Many Muslim mothers are looking for Islamic activities for kids, whether to study or learn, to positively influence the minds of young children and raise them with values, but in recent times, correct Islamic education may be difficult for children due to the availability of many aggressive activities and games that negatively affect their minds.

This requires the availability of Islamic activities for kids and games to guide them regarding our beautiful religion, Islam, and teach them how to become good Muslims and useful to society.

Islamic activities for kids

To teach our children about Islam in a creative way and develop their minds, Sheikh Saleh Academy presents to you a list of fun Islamic activities for kids to teach them how to become good Muslims in society.

Quran Challenge Game

The Quran Challenge Game is one of the best Islamic activities for kids because it’s a game where children compete by asking questions about verses and chapters of the Quran. When a child answers a question correctly, they earn a point. In the end, the winner is determined based on the number of points.

Hadith challenge game

It is a wonderful game that aims to instill a spirit of competition and challenge among young children to memorize the hadiths of our Prophet Muhammad, PBUH, through some questions derived from the hadiths to earn points, such as the Quran game.

Reading stories of the prophets to children

Encouraging children to read interesting and enjoyable stories of the prophets, which contain pictures and models, to add a touch of fun and enjoyment while reading, and to nourish their lives with activity so that children learn a lot about the history of the prophets in Islam.

The drawing

Children can learn to draw the great mosques in Islam, such as the Prophet’s Mosque or the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Palestine, which develops children’s love for these mosques and increases their attachment to them.

Islamic nasheeds

Islamic nasheeds is a wonderful thing that makes you have fun with your children, teaches them many things, and facilitates memorization because it’s an innovative way away from the usual way of memorizing religious texts.

Wearing Islamic clothes

Encourage your children to wear clothes similar to the clothes of their favorite prophets and companions, which adds a kind of fun and happiness to the children and makes them embody the characters of Islamic history.

How to explain Islam to a child by Islamic Activities for Kids

There is no doubt that raising children on the beautiful principles of Islam from a young age is very important, but it requires some wisdom to teach a young child about Islam, you should follow the following guidelines:

  •  Answer children’s religious questions in a simplified manner that is appropriate to the child’s age and level of awareness and understanding, while being careful not to burden the child with religious matters that he cannot handle.
  • Talk to your child about Allah, SWT, and His mercy, and focus on encouraging the child to embrace Islam and not intimidating him to develop religious feelings and increase his love for Allah SWT.
  • You should also talk about the Messenger of Allah, PBUH, and his good morals through stories of the Prophet’s biography.
  • After that, you must teach your child the difference between what is permissible and what is forbidden and the correct belief.
  • Make sure to teach your child good manners and to show Islam in his actions and behavior, and make him love to pray a lot and seek help from Allah SWT.
  • Keep taking the child to the countryside and beautiful natural places so that he understands the power of Allah, SWT, and His creativity in creating this universe.

10 Fun Islamic Activities for Kids to Enjoy

Islamic activities for kids
Islamic activities for kids

There are many ideas for fun Islamic activities for kids to teach them more about Islam and keep them entertained at the same time. These activities are as follows:

Building the mosque

Have your child build a small mosque out of simple materials such as cardboard, and tell him a lot about the importance of the mosque in Islam and the acts of worship that Muslims must perform in the mosque.

Representing Islamic characters

Children enjoy representing Islamic characters, learn a lot about Islamic characters, and learn good morals and good qualities from them, so it’s one of the best Islamic activities for kids because


Your child can be encouraged to roleplay to enjoy their time, such as imagining themselves performing the Hajj in Mecca or praying in the mosque.

Quran learning games

You can rely on Quranic puzzles or some games that contain pictures and puzzles related to Quranic verses and stories, which encourages children to memorize easily and makes them love the Quran.

Islamic cooking lessons

Prepare a designated place for children to cook halal Islamic foods associated with holidays and religious occasions, such as kahk or biscuits.

Making Ramadan lanterns

Children always enjoy making Ramadan lanterns using simple tools such as cardboard and hand tools to express their joy on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan.

Islamic comic stories

Children greatly enjoy reading the stories of the prophets and the biography of the prophet illustrated in a fun way to learn the basic events in the life of each prophet.

Read moreBedtime Islamic Stories: Educational and Inspirational Tales for Children

Audiobook for children

Another option for Islamic activities for kids is the Islamic audio book to teach them the pillars of Islam and the Arabic language.

Coloring books and Islamic activities

Provide some coloring papers and tools for children to color some important landmarks in Islam, such as mosques, and reward the child for celebrating his creativity after he finishes coloring.

Islamic arts and crafts

Encouraging the child to learn about Arabic calligraphy and providing some of the necessary tools to create their calligraphy designs or write their names in Arabic.

