Fajr prayer consists of two rakats that is obligatory on every Muslim, with which he starts his day. Therefore, Fajr prayer is one of the most difficult prayers for every Muslim, but it has a great virtue with Allah SWT for those who persevere in it and perform it on time. Therefore, many people want to know when does fajr prayer end? This is what Shaikh Saleh Academy clarifies in detail in this article.

Timing of Fajr Prayer

The time for Fajr prayer is after the appearance of the second dawn, which is called the true dawn. The appearance of the second dawn is the beginning of the departure of the night and the arrival of the first light of dawn. At this time, the blackness of the night is mixed with the whiteness of the day.

However, a distinction must be made between the false dawn and the true dawn. In the false dawn, the white of the dawn is like the tail of a wolf, and then another darkness follows it, and after that the true dawn appears, and the muezzin calls the prayer at its beginning time, and this is a sign of the time for Fajr prayer.


When Does Al-Fajr Prayer End?

The time for Fajr prayer ends with sunrise. There is no disagreement among scholars that the beginning of the time for Fajr prayer is the appearance of the second dawn, i.e., the true dawn, and its end is until sunrise.

Some may also wonder: what time does isha prayer end? The answer is that its end time is midnight. If midnight has passed, it is not permissible to delay it until then.

Duration of Fajr Prayer

Fajr prayer is a distinguishing mark between faith and hypocrisy. It is one of the greatest prayers, and the Messenger of Allah, PBUH, said that it is the most difficult prayer for hypocrites. Fajr prayer is two rakats. The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, used to recite between sixty and one hundred verses in it, so its duration varies depending on the individual, the amount of his recitation from the Holy Quran, and his level of humility.

Many ask: how long do prayers last in islam? That varies according to the prayer. The prayer may be two rakats, three rakats, or four rakats, and also varies according to recitation and the Muslim’s humility.

Some may ask: can i pray in english islam? It is not valid as long as the Muslim is able to learn Arabic. However, if he is not educated, it is permissible to translate the supplications of prayer into English, except for Al-Fatiha, because it must be recited in Arabic.

Significance of Offering Fajr Prayer on Time

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Fajr prayer is considered one of the most important of the five prayers that Allah has obligated on Muslims, as Allah has urged the performance of it on time. There are many hadiths of the Prophet that indicate the importance of performing Fajr prayer on time, including:

«إن أثقل صلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبوا».

“The most difficult prayers for the hypocrites are Isha and Fajr prayers. If they knew what they contained, they would come to them even if crawling.”

And he said:

«من صلى العشاء في جماعة فكأنما قام نصف الليل ومن صلى الصبح في جماعة فكأنما قام الليل كله».

“Whoever prays Isha in congregation, it is as if he has spent half the night in prayer. And whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he has spent the whole night in prayer.”

How can I calculate the timing of Fajr prayer accurately?

The time for Fajr prayer is calculated by the amount of time remaining until the sun rises, with the beginning of the appearance of the first thread of light from it, i.e., by estimating the time necessary for the sun to rise while it is still below the horizon with the appearance of the first diffused thread of light from it.

Some may wonder: how many times a day do Islam pray? The Fard prayers for a Muslim in the day are five prayers, and a person can increase by praying supererogatory prayers as well.

Do Muslim pray before eating? That is recommended for everyone, especially in the month of Ramadan, so that Allah will bless the food.

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Can I Pray Al-Fajr 5 Minutes Before Sunrise?

A Muslim must preserve the prayer at its appointed times, especially Fajr prayer, due to the saying of Allah SWT:

“إِنَّ الصَّلَاةَ كَانَتْ عَلَى الْمُؤْمِنِينَ كِتَابًا مَوْقُوتًا”

Inna aṣ-ṣalāta kānat ‘ala al-mu’minīna kitāban mawqūtan.

“Indeed, prayer has been prescribed upon the believers a decree of specified times.”

The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, said:

“من أدرك ركعة من الصبح قبل أن تطلع الشمس، فقد أدرك الصبح”

“Whoever catches a rak’ah of the morning prayer before the sun rises has caught the morning prayer.”

Some also ask about Can we recite Quran during zawal time? The correct view is that the Holy Quran can be recited at any time and in any amount, but it is preferable to allocate a daily portion that is recited regularly and consistently. You can learn How to Read the Quran in 30 Days Schedule.

Can I still pray Fajr if I wake up after sunrise?

If a Muslim realizes the time for Fajr prayer after sunrise, he must perform it immediately, due to the saying of the Prophet, PBUH:

“من نام عن الصلاة أو نسيها؛ فليصلها إذا ذكرها لا كفارة له إلا ذلك”

“Whoever sleeps through a prayer, or forgets it, let him pray it when he remembers it. There is no expiation for it except that.”

