Maghrib prayer is the third obligatory prayer for Muslims after Fajr, Dhuhr, and Asr. Allah SWT has commanded us to preserve it at its appointed times and not to be lazy in performing it no matter the excuse. There are many people who ask: what is maghrib prayer? and how to perform it, as Maghrib prayer differs in its performance from Dhuhr and Asr prayers. In this article, Shaikh Saleh Academy provides the answer to this question: what is maghrib prayer?
What is the Maghrib Prayer?
Maghrib prayer is one of the five prayers of Islam. It is an individual obligation on every adult, sane Muslim man and woman who is able to perform it. It is the fourth prayer in the day and night, and it is one of the prayers that are recited aloud. Its number of rakats is three. The Muslim prays the first two rakats, and in the middle of them is the Tashahhud, and after that he prays the third rakat, then the final Tashahhud. The three rakats of the Maghrib prayers must be mentioned when talking about how many rakats each prayer?
What time is Maghrib prayer performed?
The time for Maghrib prayer is between sunset and the disappearance of the twilight. The twilight means the redness that is on the western side. The Prophet, PBUH, urged the Muslim to pray Maghrib at the beginning of this time.
The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, said:
“صلوا قبل المغرب، صلوا قبل المغرب -يعني: قبل الصلاة، يعني قبل الفريضة- ثم قال في الثالثة: لمن شاء”
“Pray before Maghrib, pray before Maghrib – meaning: before the prayer, meaning before the obligatory prayer – then he said the third time: for whoever wishes.”
This indicates that the Prophet, PBUH, used to pray Maghrib prayer at its earliest time. However, if it is delayed until before the twilight disappears, the prayer is still valid, but it is better to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, PBUH. Maghrib prayer is performed in mosques for men, but as for the sick and women, they pray in their homes.
The Purpose of the Maghrib Prayer
Maghrib prayer, like the other prescribed prayers, is an obligation that Allah SWT has imposed on His servants. Every Muslim man and woman must perform it, and whoever abandons it is a Kafer, even if he does not deny it. Maghrib prayer has a great status, as it is the hour in which Allah SWT forgived Adam, PBUH. Therefore, you must perform it with sincerity, then supplicate to Allah SWT with what you want.
Why do muslims pray to the east? Prayer is performed in the direction of the Holy Kaaba by the command of Allah SWT. It is the Qibla (direction of prayer) of our father Ibrahim, PBUH. The Qibla does not always have to be in the direction of the east, as that varies depending on countries and their geographical locations.
how to learn the muslim prayer? You can learn prayer by going to the mosque and observing the prayer of Muslims, or by asking any Muslim sheikh to teach you.
How to Perform Maghrib Prayer
Maghrib prayer consists of three rakats. The imam recites aloud in the first two rakats and recites what is easy from the Quran, then sits after them, says the Tashahhud, and after that, he performs the third rakat and recites silently in it, then sits after it for the final Tashahhud.
The Muslim says in Sujood: “Subhana Rabbiyal A’la” (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) three times or more, and this is the answer to the one who said: what do you say in sujood?
The Sunnah Actions of Maghrib Prayer
Two rakats of Sunnah are prayed after Maghrib prayer, and there is no harm if you pray six or eight rakats. You will be rewarded for that, Allah willing. Some scholars have even considered the night prayer to be the supererogatory prayer between Maghrib and Isha, and some have called it the prayer of the oft-returning. Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, said:
“حفظتُ من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عشر ركعات: ركعتين قبل الظهر، وركعتين بعدها، وركعتين بعد المغرب في بيته، وركعتين بعد العشاء في بيته، وركعتين قبل الصبح”.
“I memorized from the Messenger of Allah, PBUH, ten rakats: two rakats before Dhuhr, and two rakats after it, two rakats after Maghrib in his house, two rakats after Isha in his house, and two rakats before Fajr.”
How many rakats are in Maghrib prayer?
The rakats of Maghrib prayer do not differ when residing or traveling. They are three rakats. The Quran is recited aloud in the first two rakats, and silently in the third.
Some may wonder: how many times a day do Islam pray? Allah SWT has obligated the Muslim to perform five prayers in the day and night.
What are the five prayers of islam? They are: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha.
how many rakats each prayer? Fajr is two rakats, Dhuhr, Asr, and Isha are four rakats, and Maghrib is three rakats.
What do you recite during Maghrib prayer?
It is valid to recite any surah from the Holy Quran in Maghrib prayer after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, and it is recommended to recite from the short Mufassal surahs, which are the surahs from Surah Ad-Duha to Surah An-Nas. It was narrated from Abu Hurairah who said:
«ما صليتُ وراء أحدٍ أشبهَ صلاةً برسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- من فلان». قال سليمان –أحد رواة الحديث-: «كان يُطيل الركعتين الأُولَيَيْن من الظهر، ويُخفف الأخريَيْن، ويُخفف العصر، ويقرأ في المغرب بقصار المفصَّل، ويقرأ في العشاء بوسط المفصَّل، ويقرأ في الصبح بطُوَل المفصَّل».
“I have not prayed behind anyone whose prayer was more like the prayer of the Messenger of Allah, PBUH, than so-and-so.” Sulaiman – one of the narrators of the hadith – said: “He would lengthen the first two rakats of Dhuhr, and shorten the other two, and shorten Asr, and recite the short Mufassal in Maghrib, and recite the middle Mufassal in Isha, and recite the long Mufassal in Fajr.”
Some may ask: Can I Recite Out Loud When I Pray Alone? That is Sunnah in the prayer that is recited aloud. It is only for those who pray alone. As for raising the voice in recitation in the presence of Prayers, the Prophet, PBUH, forbade that, so that the Muslim would not disturb his brother.
Read about: how long does a muslim prayer last?
How do you perform the Sunnah rakats after Maghrib?
Two rakats of Sunnah are prayed after Maghrib prayer, and there is no harm if you pray six or eight rakats, as you will be rewarded for that. Some scholars have even considered the night prayer to be the supererogatory prayer between Maghrib and Isha, and some have called it the prayer of the oft-returning. It is preferable to perform it at home.
What should I do if I miss Maghrib prayer?
Whoever misses Maghrib prayer due to sleep, forgetfulness, or other reasons, he must hasten to perform it as soon as he remembers it, as the Prophet, PBUH, said:
“من نسي صلاة، أو نام عنها فكفارتها أن يصليها إذا ذكرها. رواه مسلم عن أنس”
“Whoever forgets a prayer, or sleeps through it, then its expiation is to pray it when he remembers it. Narrated by Muslim from Anas.”
This is only if there is enough time before the establishment of Isha prayer. He must pray Maghrib first and then pray Isha with the congregation, because the opinion of many scholars is the obligation to arrange the prayers.
However, if the time for Isha prayer has come, he should pray Isha first with the congregation and then perform Maghrib prayer after that. This is a matter of disagreement among scholars.
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