Surah Al-Muzzammil is a Meccan surah with twenty Ayat. Scholars have differed regarding its order in terms of revelation to the Prophet, PBUH. Some say it was the third after Surah Al-Alaq and Al-Muddaththir, and some consider it the fourth after Al-Alaq, Al-Muddaththir, and Nun. As for its order in the Quran, it is the seventy-third, and it is one of the most important surahs of the Mufassal surahs that has many advantages, clarifies many great lessons and morals. In this article, Shaikh Saleh Academy will discuss the benefits of surah al muzzammil, its interpretation, and the reasons for its revelation.

What Is The Meaning Of Surah Muzzammil?

Surah Al-Muzzammil includes many great meanings and purposes. It alleviates the Prophet’s grief after what he heard from the disbelievers and their unjust denial of him. Allah called him, “O you who are wrapped in garments,” showing tenderness to the Prophet with the aim of bringing joy to his heart, calling him to be patient with harm, and strengthening the Prophet when conveying the message.

It also contains many great commands, such as establishing the night prayer, reading the Quran with contemplation, giving zakat and charity, and increasing in seeking forgiveness with adherence to Allah’s commands, and avoiding what He has forbidden. The surah speaks about the horrors of the Day of Judgment, the fate of the disbelievers, and contains many glad tidings for the believers with great reward and recompense for their deeds. This is one of the most important advantages of surah muzammil.


Why Was Surah Muzammil Revealed?

Tajweed Meaning in Islam

The reasons for the revelation of Surah Al-Muzzammil are many. One of the most important of these reasons is that a number of leaders of Quraysh gathered in Dar al-Nadwa and discussed the matter of the Messenger, PBUH. They were looking for a way to turn people away from him so that he would not be able to call them to Islam. Some of them said that they should call him a sorcerer, some a poet, and some a liar, and other such statements.

This matter reached the Prophet, and he felt great sadness, so he wrapped himself in his clothes and slept. Then the angel Gabriel, the angel of revelation, descended upon him, and the surah began with Allah’s saying:

«يَا أَيُّهَا الْمُزَّمِّلُ قُمِ اللَّيْلَ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا»

Yā ayyuha al-muzzammil qum al-layla illā qalīlā

“O you who are wrapped in garments [i.e., Prophet Muhammad], arise [to pray] the night, except for a little.”

Knowing that the revelation of the second part of the surah was delayed, the Prophet and the Companions continued to pray the night prayer for a long time, about a whole year, until their feet became swollen. Then Allah’s saying was revealed:

«إِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَعْلَمُ أَنَّكَ تَقُومُ أَدْنَىٰ مِنْ ثُلُثَيْ اللَّيْلِ»

Inna rabbaka ya’lamu annaka taqūmu adnā min thuluthay al-layl

“Indeed, your Lord knows that you stand [in prayer] a little less than two-thirds of the night.”

And some say that the reason for the revelation of Surah Al-Muzzammil is that when the Prophet was in the cave of Hira, and the revelation descended upon him for the first time, and the angel Gabriel commanded him to read, he said, “I am not one who reads.” The Prophet returned to his home to Lady Khadijah, fearful and trembling, and began to say, “Cover me, cover me,” then Surah Ya Ayyuha al-Muzzammil was revealed. We must pay attention to the contemplation of the surah in order to learn about the many surah muzammil benefits.

Some people wonder, “Do You Get Rewards For Reading Quran In English?” Indeed, when a Muslim reads the Quran in any language, he receives many rewards, including forgiveness of sins and gaining many good deeds. He also learns about the world and its reality and how to deal with people in his daily life, because the Quran is a complete constitution for the Muslim.


Benefits of Surah Muzammil

The surah muzammil benefits are many and great, as it opens many doors of sustenance for the believer. It also strengthens and enhances his relationship with Allah SWT, by urging him to do good deeds and increase in night prayers and supplications during the day, so that he becomes in constant connection with Allah, as his is one of the most important Benefits of Surah Al Muzzammil. It also teaches a person patience and makes him acquire psychological steadfastness and resilience in facing crises.

The surahs of the Quran also show that a person’s impact on the world lasts through the good deeds he leaves behind. This is the most important of surah kausar benefits, as Allah has rewarded the Prophet for his deeds with the best reward, and his name will last forever, unlike the disbeliever, whom He described as “cut off” “Abtar”.

It also teaches a person that Allah is the owner of everything. He is the Lord of the East and the West, which makes a Muslim call upon Allah with complete confidence and certainty, no matter how impossible his wishes may seem, Allah is able to fulfill them. It also talks about the Day of Judgment and what happens in it of torment for the disbelievers and the sinners, and talks about the believers who do a lot of good deeds, and that their reward will be doubled on the Day of Judgment, and Allah will reward them with Paradise, in which there is what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human heart has ever imagined.

Allah’s blessings upon man are many, and this is evident in every surah of the Quran. The most important of them is what is in surah quraish benefits, where Allah has fed them, provided for them, and reassured them after fear.

