Women usually go through many psychological disorders during menstruation, so Allah SWT has enacted special provisions for them that are appropriate to their psychological state during this period، therefore, knowing the provisions of purity is considered a duty for every Muslim woman, especially with regard to reading the Holy Quran, and this is usually repeated, so the question on the minds of many Muslim women: Can I Recite Surah During Period?

In this article, Sheikh Saleh Academy provides a detailed guide on this topic to answer Muslim women who ask this question: Can I Recite Surah During Period? especially since their feelings during this period range from the fear of falling into sin to the desire to preserve the daily recitation of the Quran.

Can I Recite Surah During Period?

Can I Recite Surah During Period?
Can I Recite Surah During Period?

O Muslim woman, if this question comes to your mind, Can I Recite Surah During Period? You must know that this issue is the subject of great disagreement among scholars, and there are two opinions:

First opinion

Most scholars believe that it is forbidden for a woman to read the Quran during her menstrual cycle, whether by heart or from the Mushaf, according to this hadith.

عن ابن عمر رضي الله تعالى عنهما عن النبي ﷺ أنه قال: لا تقرأ الحائض ولا الجنب شيئًا من القرآن

The hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both), according to which the Prophet (PBUH) said: “The menstruating woman and the one who is in a state of major ritual impurity ( janabah) should not recite anything of the Quran.”

This hadith is weak according to scholars.

Second opinion

It is permissible for a menstruating woman to read the Holy Quran by heart, but without touching the Mushaf, as this is the opinion of Imam Malik and was approved by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah.

Their evidence for this is that there is no explicit text in the Holy Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet that forbids reading the Holy Quran by heart for a menstruating woman.

But it should be known that touching the Mushaf is forbidden according to all jurists, as Allah SWT says:

(لَا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ”. (سورة الواقعة، الآية 79

“None touch it except the purified.” (Surat Al-Waqi’ah, verse 79)

Read more: Can you pray if you are spotting before your period?

How to Read Surah During Menstrual Times?

Due to the differing opinions on the issue of reading the Quran during the menstrual period, we advise Muslim women to avoid reading it in order to avoid doubts and get out of this disagreement, and this can be replaced by a group of other acts of worship that increase the reward, because the menstrual period is not considered a deprivation of closeness to God, but rather a deprivation of closeness to God.

It is a relief from some acts of worship only due to the troubled psychology of women during this period, and it is possible to recite Dua a lot because it is considered an act of worship, as the Messenger, PBUH, told him, and to frequently mention Allah SWT and glorify God.

It is also possible to replace reading the Holy Quran by reading books of interpretation and hadith, or listening only to reciters of the Holy Quran without reading it, or giving alms to the poor to increase closeness to Allah SWT.

Can I Recite Dua During Periods and Can I Recite Surah During Period?

Can I Recite Surah During Period?
Can I Recite Surah During Period?

After answering this question, Can I Recite Surah During Period? we move on to talking about the ruling on reciting supplications during this period, and this is permissible and is even one of the best acts of worship during this period because it increases the closeness to Allah SWT and the Muslim woman receives a great reward for it.

A Muslim woman can also recite Dua to Allah SWT to relieve her pain during this period and speed up her recovery, and this will of course give her a great reward that will compensate her for the prayers that she must abandon during this period.

Tips for Reciting Surah During Your Period

Can I Recite Surah During Period? If you believe in the opinion that it is permissible to read the Holy Quran during the menstrual period, there are some tips that must be followed according to the opinion of some scholars:

  • Reading the Quran by heart without touching the Quran, and this is the opinion approved by a large number of scholars.
  • It is also possible to read the Holy Quran for the purpose of learning or teaching, and this is legally permissible for most of those who prohibit reading the Holy Quran during the menstrual cycle.
  • Do a lot of supplication and seeking forgiveness during this period, in addition to reading the Holy Quran, but do not read it too much during this period.
  • From time to time, replace the Holy Quran with some other acts of worship that bring you closer to Allah SWT and give you a great reward, such as charity and supplication.
  • This period must be used to draw closer to Allah SWT through acts of worship that can be done during menstruation.

Read more: Can a Woman Recite Quran During Menstruation

Can You Read Quran on Your Phone While on Your Period (Hanafi)?

Can I Recite Surah During Period? With the modern technological development in the current era, many people are using mobile phones to read the Holy Quran by downloading some applications and programs that display the Quran on the phone screen, so women ask this question: Can I Recite Surah During Period?

The answer is that there is also a difference in this issue, as some of them forbade reading the Quran from the phone, such as the Mushaf, and some of them permitted it according to the opinion that the phone is not a Mushaf, so in this issue, the scholars indicated that touching the phone is permissible during the menstrual period because it is not considered a Mushaf.

But if a woman is of the opinion that it is forbidden to read the Quran from the Mushaf, it is recommended for her to stop reading it from the phone as well to get out of disagreement and increase piety, and this can be replaced by listening to some proficient reciters.

Shaikh Saleh Academy courses:

  1. Quran Reading Basics Course
  2. Quran Recitation with Tajweed Course
  3. Quran Memorization Courses
  4. Quran Ijazah Courses
  5. Islamic Studies Course
  6. Arabic Language Course

What Can We Recite During Periods?

Can I Recite Surah During Period? Many books of interpretation can be read, such as Tafsir al-Tabari or Tafsir Ibn Kathir, to understand the Holy Quran, and beginners can also rely on the Tafseer Moyassar, because it presents the meanings of the verses in a simplified and easy way.

They can also read books of noble prophetic hadiths, such as Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, and their explanations, such as Fath Al-Bari in the explanation of Sahih Al-Bukhari by Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, and you can also read books on the biography of the Prophet, such as the biography of Ibn Hisham, which narrates the life story of the Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, in an interesting way.

Which Surah to read during Ramadan?

Can I Recite Surah During Period?
Can I Recite Surah During Period?

After answering the question: Can I Recite Surah During Period? we remind you that there is no specific surah designated for reading in the month of Ramadan only, as all surahs of the Holy Quran can be read in the month of Ramadan, but there are some surahs that we recommend for reading in the month of Ramadan, such as Surah Al-Mulk, Surah Yasin, and Surah Al-Qadr in addition to Surat Al-Baqarah and Surat Al-Imran.

It is best to perform Tarawih prayers in the month of Ramadan and complete the Quran completely, but during the menstrual period, Muslim women are prohibited from fasting, praying, or reading the Quran, according to the opinion of many scholars.

Can You Read Surah Kahf on Your Period?

Can I Recite Surah During Period? Surah Al-Kahf is considered like other surahs of the Holy Quran, so the ruling on reading the Holy Quran in general is the same as the ruling on reading Surat Al-Kahf, and here it is up to you to choose the appropriate opinion, whether you are of the opinion that prohibits reading the Holy Quran during this period or the opinion that permits it.

Reading the Holy Quran during this period can be replaced by listening to Surat Al-Kahf, and this is what many scholars have indicated about the permissibility of listening to the Holy Quran during this period without reading or touching the Quran, and this is the answer to the question: can i recite surah during this period?

What is Allowed During Menstruation in Islam?

Can I Recite Surah During Period? Many Muslim women are asked about what it is permissible for her to do during her menstrual period, and some of them ask, Can I recite Surah during her period? so it must be noted that she is only prohibited from some acts of worship, such as fasting, prayer, and reading the Holy Quran, according to some scholars, but it is permissible for her to do the other things.