The Muslim must hasten to perform the prayer that he did not perform due to sleep or forgetfulness, and not delay the prayer until another prayer. It is not permissible for a Muslim to delay Fajr prayer until after sunrise, because in doing so he has gone out of the time for prayer and has missed Fajr prayer. If a Muslim deliberately prays Fajr after sunrise, he has done the action of the hypocrites. Allah says in His Holy Book:

{فَخَلَفَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ خَلْفٌ أَضَاعُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَاتَّبَعُوا الشَّهَوَاتِ فَسَوْفَ يَلْقَوْنَ غَيًّا}

Fa-khalafa min ba‘dihim khalfun aḍā‘ū aṣ-ṣalāta wa-ttaba‘ū ash-shahawāt fa-sawfa yalqawna ghayyan.

“Then there came after them successors who neglected prayer and pursued desires; so they are going to meet evil.”

What should I do if I have difficulty waking up for Fajr prayer?

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If a Muslim has difficulty waking up for Fajr prayer, he must first know the greatness and status of Fajr prayer. The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, said:

.(من صلّى الصبح في جماعة فكأنما صلّى الليل كله)

“Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he has prayed the entire night.”

And he, PBUH, said:

(أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر، ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبواً)

“The most difficult prayers for the hypocrites are Isha and Fajr prayers. If they knew what they contained, they would come to them even if crawling.”

There are also some things that a Muslim can do to be able to wake up easily for Fajr prayer, including:

  • Not delaying going to sleep and going to sleep early to wake up at the time for Fajr prayer.
  • Having determination and intention before going to sleep to perform Fajr prayer.
  • Setting the alarm to wake up for prayer.
  • Not eating fatty foods or large meals right before going to sleep.
  • Not sleeping after Asr or Maghrib prayer.


How many rakats in each prayer?

Fajr prayer, or as it is also called Subh prayer, is two rakats obligatory on every Muslim, and its time is after the appearance of dawn and before sunrise. It is from the Sunnah of the Prophet that the Muslim performs two regular Sunnah rakats before the two obligatory rakats of Fajr, as the Prophet, PBUH, was keen to perform them. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:

“لم يكن النبي ﷺ على شيء من النوافل أشد تعهداً منه على ركعتي الفجر”

“The Prophet, PBUH, was not more keen on any supererogatory prayers than he was on the two rakats of Fajr.”

And he, PBUH, said:

“ركعتا الفجر خير من الدنيا وما عليها”

“The two rakats of Fajr are better than this world and everything in it.”

Some may wonder: what do you say in sujood and ruku? As for Ruku, what is prescribed in it is: “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” which means (Glory be to my Lord, the Most Great) three times or more. As for Sujood, you should say: “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” which means (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) three times or more.

Is it better to pray Fajr in a congregation or alone?

Of course, it is preferable to perform Fajr prayer in congregation rather than performing it alone, and that applies to all obligatory prayers as well.

What is the dua to recite after Fajr prayer?

It is recommended for all Muslims to say supplications and remembrance of Allah at the beginning of the night and at the beginning of the day, because Allah SWT has commanded us to remember and glorify Him in the morning and evening. Among the best supplications that are said after Fajr prayer are:

“لا إلهَ إلا اللهُ وحدهُ لا شريكَ لهُ، لهُ الملكُ، ولهُ الحمدُ وهوَ على كلِّ شيءٍ قديرٌ”

Lā ilāha illa Allāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, lahu al-mulku wa-lahu al-ḥamdu wa-huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in qadīr.

“There is no Allah but Allah alone, without partner. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him belongs the praise. He is powerful over all things.”

“سبحانَ اللهِ، والحمدُ للهِ، ولا إلهَ إلا اللهُ، واللهُ أكبرُ، ولا حولَ ولا قوةَ إلا باللهِ، وسبحانَ اللهِ وبحمدهِ، سبحانَ اللهِ العظيمِ.”

Subḥāna Allāh, wa-al-ḥamdu li-llāh, wa-lā ilāha illa Allāh, wa-Allāhu akbar, wa-lā ḥawla wa-lā quwwata illa bi-llāh, wa-Subḥāna Allāhi wa-bi-ḥamdihi, Subḥāna Allāhi al-‘Aẓīm.

“Glory be to Allah, and praise be to Allah, and there is no Allah but Allah, and Allah is the greatest, and there is no might or power except with Allah, and Glory be to Allah and praise be to Him, Glory be to Allah, the Most Great.”

What if I am traveling and miss Fajr prayer?

Fajr prayer must be performed as two rakats at its time, without combining it with other prayers. It is not affected by any concessions related to travel. Whoever goes out for travel before Fajr, should perform it during his travel when its time begins. It is not permissible for him to pray it before its time, nor is it permissible to delay it from its time. In this, it is unlike prayers such as Maghrib prayer, which are combined with Isha as a delayed combining.

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