Top 10 Ways to Keep Kids Interested Through Incorporating Islamic Activities for Kids

Islamic activities for kids
Islamic activities for kids

Some simple ways can be relied upon to keep the child interested in Islamic activities for kids:

  • Choose interesting and fun activities for the child.
  • Using visual means to draw attention.
  • Encouraging children to act out scenes from the stories of the prophets and companions.
  • Give children small rewards to encourage them after performing Islamic activities.
  • Maintain a variety of activities so that the child does not get bored.
  • Introducing modern technology such as educational applications that provide religious content.
  • Make the child participate in activities with his hands, such as drawing and coloring.
  • Always encourage the child, answer all his questions, and pay attention to him.
  • Encourage the child to try everything himself and not just listen.
  • Ensure that entertainment and education are combined at the same time.

How to Choose the Right Islamic Activities for Kids?

Choosing the best Islamic activities for kids depends on a large number of factors, most notably the child’s interests, hobbies, and age group. Care must always be taken to combine fun and enjoyment with learning to help the child focus and not feel bored.

How to Make Islamic Activities Fun for Kids?

Islamic activities for kids
Islamic activities for kids

The child should always be kept involved in all Islamic activities for kids and encouraged by some material rewards as per the child’s preferences، activities should also be diversified by using Islamic songs and making children play roles and act out scenes from Quranic stories to make the activities more enjoyable.

The Impact of Islamic Activities on Kids’ Development

Using Islamic activities for kids is an effective way to teach and increase their love for Islam, in addition to these benefits

  • Attract children’s attention, increase their concentration, and keep them always involved in the learning process.
  • Teaching children a lot of information about Islamic teachings with ease without them forgetting them.
  • Islamic games may sometimes include multiple ideas for solving problems, and this develops children’s ability to analyze.
  • These Islamic activities help raise the child on the good moral values of Islam and promote empathy and compassion.
  • Encouraging the child to communicate effectively and interact with his friends, especially when playing challenging competitions in the Qur’an or performing acting roles.
  • Strengthening children’s connection to religion, building a strong relationship with God, and making them always feel a sense of belonging to the Islamic religion.

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islamic advice for kids

Islamic classes for 3 year olds

basic islamic knowledge for toddlers

Where Can Kids Find Inspiring Islamic Activities?

Mosques are places that contain many fun educational lessons and activities for children and may contain workshops and religious entertainment activities, in addition to Islamic libraries that contain a large number of Islamic stories of the prophets and companions that explain Islam in a simplified and easy way for children.

Children can also use modern technology and websites to watch educational content for children and watch some interesting stories. However, parents should be careful to organize Islamic educational and entertainment activities for children at home.

What Are the Best Islamic Activities for Kids?

Children always need activities that combine entertainment and learning at the same time so that they do not feel bored, and the best Islamic activities for kids that combine excitement and learning are stories from the Holy Quran and stories of the prophets while using picture books or audiobooks adds an element of fun and happiness for children.

Side by side, we must make children accustomed to reciting supplications that bring them closer to Allah SWT, and they can be made to memorize these supplications in the form of Islamic songs until the child becomes familiar with them, and it is also necessary to encourage children to memorize short verses from the Holy Qur’an, such as Surah Al-Fatihah, using interesting methods.

Read more: Islamic Topics For Kids: 7 Engaging Activities To Apply

What to Teach 5-Year-Olds About Islam?

A five-year-old child must be provided with simple and direct information that is appropriate for his age group and ability to understand while ensuring that this information is presented innovatively.

The most important things that should be taught to five-year-old children are the monotheism of Allah SWT, teaching them some of the Most Beautiful Names, while teaching them to pray and read the Holy Quran.

What are the Islamic Activities for 2-Year-Olds?

For a two-year-old, he is too young to learn much about Islam because he is just beginning to articulate words, but some supplications can be repeated in front of him, such as “Alhamdulillah” and in the form of songs, because children at this age respond effectively to rhythms that make them memorize words easily.

What is a Fun Fact About Islam for Kids?

There is some exciting information that can be taught to children to increase their love and attachment to the Islamic religion, such as the virtue of visiting the Kaaba and performing Hajj, and that Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba seven times during Hajj and Umrah.

They can also be told interesting information about the holy month of Ramadan and Islamic holidays, whether Eid al-Fitr, which comes after Ramadan, or Eid al-Adha, which comes after the Hajj season and which Muslims celebrate with sacrifice.

When Is the Best Time to Incorporate Islamic Activities into Kids’ Playtime?

Incorporating Islamic activities for kids into their playtime is very important to increase their affiliation with the Islamic religion and raise them with good morals from a young age.

This can be done during playtime at home, leisure time, and during family gatherings, so that it becomes more interesting and engaging for them.

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