Also, one of the most important surahs of the Quran is quran surah tin, which shows that Allah is the Creator of man in the best form and that those who do good deeds will receive a great reward without measure, and that Allah will judge between His servants in what they differ.

Surah Muzammil Tafseer

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The surah says: O Prophet, who is wrapped in his garments, arise for prayer at night, except for a little time, and Allah SWT commands him to stand for half of the night or to reduce a little of it until it reaches a third of it, or to pray more than half the night until it reaches two-thirds of it, and to recite the Quran, that is, to read it in a melodious, slow, and unhurried manner. The best time to read the Quran is at night, as it appears in surah al qadr. The Messenger of Allah, PBUH, says:

“ينزل الله عز وجل إلى سماء الدنيا كل ليلة حين يمضي ثلث الليل الأول، فيقول أنا الملك أنا الملك من ذا الذي يدعوني فأستجيب له من ذا الذي يسألني فأعطيه من ذا الذي يستغفرني فأغفر له، فلا يزال كذلك حتى يضيء الفجر.”

“Our Lord, the Blessed and Exalted, descends every night to the lowest heaven when the first third of the night has passed, and says: ‘I am the Sovereign, I am the Sovereign, who is there to call on Me that I may respond to him? Who is there to ask Me that I may give to him? Who is there to seek My forgiveness that I may forgive him?’ And He continues thus until the light of dawn appears.”

Allah SWT told his Prophet PBUH that He would send down many heavy commands and rulings in the Quran, and that the best time for worship is at night, where a person is far from the distractions and concerns of the world, and thus his heart becomes more affected.

O Muhammad, you should carry out your affairs and interests and engage in the message during the day, and increase in supplication, remembering your Lord, and relying on Him, as He is the owner of all things, the creator of the universe and the disposer of its affairs. And Allah commands him to be patient with the harm of the polytheists and their turning away and leaving the truth.

Prophet prayed to leave these deniers of Allah’s signs and His many blessings, for Allah SWT will give them time and delay their punishment until the Book reaches its appointed term, and that they will have heavy shackles, a fierce fire in the Hereafter, a foul-smelling food and a severe and painful torment. Allah says:

«يَوْمَ تَرْجُفُ الْأَرْضُ وَالْجِبَالُ وَكَانَتِ الْجِبَالُ كَثِيبًا مَّهِيلًا»

Yawma tarjufu al-ardhu wal-jibālu wakānat al-jibālu katheeban maheelā

“On the Day when the earth and the mountains will convulse, and the mountains will become a heap of shifting sand.”

That is, the earth and the mountains will move violently and shake until the mountains become destroyed, like scattered sand, after they were strong, solid, and firm.

And that Allah has sent the Prophet to be a witness over the people of Mecca and to warn them, as He sent Moses to Pharaoh, but Pharaoh disobeyed the Prophet’s commands, disbelieved, and caused corruption on the earth, so Allah destroyed him. This is a threat to the disbelievers of Quraysh and a warning against disobeying the Messenger. He tells them how will you protect yourselves from the punishment of the Day of Judgment, which makes the young children turn gray, and the sky is rent asunder, and that this day is inevitable.

In these verses, there is a lesson and a sermon for the disbelievers to stop their excesses and for the believers to increase in the fear of Allah and His obedience. The last verse clarifies that the Prophet and the Companions used to increase in night prayers and that Allah knows that they will not be able to stand for the entire night, so He lightened the burden on them, and commanded them to read the Quran, because there will be those among them who are sick, those who seek lawful sustenance, and those who strive in the cause of Allah.

He commanded them to perform prayer, give zakat, and charity, and to be sincere to Allah, as Allah will reward them with the best reward for their good deeds. This is one of the greatest surah muzammil benefits.

Some people wonder, why was surah al-humazah revealed? It is said that it was revealed about one of the disbelievers who used to slander people and backbite them, especially the Prophet, PBUH, but all of this will be the cause of their torment.

Since contemplating the Quran is necessary in the life of a Muslim, he should start by contemplating the surahs that he reads frequently in prayer, and it is preferable to learn about the benefit of suratul fatiha because he reads it in every rak’ah.


How does Surah Al-Muzzammil address the challenges faced by the Prophet?

The surah helps the Prophet face the challenges by urging him to be patient and to pray at night, which makes him stronger in facing problems, and by reminding him of previous nations, what their end was, and mentioning the horrors of the Day of Judgment, which makes the Prophet more eager to invite people to Islam. It also clarifies the great reward that the believer gets with obedience and clarifies the great surah muzammil benefits.

Allah SWT also shows that good deeds will eventually bear fruit, as it appears in surat al nasr, when Islam spreads everywhere, and a large number of people enter the religion of Allah.

It is important for a Muslim to realize that all the difficulties and problems he faces are solved by Allah SWT, and that all solutions are found when reading the Quran with contemplation. If you do not master the Arabic language, you should get the Best quran tafseer in english. It is also necessary to set aside a specific time to recite the Quran every day with concentration.

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