obedience and worship. Ramadan prepares for it the appropriate faithful environment for piety and good deeds.
He insists on committing sins despite that, which shows the effect of committing sins in Ramadan on the reward and recompense. Transgressions may be in words, such as cursing, insulting, lying, backbiting, gossiping, cheating, and deceiving.
They may be in actions, such as not lowering the gaze, abandoning obligatory duties, women going out adorned, and many others.
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What Are the Sins That Allah Does Not Forgive?
The sins that Allah SWT does not forgive are to associate partners with Him SWT. If a person dies on that association, Allah will never forgive him, such as apostasy from Islam. The evidence for that is the saying of Allah SWT:
“إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَغْفِرُ أَنْ يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ”
Inna Allaha la yaghfiru an yushraka bihi wa yaghfiru ma duna dhalika liman yashao.
Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills.